Germany - Tysean`s Portfolio
Transcript Germany - Tysean`s Portfolio
Tysean Clark
Militarization of the Rhineland - March 1936
Demilitarized by effects of
the Treaty of Versailles.
Germany only had political
control of the Rhineland.
Hitler ordered his troops to
re-enter the Rhineland which
violated the terms of the
Treaty of Versailles.
More than 32,000 Nazi
soldiers and policemen
crossed into the Rhineland.
Nazi Germany broke a rule in
Versailles and Britain didn’t
enforce any of the terms from
Versailles in Germany.
Czechoslovakia - 1938
‘’ I have no further interest in the
Czecho-slovakian state, that is
guaranteed. We want no Czechs’’
- Adolf Hitler
Northern and western border of
Czechoslovakia was annexed by
Nazi Germany
First non – German country
annexed by Germany
Hitler did this under the Munich
agreement which allowed Nazi
Germany to annex the borders of
Germany demanded the German
population to the Third Reich
This was the start of Hitler's idea to
make Germany one empire so that
no German would feel like an
Invasion of Austria – September 1938
The Heim ins Reich aimed to
convince all the ethnically
German people who lived
outside the Third Reich to come
and live in Germany as one.
The Austrian Nazi Party
planned a successful overthrow
of the Austrian government and
Austrian power was transferred
over to Germany
Austria was annexed into Nazi
Germany’s Third Reich
The Anschluss Movement, was
the annexation of Austria by
Nazi Germany
European powers did nothing
about this
Invasion of Poland – September 1939
Germany, Soviet Union, and a small
Slovak contingent all invaded Poland.
Invasion happened on September 1st,
Germany invaded Poland after the
Gleiwitz incident
The Gleiwitz incident was a staged
attack by Nazi forces who posed as
poles on August 31st, 1939 against
German radio station, Sender Gleiwitz.
France did not launch a full scale attack
to aid Poland from Germany’s invasion
resulting in the defeat of Poland and
Germany taking over.
After the invasion 3 million Polish Jews
were killed and around 3 million Non –
Polish Jews were killed.
Battle of France – May 1940
‘’You only have to kick in the door
and the whole rotten structure will
com crashing down’’ - Adolf Hitler
Invasion on France that began May 10th,
German forces were successful in
defeating French forces.
Germans used two different operations
to push through Ardennes to stop and
surround Frances allies that had entered
The operations were called Fall Gelb
and Fall Rot.
France and Germany signed an
armistice, which gave Germany control
of the North and West of France.
Germany was also allowed to keep
about 2 million French soldiers. This
made Frances allies look weak because
they didn’t help France. This made Hitler
feel like he had lots and lots of power.
Battle of Britain – July 1940
‘’ The work of a thousand
years is nothing but rubble’’ Dr. Goerdeler 1943
Air campaign between the German
air force and United Kingdom
Germany wanted to take air
superiority over the Royal Air
This was the first major air
campaign, the battle lasted form
July 1940 – September 1940
Germany failed to take air
superiority due to Britain's large
number of air support.
The failure from Germany was a
major turning point during World
War 2.
Invasion of Russia – June 1941
On June 22nd 3 million German
soldiers invaded Russia with 3,000
tanks, 2,500 aircrafts, 7,000 artillery,
and 19 panzer divisions
Germany and Russia signed a pact in
1939 which gave each country a
specific reign of influence with
interfering with one another.
Hitler used the German Blitzkrieg
technique to attack Russia.
The Nazi’s wanted to annihilate the
Soviet Union of Russia.
150,000 Soviet soldiers were killed
one week into the German Invasion.
In October, 1941 3 million soviet
soldiers were captured and prisoners
of war
Stalin designed a plan to get away to
safety but decided to stay which
became a major turning point in World
War 2 because now many more lives
were endanger.
German Summary
The actions of the Germans provoked the world to go
to war because Germany felt she was more powerful
than other countries. Germany was able to show her
dominance with the invasions of Russia, Austria,
Poland and by defeating France. The motives of
Germany were to put other in fear and spread the
German Empire. They violated the Treaty of
Versailles and other treaties, pacts, and armistice’s
they signed with other countries. The European
powers did nothing to stop Germany. This resulted in
deaths of millions of Jews and non – Germans. Also
millions of soldiers were captured due to Germany's
conquers. Germany was defeated by Britain in the
Battle of Britain for air superiority in an all air combat
war. The Loss to Britain was a major turning point.
Works Cited
Trueman, Chris. Rhineland 1936. Ed. Chris Trueman.
historylearningsite , n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.
Czechoslovakia . Wikipedia , 2 May 2013. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.
German occupation of Czechoslovakia . Wikipedia , 2 May 2013.
Web. 29 Apr. 2013.
Munich Agreement . Wikipedia , 27 Apr. 2013. Web. 29 Apr. 2013.
Trueman, Chris. the Czech Crisis of 1938. Ed. Chris Trueman.
historylearningsite , n.d. Web. 6 Apr. 2013.
World War 2 Famous Qoutes -, 2006.
Web. 6 Apr. 2013. <>.
Czechoslovakia . ushmm, 11 May 2012. Web. 11 Apr. 2013.
Works Cited
Anschluss. Wikipedia , 4 May 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.
Heim ins Reich . Wikipedia , 5 May 2013. Web. 5 Apr. 2013.
Trueman, Chris. Austria and 1938. Ed. Chris Trueman.
historylearningsite , n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.
Cojoc, Tr. Hitler Invades Austria. Ed. Tr Cojoc. superhometheater,
May 2008. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.
Gleiwitz incident . Wikipedia , 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.
Invasion of Poland. Wikipedia , 3 May 2013. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.
Germans invade Poland. , n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2013.
History of Jews in Poland. Wikipedia , 6 May 2013. Web. 1 May 2013.
History of Jews in Poland. Wikipedia , 6 May 2013. Web. 1 May 2013.
Works Cited
Battle of France . Wikipedia , 21 Apr. 2013. Web. 1 May 2013.
Sheffield, Gary. BBC - History - World Wars : The Fall of France. Ed. Gary
Sheffield., 30 Mar. 2011. Web. 2 May 2013.
WW2 Qoutes . secondworldwarhistory, n.d. Web. 2 May 2013.
<>. anglfire, n.d. Web. 6 May
2013. <>.
Royal Air Force. Wikipedia , 5 May 2013. Web. 2 May 2013.
BBC - History - The Battle of Britain ., n.d. Web. 2 May
2013. <>.
Germany launches Operation Barbarbossa - the invasion of russia. , n.d. Web. 2 May 2013. <>.
Rees, Laurence. BBC - History - World Wars : Hitler's Invasion of Russia in
World War Two. Ed. Laurence Rees., 30 Mar. 2011. Web. 2
May 2013.
Tysean Clark
Rape of Nanking – December 1937
In 1931 Japan occupied the Chinese
province of Manchuria turning it into a
Japanese puppet state. This was the
first step in Japan’s drive to take over
In July 1937 Japanese and Chinese
troops fought in an incident on the
Marco Polo Bridge in Peking
Japan moved the fight with China to
the south when it attacked Shanghai
Japan attacked China’s capital,
Nanking on December 13th forcing
China to surrender.
After China surrendered all the horror
began. There were random acts of
murder, rapes, theft, etc. Even the
deaths of unborn babies occured
More than 20,000 women were raped.
Around 50,000 people became
addicted to opium and heroin. 300,000
people were killed out of the 600,000
people who lived in China
Pearl Harbor – December 1941
"Pearl Harbor caused our Nation to
wholeheartedly commit to winning World War
II, changing the course of our Nation's history
and the world's future." - Joe Baca
On December 7th, 1941 the Japan
attacked the United States’ Pearl
Harbor without warning.
The attack lasted from 7:53 a.m. to
9:55 a.m.
Around 3,500 U.S. people were killed
in the attack. 350 planes and 8
battleships were destroyed
1,178 people were injured included,
were 1,104 men aboard the Battleship
USS Arizona.
The Japanese only lost 27 planes and
5 midget submarines that tried to
penetrate the inner section of the
harbor and launch torpedoes.
The sinking of the Battleship USS
Arizona ended all the stories of it being
invincible. This indicated that the U.S
needed to improve their military
equipment and vehicles.
Bataan Death March – April 1942
"I dream about it sometimes,"
"like you're being captured.“ –
James Downey Jr.
On April 9th, 1942 American and
Filipino forces surrendered to the
The Japanese then took 76,000
prisoners (12,000 of the prisoners
were American and the rest were
Filipino) on a 60 mile death march.
Around 5,200 Americans were killed
due to lack of food, blazing heat,
and Japanese butchery and
Many of the prisoners were either
shot, beheaded, or bayoneted by
Japanese soldiers
With the success of this death
march, Japan was filled with the
feeling of victory.
This was an example of how Japan
showed that it was powerful, the
most powerful country in Asia.
Iwo Jima – Feb 1945
U.S marines landed on Iwo Jima on
February 19th, 1945.
On that same day the marines took over
2,400 casualties and had split Iwo Jima
into two parts.
On the second day of the marines
landing they attacked Mount. Suribachi
After 3 days of fighting off the Japanese
fanatical defense they took over Mount.
Suribachi on February 23rd, 1945.
The Marines used More than 450
battleships, B-24 heavy bombers, and
air assault. 70,000 U.S marines took
part in the battle.
The war on Iwo Jima lasted for 36 days.
This resulted in 26,000 American
casualties including 6,800 deaths. Only
1,083 of the 20,000 Japanese soldiers
This victory showed that the U.S had
gotten stronger after the Pearl Harbor
attack and raised question if Japan
really was the superior power in Asia
Okinawa – April 1945
The battle of Okinawa lasted from April –
June 1945.
The capture of Okinawa was part of a 3
part plan that the U.S. had for winning the
war against Japan in the Far East.
There were over 130,000 Japanese
soldiers on the island of Okinawa
Including 450,000 civilians.
The American navy experienced
Kamikaze attacks anchored of Okinawa.
193 Kamikaze planes were used by
Japan against the American fleet, and
169 were destroyed.
America had 183,000 troops, 327 ships,
and 750,000 tons of supplies during the
invasion of Okinawa.
The battle of Okinawa lasted from April –
June 1945. General Ushijima, committed
suicide once he realized he had let his
country down and lost the war.
The Americans victory resulted in the
control of Okinawa. But it also brought
upon the bombing of Hiroshima which
killed many civilians.
‘’Fire them all. Every goddamn
one’’ – Engineer Kuharek
Japanese Summary
The actions of Japan provoked the world to go to war
because Japan wanted to show that it was the power
it had. They murdered 100,000s of thousands of
people to prove this. Japans motives were to show
that it was the superior power in Asia. They did many
horrific things to do so. This included the rape of
woman, and killing unborn children. Japan also killed
100,000s American and Filipino soldiers. After years
of fighting, America was victorious. This was bad for
Japan. It resulted in the bombing of Hiroshima. The
Americans needed these victories in Okinawa and
Hiroshima in order to send planes into Japan.
The actions of the Axis Powers provoked the world to go to war
because they were on a rampage. They went around killing
people with the intention to spread their empires. They were
only successful in some of their battles. Germany lost to Britain
and Russia, while Japan lost to America. The allies couldn’t
allow Japan and Germany to try and gain domination over their
continents. If they didn’t do anything about this, Japan and
Germany would have global domination. Both countries would
be colossal in power.
To stop this from happening again, dictatorship needs to be
expelled. Most countries should turn into a democracy.
Democracy gives everyone a chance to state their opinions. It
also doesn’t give one person all the power. Dictatorship is bad
because one person has all the power which results in bad
things happening. Hitler was the dictator of Germany and killed
millions of people with no mercy. Japan was a militarized
country and it was lead by a Emperor Shōwa whom also killed
millions of people trying to gain superiority in Asia.
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