WHAP Periods 4 and 5 Review

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Transcript WHAP Periods 4 and 5 Review

 The interconnection of the Eastern and Western
Hemispheres made possible by transoceanic voyaging
marked a key transformation of this period.
Technological innovations helped make transoceanic
connections possible.
 In pairs, brainstorm two key transformations from this
period as well as two technological innovations.
 Changing patterns of long-distance trade included the
global circulation of some commodities and the
formation of new regional markets and financial
 In pairs, brainstorm two changes in long-distance trade,
3 new globally circulated commodities, and 1 each of
new regional markets and financial centers.
 Increased transregional and global trade networks
facilitated the spread of religion and other elements of
culture as well as the migration of large numbers of
 In pairs:
 identify two religions that spread and where they spread to.
 Identify 1 example of religious syncretism and describe it.
 Identify 1 migrant group, the reason behind the migration,
and their destination(s).
 Germs carried to the Americas ravaged the indigenous
peoples, while the global exchange of crops and
animals altered agriculture, diets, and population
around the planet.
 In pairs:
 Give 1 example of a disease that ravaged indigenous
 Give 1 example of a crop and animal that was brought to
another region.
 Explain how agriculture and diet changes affected the
population in one particular area.
 Although the world’s productive systems continued to
be heavily centered on agricultural production
throughout the period, major changes occurred in
agricultural labor, the systems and locations of
manufacturing, gender and social structures, and
environmental processes.
 In pairs, write a CCOT thesis based on this idea.
 A surge in agricultural productivity resulted from new
methods in crop and field rotation and the
introduction of new crops. Economic growth also
depended on new forms of manufacturing and new
commercial patterns, especially in long-distance trade.
 In pairs:
 Identify 1 new crop introduced to a specific region.
 Identify one new form of manufacturing and one new
commercial pattern that emerged.
 Political and economic centers within regions shifted,
and merchants’ social status tended to rise in various
states. Demographic growth- even in areas such as the
Americas, where disease had ravaged the populationwas restored by the eighteenth century and surged in
many regions, especially with the introduction of
American food crops throughout the Eastern
 In pairs:
 Explain the rise of merchants’s social status in 1 state
 Identify one American food that helped population increase
 The Columbian Exchange led to new ways of humans
interacting with their environments. New forms of
coerced and semi-coerced labor emerged in Europe,
Africa, and the Americas, and affected ethnic and
racial classifications and gender roles.
 In pairs:
 Explain the Columbian Exchange
 Identify 1 new form of coerced or semi-coerced labor
 Identify and explain one new racial classification
 Empires expanded and conquered new peoples around
the world, but they often had difficulties incorporating
culturally, ethnically, and religiously diverse subjects,
and administering widely dispersed territories.
 In pairs:
 Identify one empire and describe two problems they
encountered while attempting to control their vast empire.
 Agents of the European powers moved into existing
trade networks around the world. In Africa and the
greater Indian Ocean, nascent European empires
consisted mainly of interconnected trading posts and
 In pairs:
 Identify on major European trading post or enclave in Africa
and another one in the greater Indian Ocean. What were the
major products traded in each area?
 In the Americas, European empires moved more
quickly to settlement and territorial control,
responding to local demographic and commercial
conditions. Moreover, the creation of European
empires in the Americas quickly fostered a new
Atlantic trade system that included the trans-Atlantic
slave trade.
 In pairs:
 Explain why the Europeans were so easily able to settle the
 Explain why the trans-Atlantic slave trade was established
and around which crops’ production it was most centered
 Around the world, empires and states of varying sizes
pursued strategies of centralization, including more
efficient taxation systems that placed strains on
peasant producers, sometimes prompting local
 In pairs:
 Identify one empire who centralized their government.
 Explain how efficient taxation systems could place strains on
peasant producers.
 Identify one local rebellion that occurred as a result of these
 Rulers used public displays of art and architecture to
legitimize state power.
 In pairs:
 Identify one example of art and architecture used to
legitimize state power
 Africa states shared certain characteristics with larger
Eurasian empires. Changes in Africa and global
trading patterns strengthened some West and Central
African states- especially on the coast; this led to the
rise of new states and contributed to the decline of
states on both the coast and in the interior.
 In pairs:
 Describe two characteristics shared by African states and
Eurasian empires.
 Identify 1 West/Central Africa state that became more
powerful and 1 coasta/interior state that declined. Explain
 I can describe and explain how industrialization
fundamentally altered the production of goods around
the world.
 In pairs:
 Explain how industrialization changed the way goods were
produced and consumed.
 I can explain the Industrial Revolution’s far-reaching
effects on the global economy, social relations, and
 Explain 1 impact of industrialization on EACH: the
global economy (think about markets & trade), social
relations (think of classes and genders), and culture.
 The process of industrialization was a gradual one that
unfolded over the course of the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries, eventually becoming global.
 As a whole group, create a timeline showing the gradual
industrialization of the globe.
 Include examples of old ways of production that were
displaced by new methods of production.
 I can explain how the “Second Industrial Revolution”
led to new methods in the production of steel,
chemicals, electricity, and precision machinery.
 Discuss how at least two of the 2nd industrial revolution’s
products led to increased centralization of governments.
 I can describe and explain the ideas of Adam Smith
and Karl Marx.
 Describe and explain!
 I can identify and describe various reactions to
industrialization (both in Europe and outside of it.)
 Think of at least one NEGATIVE response and analyze
 Think of at least one POSITIVE response and analyze
 I can describe and explain how states that became
industrialized were able to use that power to establish
transoceanic empires.
 In pairs:
 Identify two industrialized states that expanded their
overseas colonies – tell WHERE they expanded.
 Describe settler and non-settler colonies.
 Explain the difference between a colony, protectorate, and a
sphere of influence.
 I can describe the history of Britain in India in detail.
 In pairs, describe how Britain became involved in India,
how they took control, how India resisted, and how the
British ran India when it became a full-fledged colony.
 I can describe and explain how imperialism influenced
the formation of some states and the weakening of
power in other states across the globe.
 Discuss the following:
 Meiji Japan
 U.S. & Russia imitating transoceanic empires
 Anti-imperial resistance – come up with THREE examples
 Zulus
 The decline of the Ottomans (cover Egypt, French Algeria,
 I can define and give the characteristics of Nationalism
 Do it!
 Talk about nationalism as it relates to: anti-Western
agitation, the uniting of Italy and Germany
 I can define new racial ideologies like Social
Darwinism & explain how they justified imperialism
 Do it!
 The eighteenth century marked the beginning of an
intense period of revolution and rebellion against
existing governments, and the establishment of new
nation-states around the world.
 In pairs:
 Identify two revolutions/rebellions and describe what types
of governments they were revolting/rebelling against.
 Identify two new nation-states formed during this time
 Enlightenment thought and the resistance of
colonized peoples to imperial centers shaped this
revolutionary activity. These rebellions sometimes
resulted in the formation of new states and stimulated
the development of new ideologies. These new ideas
in turn further stimulated the revolutionary and antiimperial tendencies of this period.
 In pairs:
 Identify and describe two new ideologies that emerged from
these rebellions.
 As a class:
 Flow chart of rebellions
 Migration patterns changed dramatically throughout
this period , and the numbers of migrants increased
significantly. These changes were closely connected to
the development of transoceanic empires and a global
capitalist economy.
 In pairs:
 Identify one new migratory pattern that emerged and explain
the reasoning behind it.
 As a class:
 Discuss how a global capitalist economy effects where people
choose to live.
 In some cases, people benefited economically from
migration, while other people were seen simply as
commodities to be transported. In both cases, migration
produced dramatically different societies for both sending
and receiving societies, and presented challenges to
governments in fostering national identities and regulating
the flow of people.
 In pairs:
 Explain how one group could benefit economically from migration
yet others were simply seen as commodities. Give examples for
 As a class:
 Discuss problems/changes that emerged as migration increased
during this period.