The French Revolution & Napoleon

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The French Revolution &
Napoleon 1789 - 1815
The Causes
In 1789 French Society was very unequal
There were 3 main classes of people. (Estate system)
1st Estate
2nd Estate
Priviledged Class
Clergy of the Catholic Church
Owned 10% of the land in France
Consisted of less than 1% of the population
Priviledged Class
Rich Nobles
Owned 20% of land in France
Consisted of 2% of the population
Both Estates rejected Enlightenment ideas. Why?
Causes cont.
The Third Estate
Consisted of 98% of population
 Had no power to influence the government
 *Embraced Enlightenment ideas
Causes Graphic Organizer
The Estates General
The Estates General – was a
meeting of representatives from
all three estates.
Each estate met separately with
each group having one vote
1st and 2nd Estate had 300
delegates each
3rd Estate had about 600
In 1789 Louis XVI called a
meeting of the Estates General
to discuss the poor French
Economy and Raise taxes.
Estates General of 1789
During the meeting the 3rd estate voiced their
concerns about the unfairness of the system and
proposed setting up a constitutional government.
June 17, 1789 the 3rd Estate voted to call itself the
National Assembly and draft a constitution
without the support of the king or the other two
By doing this they proclaimed an end to absolute
monarchy and the beginning of a representative
Commoners save the day
Tennis Court Oath – Members of the third estate
moved to a tennis court after they found that they
had been locked out of their building
They promised not to leave until a new
constitution was written
The Bastille
Storming the Bastille –
July 14 – The king
threatens to use force on
the third estate Until a
mob overwhelms the kings
forces at the Bastille – a
prison that stockpiled
Became a great symbolic act
of the revolution
July 14 = July 4 in the U.S.A
The Great Fear
The Great Fear – a wave
of panic that spread
throughout France
because of widespread
peasant rebellions
Commoners broke into
Nobles homes – pillaged
The King and Queen left
Declaration of Rights
Declaration of the Rights of
Reflected Enlightenment ideas
and the Declaration of
“Men are born free and equal
in rights
Political associations should
protect rights
“Liberty, Equality, and
Fraternity” became a slogan
of the Revolution.
France became a
constitutional monarchy.
Spreading Revolution
Because neighboring countries were scared that
revolution might spread to their countires,
Austria went to war with France
France was defeated
The rise of the Sans- Culottes – literally mean
“without Breeches”, but actually referred to
those without fine clothes.
This signaled a more radical and violent stage of
the revolution.
Execution of the King
After the King tried to escape France, he was
arrested and held prisoner
In Sept. of 1792, The National Assembly
became the National Convention – which did
not share authority with the King
On Jan. 21 1793 Louis XVI was beheaded on
the Guillotine
The Guillotine
Invented by Frenchmen
Killed Quick and
During the Fr. Rev tens
of thousands were
executed at the guillotine
Other methods of
Execution? Torture?
The Committee of Public Safety
The Committee of Public Safety – was a 12 member
body who was created by the National Convention to
protect the young republic
Maxmilian Robespierre - Controlled the government
by dominating the COPS
Reign of Terror – term used to describe Robespierre’s
reign because so many were executed (40,000)
Robespierre himself was sent to the Guillotine on July
28th, 1794
Directory takes over – an Executive body of 5men
Napoleon Bonaparte
Born in 1769 – Island of Corsica
Went to a French military school at
the age of 9
Joined the army during the
Became a national hero after he
defended the National Convention
from Royalist – support the king
In 1796 the Directory placed him
in charge of the French military
Nov. 9th 1799 Napoleon staged a
Coup de tat – overthrow of the
Assumed dictator status
Napoleon’s contributions
Napoleonic Code – A uniform set of
laws for France that eliminated a lot of
injustices under the monarchy
 Set up more fair tax system
 Set up national bank
 Created lycees
Selling of Louisiana to the U.S.A
 Sold the territory for 15 million
 Wanted to focus on Europe
 Stronger U.S.A. would rival
Britain’s power
Napoleon’ s Goal
He wanted to create a French
controlled European empire
and spread the revolution.
At the battle of Austerlitz,
Napoleon crushed the 1st
coalition of Britain, Russia,
Austria, Sweden
After Austerlitz Napoleon
controlled the largest
European Empire since the
Napoleon’s 3 mistakes
The Continental System –
purpose was to make continental
Europe more self sufficient and
hurt Britain’s economy.
Called for a Blockade –
forcible closing of ports
Problems -smugglers, allies
disregarded ordered, Britain
in turn ordered blockade of
Hurt Napoleon more b/c
Britain’s navy was stronger
Napoleon’s 3 mistakes
Peninsular War
1808 – 1813
Napoleon invaded Portugal b/c it was ignoring the
Cont. System
Spanish protested so, Napoleon removes Spanish
king and puts his brother on the throne.
Spanish guerillas attack the French Army for 5
Napoleon lost 300,000 men and it severely
weakened the French army
Napoleon’s three mistakes
Invasion of Russia
Russia retreated towards
Moscow and practiced the
Scorched Earth Policy –
burned grain fields and
livestock so that the French
couldn’t live off of Russian
Winter sets in and then
Russians attack
Disaster for Napoleon’s
Left Russian with 10,000
soldiers out of 400,000
Napoleon’s Fate
The third Coalition of
Britain, Austria, Russia and
Prussia defeated France.
Napoleon was exiled to Elba.
He Escapes…
Battle of Waterloo…. Duke
of Wellington..
Exiled to St. Helena
Died of a stomach ailment in
Revolutions: French vs. American
The American revolution was more about
political rights and self government
The French Revolution on the other hand, was
more about equality of the masses – more a
social revolution
Both significantly changed World History