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Transcript Unit4Imperial_Agex

Starter April 2
Today, we start UNIT 4: Imperialism.
1. Define imperialism (use the book!)
2. Why might a country decide to become
3. What events/new technologies we’ve
discussed may have influenced the
need/want for nation’s to become imperial?
The Imperial Age
• Imperialism is the belief
that a nation should expand
its borders and acquire
colonies or territories.
• Reasons for imperialism
were economic, political,
strategic, religious, and
humanitarian since the
– New nationalism and the
technologies of the Industrial
Revolution intensified the
competition to build larger
Technology and Empire-Building
• In the 1850s, ships allowed Europeans to
travel almost anywhere worldwide.
– Advances in medicine allowed them to travel to
areas that had been unhealthy.
– Navies were built with steamships that required
coaling stations around the world.
Humanitarian and Cultural Imperialism
• Different countries have always had different ideas
about what civilization means.
• Westerners felt that civilization was based around
Christian values.
– Christian missionaries traveled to continents such as Asia
and Africa to spread their faith.
• Most Western nations had constitutional governments
by the end of the 1800s.
– It was debated whether these rights should extend their
– Many justified their injustices by arguing they were helping
uplift the inferior people of their colonies/territories.
“We happen to the be
the best people in
the world, with the
highest ideals of
decency and justice
and liberty and
peace, and the more
of the world we
inhabit, the better it
is for humanity.”
Cecil Rhodes
Reading excerpt on
page 696
Acrostic Poetry
• Create an Acrostic Poem for Imperialism.
Acrostic poems use the letters of a word to create phrases or descriptive words about the overall
topic. For example, if I was doing an acrostic on INDUSTRY:
• In the 1700s-1914, the Industrial Revolution changed working methods from
manual to mechanical.
• Nationalism grew in many areas due to industrial conflicts with other nations.
• Downfalls of industry included poor working and living conditions for the
working class.
• Use of steam power began the Industrial Revolution.
• Steam power was eventually replaced by oil and electricity.
• Theories such as Social Darwinism were created to explain why business owners
were so rich while workers were so poor.
• Revolutions in industry sparked revolutions in various places around the world
as liberalism and nationalism grew.
• Young children even worked in factories during the Industrial Revolution!
• According to our notes, the Imperial Age
ended in 1914. Do you believe that
imperialism has ended? Why or why not?
Provide specific details.
April 3
Answer in complete
1. In 3 sentences,
describe what
you actually see
in the political
2. In 1 sentence,
explain the
message of the
political cartoon.
Early European Settlement in Africa
• Most interaction between Europeans and Africans had
occurred along the coasts before 1870.
– West African coasts held European slave-trading posts.
– The Portuguese were involved in many East African countries.
– The French were present in North Africa—partially in attempts to
end the Muslim raids.
• In the late 1800s, Europeans went to the interior of South
– The Boers (original Dutch settlers in Africa) settled in the areas
beginning in 1652.
– New European immigrants to Africa strengthened the Boer
• Afrikaans: language developed from a blending of African, French,
German, English, and Dutch
• Christians surrounded by pagans—they felt obligated to rule Africa
• The English sought to abolish slavery in the 1830s—the Boers
moved further inward (Great Trek) setting up independent
African Empire-Builders
• Drought and famine led to competition for resources
in the late 1700s and early 1800s in Southern Africa.
– Zulu: a clan led by Shaka; wished to expand their rule by
force (reading excerpt on page 696)
– Muslims: In West Africa, there was an Islamic revival; in
the early 1800s there was a holy war (_______) against
– Egypt gained their independence from France (under
Napoleon) and tried to expand the Egyptian empire
• Egypt’s new military threw them into debt.
– European powers established a system to pay off loans upsetting
– British troops invaded in the 1880s to protect control of the Suez
The Scramble
for Africa
• Britain’s occupation of Egypt
triggered responses from
other European powers
creating a scramble for
African colonies.
• The Berlin Conference (18841885) attempted to resolve
conflicts between European
powers by establishing rules
for carving Africa.
– Liberia and Ethiopia remained
free between 1885-1900—the
rest was divided between
European powers.
Review Assessment
• P 693 #1-2
• P 694 #1-2
• P 698 #1-2
African Resistance
• Write a letter protesting imperialism in Africa
as if you were an African in the late 1800s.
• Your letter must be a minimum of 2
paragraphs and free of grammatical errors.
• Use details explaining what has occurred that
you do not like about imperialism in your
country to provide historical knowledge.
Starter April 4
Identify symbols
present in the
In ONE sentence,
provide the overall
message of the
Reading Comprehension Jigsaw
• Students will work within small teams to read
and provide notes to the entire class on a
section of reading from the text.
– Great Britain
– France
– Thailand
– The United States
– Indirect vs Direct Rule
– Colonial Economics
British India
• The British began to trade in Asia in the 1600s.
– Bases were built along the coast
– The British East India Company formed alliances
with Indian rulers and created an Indian army
(Indian soldiers=sepoys).
• The raj (power of the East India Co.) spread
over India and took over the government.
– Overtime, the British government took control of
the East India Co. and therefore, India as well.
British Rule in India
• An Indian Civil Service was developed in the 1800s to
fill lower positions in government.
– Arguments occurred over how to teach these Indian civil
• They were taught in English
• Settlers from Britain to India
– In the 1800s, women and children moved to India
– Memsahbibs (European women) changed the relationships
between men and women
• Fear of affairs created racism
• The British government began to change laws to
“benefit” India
Indian Mutiny
• Indian rulers who lost power led rebellions.
– These rulers used the fears of Indians to gain
support. (Fear that the British would end the caste
system and convert all of India to Christianity.)
• Rumors spread claiming new shell casings
were coated with beef and pork fat triggered a
revolt from the peasant soldiers.
– The British executed anyone suspected of being
involved in the mutiny.
The British Raj
• The Indian Mutiny convinced British officials
to abandon policies forcing Western ideas on
the Indians.
– The East India Co. was disbanded.
– The ICS continued to operate.
– Focus of the British became protecting India from
Exit Slip
• Explain the meaning of the phrase, “The sun
never sets on the British Empire.”
April 7
1. Identify
within the
2. In one
provide the
message of
the cartoon.
Foreign Influence in China
• In the late 1700s and early 1800s, Europeans
began to show increasing interest in Chinese
goods (particularly tea).
• The Chinese feared that interaction with
“foreign devils” could damage Chinese culture.
– Trade was greatly limited with other countries.
• Chinese merchants sold to Europeans.
• Chinese consumers did not buy much from European
• **Mercantilism: policy of exporting more than you
import; Europeans believed power depended on wealth
(gold and silver)
Opium War
• British and American merchants discovered
that the Chinese would buy opium.
– By the 1830s, the sale of opium reversed the
imbalance of trade.
• Chinese leaders began active suppression of
– Chinese silver was being drained
– Health issues
– 1839: Was between Britain and China
• Britain wished to gain equal trade agreements
• Britain won and China was forced to accept new
trade agreements.
– China ceded Hong Kong to Britain.
“Unequal Treaties”
• Chinese resistance to western influence after
the Opium War ended.
– The British navy threatened the Chinese coastline.
• Britain, France, the US, and Russia were granted
extraterritoriality due to treaties.
• Continued resistance led to force from the
British and French in 1860 to end the tribute
The Boxer Rebellion
• 1900, the Boxers rose to rebel in attempts to
push all foreign influence out of China
• Over 8 weeks, the Boxers attacked
missionaries and journalists.
• Germany led an international force (including
Chinese Christians) to take down the rebels
**Open Door Policy: US Senator John Hay
created a system of equal trade for all
countries with China
Japan and Western Influence
• The US pushed for open trade with Japan.
– The Japanese had isolated themselves since the
– Until 1825, Japanese officials were required to
turn around all foreign ships.
– 1851, US president Fillmore sent Commodore
Mathew Perry to negotiate relations with Japan.
– 1854, Japan signed a treaty with the US.
• In the following years, European powers forced Japan
into similar treaties.
Japanese Imperialism
• Japan remained independent and tried to expand
their imperial power.
– Japan was victorious over China in the Sino-Japanese
War (1894-1895) gaining Taiwan and giving Korea
their independence from China.
• Korea soon became a target of Russian
– Japan formed an alliance with Great Britain.
– The Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) made Japan a
world power when they defeated the Russians.
April 8
1. Identify the
symbols within
the political
cartoon and what
each symbol
2. In one complete
sentence, explain
the message of
the cartoon.
Key Imperialism Presidents
• Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) purchased the
Louisiana Territory from France in 1803 doubling
the size of the US.
• James K. Polk (1845-1849) is known as the
Manifest Destiny President”) for expanding the
US to the Pacific Coast and into areas in Mexico
previously owned by the Spanish.
• William McKinley (1897-1901) was the SpanishAmerican War president gaining territories in the
Pacific and Caribbean.
• Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) expanded US
influence into Latin America through his “Big
Stick” Diplomacy and the Roosevelt Corollary.
(made the US the “police force” of the Western
• William Howard Taft (1909-1913) pumped money
into Latin American and Caribbean countries to
keep peace. (dollar diplomacy)
• Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) wanted to create
a more democratic world along with moral
progress (moral/missionary diplomacy).
Reasons for US Imperialism
• Manifest Destiny (belief that the US would extend
their borders to the west coast at the Pacific) was
met in the 1850s. The expansionist spirit didn’t
• Naval power (Influence of Sea Power)
• Racial Superiority (“White Man’s Burden”)
• Social Darwinism
• Raw Materials
• Markets for US goods
Alaska: 1867
• Many Americans called Alaska “Seward’s
Folly” or “Seward’s Icebox” when the
Secretary of State William Seward negotiated
the purchase from Russia.
• Alaska did not become a state until 1958.
• Stopping point between the
US and Asia
• Sugar plantations became an
interest for American
– Overthrew Queen Liliuokalani
and took over the
• 1898: The United States
annexed Hawaii
• Hawaii did not become a
state until 1959
Spanish-American War
1898 “Splendid Little War”
• Reasons for involvement:
– Yellow journalism (exaggeration/lies)
– Cuban condition
– USS Maine*
– De Lome letter (suggested that the US was weak by
calling President McKinley Weak)
Splendid Little War Overview
• The US fought against the Spanish in the
countries they possessed.
• The US navy was not prepared.
• Theodore Roosevelt became a national hero
for leading the Rough Riders up San Juan
(Kettle) Hill.
• War lasted only 100 days.
– Ended Dec. 10, 1898 with the Treaty of Paris
Effects of the Spanish-American War
The Treaty of Paris (1898)
• Cuba was to become independent.
– The US set up amendments to the treaty permanently
involving the US.
– Guantanamo Bay was established.
• US would take over Puerto Rico and Guam as
• US took over Spain’s role as the ruler of the
– Gained independence in 1949.
• US promised to pay Spain $20 million.
Other Imperial Actions
• Open Door Policy with China
• Building of the Panama Canal
• Theodore Roosevelt expanded the power of
the US into Latin America through his “Big
Stick Diplomacy”
“White Man’s Burden”
Read the Kipling poem “White Man’s Burden.”
Exit Slip
Then, write a one paragraph response to the
poem identifying Kipling as a pro- or antiimperialist. Use information from the poem
to prove your point.
Starter April 9
1. Is the artist who
created this
cartoon pro- or
2. How do you know?
(use the symbols as
3. In one complete
sentence, provide
the overall message
of the cartoon.
Sources Analysis
White Man’s Burden
Black Man’s Burden
Poor Man’s Burden
Home Burdens of Uncle Sam
• These 4 poems (available on the class website) discuss the burdens of
• For each poem, you will:
– Analyze the SOAPS
– Write a summation of the poem (Who does the author say is burdened?
What proof do they provide?)
– Reflection: How do you feel about the poem? Agree/disagree? Why or why
– Draw a simple political cartoon that follows the opinions in the poem! See
things from the perspective of the author!
April 10
Page 689
Answer #1-2
April 11
1. This cartoon is a
representation of a
source we have
studied. Which
source does this
cartoon represent?
How do you know?
2. According to the
cartoon, who is
burdened through
imperial practice?
Explain using
symbols as proof
of your answer.