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Transcript StringTemplate

Terence Parr
University of San Francisco
[email protected]
What is StringTemplate
Example Java/XML Generation
ANTLR 3.0 template
What is StringTemplate?
Template engine designed with Tom Burns
(CEO, while building commercial
sites over many years in response to JSP
small: 170k uncompressed binary (w/o test rig)
Evolved from simple “document with holes” into
a functional language capable of generating
large class of languages
Well suited to generative programming as well
as dynamic page generation; being used in new
ANTLR parser generator for code generation
Distinguishing characteristic: strictly enforces
separation of model and view
Argument for StringTemplate
Car aerodynamics mostly trumps style today
Similarly, the nature of generating text should
dominate design decisions: use an output
Don’t have output grammars, we have programs
with print statements; template engines arose to
encourage separation of logic/display.
Enforcing strict separation also leads to similar
grammar-like mechanism
Conclusion: if you’re generating text, you should
be using something akin to StringTemplate
Canonical Operations
Attribute reference:
Template references (possibly recursive):
Apply template to multi-valued attribute:
<decls:decl()> or
<decls:{<it.type> <>;}>
<items:red(), blue(), green()>
Conditional include:
<if(superClass)>extends <superClass><endif>
<if(name)>Name: <name><else>Guest<endif>
Side-effect free expressions
No “state”
No defined order of execution
Lazy evaluation (crucial!)
Dynamically scoped; values inherited
Template inheritance: group to subgroup
Recursive template instantiation
Template Groups
Set of mutually-referential templates with
formal arguments
group javaTemplates;
method(type,name,args,body) ::= <<
public <type> <name>( <args:arg(); separator=“,”> ) {
assign(lhs,expr) ::= “<lhs> = <expr>;”
if(expr,stat) ::= “if (<expr>) <stat>”
call(name,args) ::= “<name>( <args; separator=“,”> );”
Example: Dump Java Class
Expected output:
class Dump {
public int i;
public java.lang.String name;
public int[] data;
public void main(class java.lang.String[] arg1);
public void foo(int arg1, float[] arg2);
public class java.lang.String bar();
Dump Java Class Templates
group Java;
class(name,fields,methods) ::= <<
class <name> {
<fields:field(); separator="\n">
<methods:method(); separator="\n"> >
field() ::= "public <type(t=it.type)> <>;"
method() ::= <<
public <it.returnType> <>
(<it.parameterTypes:{<type(t=it)> arg<i>}; separator=", ">);
type(t) ::= <<
Dump Java Class Code
public class Dump {
public int i;
public String name;
public int[] data;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
StringTemplateGroup group =
new StringTemplateGroup(new FileReader("Java.stg"),
Class c = Dump.class;
Field[] fields = c.getFields();
Method[] methods = c.getDeclaredMethods();
StringTemplate classST = group.getInstanceOf("class");
classST.setAttribute("name", c.getName());
classST.setAttribute("fields", fields);
classST.setAttribute("methods", methods);
public void foo(int x, float[] y) {;}
public String bar() {return "";}
Dump XML Instead
group XML;
class(name,fields,methods) ::= <<
field() ::= <<
Sample ANTLR 3.0 Template
parser(name, tokens, rules, DFAs) ::= <<
class <name> extends Parser {
{public static final int <>=<it.type>;}
public <name>(TokenStream input) {
<rules; separator="\n">
ANTLR 3.0 Error Templates
Internationalization: use a template group
for each locale; load appropriate templates
RULE_REDEFINITION(file,line,col,arg) ::=
"<loc()>rule <arg> redefinition”
UNDEFINED_RULE_REF(file,line,col,arg) ::=
"<loc()>reference to undefined rule: <arg>”
loc() ::= "<file>:<line>:<col>: "
inherits file, line, col attributes from enclosing template
Language Translation
MVC (parser + “unparser”)
model -- input stream and/or ASTs
view -- templates
controller -- parser
Controller extracts data from model, provides to
view without worrying about details of output
Maps abstract input concept to output concept
like assignment to assignment.
Abstract concepts represented by one or more
rules in parser grammar and one or more
templates in template file
Translation grammar+ST
variable returns [StringTemplate code=null]
{StringTemplate t=null,d=null;}
t=type d=declarator SEMI
if ( currentFunctionName==null ) {
code = template("globalVariable");
else {
code = template("variable");
code.setAttribute("type", t);
code.setAttribute("name", d);
declarator returns [StringTemplate code=null]
id:ID {code=text(id.getText());}
Translation Templates
variable(type,name)::="<type> <name>;”
globalVariable ::= variable
variable(type,name) ::= " ”
globalVariable ::= variable
variable(type,name) ::=
".var is <name> <type>"
globalVariable(type,name) ::=
".field <name> <type><\n>"
The nature of text generation and the enforcement
of model-view separation dominate tool designdecisions:
tools should resemble output grammars
StringTemplate is a simple template engine that
evolved while building dynamic sites. It is proving
exceptionally well suited to code generation tasks
including ANTLR 3.0
Open-source Java, BSD license (also a C# port;
python coming)