Transcript Slides

CSCI3170 Introduction to
Database Systems
Tutorial 3 – Project Specification
By Kester Lee
An overview of the course project
• Library Inquiry System
Command line interface (in JAVA)
Database Management System (Oracle)
• Platform
CSE Linux machine
• With JAVA JDK 7.0
Oracle Database
• For storing the data
Tutorials will be given on Linux, JAVA and Oracle
• The following accounts will be provided
(For non-CSE students)
• Access the Linux machines
• Connect to the CSE VPN
Oracle account
• Connect to the database
CSE Unix account
(For each student)
• Grouping
– Each group should have three members
– If you want to form a one-person group or a twoperson-group, please send an email to the tutor
– You will be randomly assigned to a group if you
are not in a group after the registration period
• Form a group
Phase 1 13/3/2015 • Draw an ER-diagram
• Translate into a relation schema
Phase 2
• Write a JAVA application
• Write a read me file
• Demonstrate your works
* The deadlines are subjected to change
Data Specification
• The data are in four categories
Library users
Checked-out records
• They are the format of the data files only
– Not meant to be the tables in the final schema
Data Specification
• User categories
– Category ID:
– Max Books:
A unique identifier for a category
The maximum number of books that can be
borrowed by the library user in the
corresponding category.
– Loan Period: The number of days that a user can borrow a
book in the corresponding category.
Data Specification
• Library users
– User ID:
A unique identifier of a user (like student id in
CUHK library system)
– Name:
The name of a user
– Address:
The address of a user
– Category ID: It indicates which category the library user
belongs to.
Data Specification
• Books
– Call number:
It is used for the library users to search
for the book.
– Number of copies: The number of identical copies of a
– Title:
The title of a book
– Author(s):
Author name(s) of the book
concatenated as a string with comma
character as the delimiter.
– Date of publication: The date that a book is published
Data Specification
• System
– All numerical values are less the 232
– The system is case sensitive
– All dates is expressed as DD/MM/YYYY and have the same
time zone as Hong Kong.
– Your program may assume that any value entered into any
input field is correct in format only.
– Your program may assume that any data file inputted into it
doesn’t have duplicated row and is correct in format and
Assumptions and Regulations
• Categories
– Each category has a unique category id and it can be used to
identify a category.
– Some library users may have the same maximum loan
period or number of book that can be borrowed.
• Library Users
– Each library user has a unique user id and it can be used to
identify a library user.
– Some library users may have the same name or the same
– A user can only belong to one user category
Assumptions and Regulations
• Books
– Each book has a unique call number and it can be used to
identify a book.
– Some books may have the same title.
– A book copy refers to a physically existing book in the library.
– Each book copy has a unique pair of call number & copy
number and they can be used jointly to identify a book copy.
– The book copy has a copy number begins with 1.
– Each book must have at least one author.
– An author can be uniquely identified by his/her name.
– An author may write more than one book.
Assumptions and Regulations
• Checked-out records
– Each check-out record has a unique set of {Call number,
Copy number, User ID and Check-out date} and this set of
attributes can be used to identify a check-out record.
– Some library users may never check out any book copies.
– Some book copies may have never been checked out.
– A user may borrow same book copy for more than 1 time.
– The return date of a book copy is NULL if the book copy is
not returned.
ER-diagram and relation schema
STEP 1: Read Sections 3 and 4 of the specification
STEP 2: Draw the ER-diagram accordingly
STEP 3: Transform into a relation schema
STEP 4: Remove any redundancy in the schema
• Four input files does not mean that there are
four entities in the ER-diagram
• You may need to add extra attributes or
transform the existing attributes
• The relation schema should clearly show the
key relationships
• The relation schema should not consist of
redundant information
Requirements for the JAVA application
STEP 1: Read Section 5 of the specification
STEP 2: Write the JAVA application
STEP 3: Test with the provided data set
STEP 4: Test with other data sets
System Functions
• You have to implement three set of functions
Functions for administrator
Functions for librarian
Functions for library director
• You need to implement all functions in a
command line program
System Functions
• Functions for administrator
– Create table schemas in the database
– Delete table schemas in the database
– Load data into the database
• Your system should read data files from a user defined directory
and insert data in those data files into the database
• Please make sure that it can read the sample data provided
– Show the information of the database
• List the existing tables and the numbers of records
System Functions
• Functions for librarian
– Search for books (only one method per query)
• By call number (exact matching)
• By title (partial matching)
• By author (partial matching)
– Output should include
Call number
Number of available copies
– The results of the query should be sorted in ascending
order of call number
System Functions
• Functions for librarian
– Show all check-out records of a library user
• By user ID (exact matching)
– Output should include
Call number
Copy number
Check out date
The book copy of the corresponding check-out record is returned
or not.
– The check-out records should be sorted in descending
order of check-out date
System Functions
• Functions for library director
– Show total number of book checked-out within a period:
• The library director enters the start date and end date
• The program will perform the query and return the total number
of book checked-out within the inputted period inclusively.
– Show the N books that are most often to be overdue:
• The library director enters a number N
• The program return the N books that are most often to be overdue in terms of call number, title and total number of over-due.
• The books should be sorted in descending order of number of
over-due as the table below.
• For the sake of simplicity, the check-out record with a null return
date is ignored