bio 342 human physiology

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Transcript bio 342 human physiology

12 October 2011
Chapter 7: Sensory Physiology
Lab this week:
Part 1: Visual System A (lecture/demo)
Part 2: Sensory physiology experiments:
A) Accuracy of localizing a stimulus applied to the skin
B) Two point discrimination
Lab next week:
Part 1: Visual System B (lecture/demo)
Part 2: Sensory physiology experiment: Cutaneous receptor distribution
Part 3: Auditory System (lecture/demo)
Special Quiz on Cranial Nerves: Name, number & function on Monday
Visual System will be a separate section on Test # 2.
1QQ # 16 for 8:30 class
1. Which of the following are correct statements:
a) Most sympathetic postganglionic axons release NE.
b) Most parasympathetic postganglionic axons release ACh.
c) the urinary bladder will relax if exposed to ACh.
d) axons of parasympathetic neurons are found in thoracic and
lumbar spinal nerves.
e) NE and EPI can cause contraction of arterioles.
2. Which of the following are correct statements:
a) Most sympathetic preganglionic axons release NE.
b) Most parasympathetic postganglionic axons release ACh.
c) intestinal motility and secretion will increase as
parasympathetic activity increases.
d) The vagus nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to the
rectum and urinary bladder.
e) Smooth muscles of arterioles have adrenergic and mucarinic
1QQ # 16 for 8:30 class
1. Which of the following are correct statements:
a) Most sympathetic postganglionic axons release NE.
b) Most parasympathetic postganglionic axons release ACh.
c) the urinary bladder will relax if exposed to ACh.
d) axons of parasympathetic neurons are found in thoracic and
lumbar spinal nerves.
e) NE and EPI can cause contraction of arterioles.
2. Which of the following are correct statements:
a) Most sympathetic preganglionic axons release NE.
b) Most parasympathetic postganglionic axons release ACh.
c) intestinal motility and secretion will increase as
parasympathetic activity increases.
d) The vagus nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to the
rectum and urinary bladder.
e) Smooth muscles of arterioles have adrenergic and mucarinic
1QQ # 16 for 9:30 class
1. Which of the following are correct statements:
a) Sympathetic preganglionic axons use NE as their
b) Most parasympathetic postganglionic axons release ACh.
c) the urinary bladder will contract if exposed to NE.
d) Some cranial nerves have preganglionic sympathetic axons.
e) Smooth muscles and glands typically have adrenergic and
muscarinic receptors.
2. Which of the following are correct statements:
a) Most sympathetic preganglionic axons release NE.
b) Most parasympathetic postganglionic axons release ACh.
c) intestinal motility and secretion will increase as
parasympathetic activity increases.
d) The vagus nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to the
rectum and urinary bladder.
e) Smooth muscles of arterioles have adrenergic and mucarinic
1QQ # 16 for 9:30 class
1. Which of the following are correct statements:
a) Sympathetic preganglionic axons use NE as their
b) Most parasympathetic postganglionic axons release ACh.
c) the urinary bladder will contract if exposed to NE.
d) Some cranial nerves have preganglionic sympathetic axons.
e) Smooth muscles and glands typically have adrenergic and
muscarinic receptors.
2. Which of the following are correct statements:
a) Most sympathetic preganglionic axons release NE.
b) Most parasympathetic postganglionic axons release ACh.
c) intestinal motility and secretion will increase as
parasympathetic activity increases.
d) The vagus nerve provides parasympathetic innervation to the
rectum and urinary bladder.
e) Smooth muscles of arterioles have adrenergic and mucarinic
Sensing the world
• Sensory coding: sensory systems code for
modality, intensity, location, and duration
of external stimuli.
• Transduction: the conversion of a physical
stimulus into a change in membrane
potential (electrochemical signal)
– Signals are transmitted in the form of
graded potentials, action potentials,
and synaptic interaction
• Receptors: cells or regions of cells that
respond to specific stimuli and perform
– The process of sensory coding starts
– Specificity: receptors are often
sensitive to specific stimuli; varies with
receptor type
Changes of membrane potential
depend on ion channels
Reminder: leak channels are not gated.
Receptors for
5 different types of receptor proteins
(but not all in the same cell)
Receptor proteins
Receptor cell
1st order sensory neuron
Receptors for audition (hearing)
(movement and orientation to gravity)
Hair cells =
specialized receptor cell with
K+ channels.
Receptor cell
1st order sensory neuron
Scanning electron micrograph of hair cells
from the bullfrog inner ear, which contain the
mechanically-gated ion channel TRPA1.
(Image courtesy of Howard Hughes Medical
Mechanically gated K+ channels in
stereocilia of hair cells
Receptor cells with
receptor proteins.
Somatosensory and the sensation of touch
Skin is largest sense organ:
up to 2 million receptors
Sensory system must code for
where (location),
how hard (intensity),
how long (duration), and
modality (sense of touch, temperature, vibration, wet/dry, damage (pain; noxious)).
Somatosensory: sensation of touch,
vibration, pain, and temperature
“Adequate” stimulus: the
stimulus type to which a
receptor responds best
(lowest threshold.)
Encapsulated nerve endings
Sustained stimulus
Fluctuating stimulus
This diagram is
Different types
of receptors
are NOT
part of the
same sensory
S 10
Labeled Lines:
Different sensory
modalities are
transmitted separately
along distinct
S 11
Figure 7.15
Stimulus Localization
& Modality
& Intensity
Three neurons to
the cortex!
Labeled Line
S 12
Right side
Anterolateral (spinothalamic) tract
1st order synapses onto 2nd order in spinal cord, 2nd
order axon decussates in spinal cord, travels to
thalamus in contralateral anterolateral tract, synpases
onto 3rd order neuron in thalamus, which sends its axon
to SSC.
Right side
Right side
Dorsal column-medial lemniscal tract
1st order axons ascend in ipsilateral dorsal columns to
synapses onto 2nd order in dorsal column nuclei of
brainstem, 2nd order axon decussates in brainstem,
travel to thalamus to synpases onto 3rd order neuron,
which sends it axons to SSC.
Right side
S 13
Somatotopy in the Somoatosensory Cortext (post-central gyrus.)
Regions more densely innervated by sensory receptors occupy more cortical tissue.
S 14
Referred pain
S 16
Referred Pain
Fig 7-18 p. 200
of text
S 17
Receptive field = the area of the
body that, when stimulated,
leads to activity in a neuron.
= 1st order sensory neuron
Could be encapsulated
S 18
Right side
Right side
Receptive field = the area of the body
that, when stimulated, leads to activity
in a neuron.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd order sensory neurons
each have receptive fields.
Right side
Dorsal column-medial lemniscal tract
1st order axons ascend in ipsilateral dorsal
columns to synapses onto 2nd order in dorsal
column nuclei of brainstem, 2nd order axon
decussates in brainstem, travel to thalamus to
synpases onto 3rd order neuron, which sends it
axons to SSC.
Right side
S 19
Receptor potentials
e.g. somatosensory
e.g. gustatory
• Graded potentials are the result of transduction within a receptor.
Transduction produces a receptor potential
• Amplitude is usually in proportion to the stimulus intensity
• Specialty receptor cells with no axon (visual, gustatory, auditory, and
vestibular systems). The graded receptor potentials will directly change
amount of NT secretion onto 1st order sensory neuron.
• Receptors with axons (somatosensory and olfactory systems) have a
trigger zone and receptor potentials generate action potentials
S 20
Receptors and transduction
Could be
Activation of mechanically gated channels
S 21
Sensations to touch
Mechanoreceptors contain receptor proteins that respond to stretching,
distortion, or pressure on the peripheral plasma membrane