Transcript CHAPTER 19

1. What was Great Britain’s policy of
appeasement toward Germany
based on?
A.The belief that the satisfaction of
reasonable demands would
maintain peace in Europe
2.What was the Anti-Comintern
A.The treaty between Germany and
Japan promising a common front
against communism
3.What area in northwestern
Czechoslovakia did Hitler demand
and receive?
4.What did Neville Chamberlain
boast the Munich Conference
A.“peace for our time”
5.Britain and France declared war on
Germany two days after Hitler
invaded what country?
6.What was the “Mukden incident”
which Japan used as an excuse to
seize Manchuria?
A.An attack on a Japanese railway by
Japanese soldiers disguised as
7.What pact gave Hitler the freedom
to attack Poland?
A.The Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression
8.Where did the heroic efforts by the
British Royal Navy and civilians in
private boats manage to evacuate
338,000 Allied troops?
9.What was the blitzkrieg?
A.“lightning war” that utilized tanks
supported by airplanes
10.What was the policy that initially
kept the United States from
becoming involved in the war
against Germany?
11.What happened on December 7,
A.The Japanese launched a surprise
attack on the U.S. Pacific fleet at
Pearl Harbor
12.What three countries made up the
Allied powers?
A.Great Britain, the Soviet Union,
and the United States
13.Why was the Battle of Stalingrad
a crushing defeat for Germany?
A.Because the entire German 6th
Army, considered the best of the
German troops, was lost
14.What battle was the turning point
of the war in the Pacific?
A.The Battle of Midway Island
15.What is called history’s greatest
naval invasion?
16.The slaughter of European
civilians, particularly European
Jews, by the Nazi’s became known
as what?
A.The Holocaust
17.What was the Final Solution?
A.The Nazi plan for the
extermination of the Jews
18.Who administered the Nazi’s
Final Solution?
A.Reinhard Heydrich
19.What were the special strike
forces that were charged with the
task of rounding up and killing the
Jews called?
20.When the special strike forces in
question 19 proved to be too slow
for the Nazi’s, what did they do?
A.They built extermination camps in
21.What did Japan do in order to
address labor shortages during the
A.They brought in Korean and
Chinese laborers
22.Who was Hitler’s minister of
armaments and munitions who was
able to triple the production of
armaments despite Allied air raids?
A.Albert Speer
23.Who were kamikaze pilots?
A.Japanese pilots who flew suicide
missions against U.S. warships
24.What was the period of political
tension called that followed World
War II?
A.The Cold War
25.At the Tehran Conference, what
did Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill
agree to do?
A.To a partition of postwar Germany
26.At the Yalta Conference, what did
the Allies agree to establish after
the war?
A.A United Nations organization
27.What was the name of the meeting
of the Big Three called where they
discussed the final attack on
A.The Tehran Conference
28.At the Potsdam Conference, what
did Truman demand throughout
Eastern Europe?
A.Freely elected governments