Transcript gift horse

 School: 219
 Subject: English
 Class: 7
 Teacher: Abbasova
 1.What
kind of animals do
you know?
 2.Can wild animals live at
 3.How can people protect
animal world?
These animals included in the
Red Book of Azerbaijan.
An insect body is made
of three main parts:a head,
a thorax and an abdomen.
The insect class can be
divided into 2 groups:
Insects which contain wings
and insects without any wings. Honey bee,
butterfly, ants are insects.
The fishes spend their life
in the water.They breathe with
gills.We can divide fishes into
several categories.In the first
category there fishes which
live in the fresh water.The second category
contains extinct fishes.The third category
is a huge one.
Amphibians are over 300 million
years old.The amphibian skeleton
is mostly made of bones.They use
lungs for their breathing. Agile frog,
rain frog,California newt
are amphibians.
Reptiles body is protected by a dry
skin. Their body temperature depends
on their environment.Reptiles lay eggs
into the water.Snakes,
tortoises, lizards are
The birds’ body is
covered with feathers.All
birds lay eggs.Some birds
can’t fly because their
wings are not developed
enough. And they live
mostly in water.
Mammals are over 200
million years old.They give
birth to live young.Their
body is covered with a fur.
Seals, whales,dolphins are
also mammals and they
live in water.
Have you ever paid attention to flies in winter?
Yes. They don’t sit in corners or sleep all winter as
some animals do.
Yes, you are right. Most of them die in cold
Flies can see very well.
Do you know why they see well?
Oh, yes. I’ve read about it. The eye of a fly
consists of a lot of small windows. Each of them is
an eye. There are about 4 thousand of them in
each big eye.
Oh, that’s unbelievable! Thank you for such
interesting information.
Say what it is about:
a) wild animals
b) insects
c) reptiles
1.They are animals
with a very long
neck and legs.They
have dark brown
spots on their coat.
2.They are graceful
animals with soft fur
and horns.They live
about 21 years.
3.They live in Africa
and in India.They are
very big.They don’t
eat meat.They only
eat fruit and leaves.
4.They are members
of the cat family.They
have yellow-orange
fur with black
spots.They live on
African plains.
5.They are the
smallest seals in the
world.They have a
thick coat which
protects them from
the cold.
6.They are large,longlegged,long necked
birds with pink
feathers.Their necks
look like a Latin S.
Animal Proverb
 1.Never
 2.One
look a gift horse in the mouth.
swallow doesn’t make a
Fish begins to stink at the head.
 4.There is a black sheep in every flock.
 5.Don’t count your chickens before
 3.
they hatch.
What do you know about
this place?
Gobustan is a miracle place.
Animal pictures on the rocks
Group’s task
Fill in the pictures:
1.My ... can speak.
2. ... and ... are domestic animals.
Choose the antonym to the word
a) horrible
b) safe
c) nervous
Choose the noun in the plural
a) mice
b) progress c) news
Birds Fill in the pictures:
1. ... has a pouch to carry its baby.
2. ... has soft fur and it loves carrot.
Choose the noun in the plural
a) party
b) geese
c) success
Choose the synonym to the
word “offer”
a) get
b) forget
c) suggest