Transcript 25 sec 2
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As we have learned already, America
was in no position to be a major
contributor in the war right away. With
the Pacific Fleet in ruins and a very
green army, Germany and Japan would
more or less dominate the war from
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German's push to the Soviet Union.
Hitler’s quest for living space for the Reich
Many Ukrainians greeted Hitler's army with
open arms. (They hated Stalin that much)
Ukraine was the breadbasket of the Soviet
Union rich in ore, coal, and food
Also home of over a million Jews, most of
which will be killed by the Einsatzgruppen
(Killing Squads)
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At first the German's moved very quickly
attacking in three groups from the west.
They would capture more than a million
soldiers and come within 6 miles of Moscow.
That would be the furthest Hitler would ever
extend his Lebensraum
Stalin didn't help things by having a nervous
breakdown during the campaign.
Even after Stalingrad was attacked he was
still reluctant to believe that Hitler, his friend,
betrayed him.
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In the towns of Leningrad and Stalingrad over a
million Soviets would die in defense of their cities.
Foolishly ordered by Hitler, the towns served very
little purpose for Germany, considering how close
they were to Moscow
Leningrad would hold out for nearly 3 years loosing
as many as 4,000/day. in Stalingrad, the Soviets
defeated the Germans by attacking he city
By the start of 1943, Hitler was beginning to get
forced out of Russia in what was his most costly
blunder of the war.
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II. North Africa
German's And Italians controlled much of
the region and threatened the Suez Canal
(UK) and Mideast oil supplies
In order for the Allies to invade Europe the
Med. Must be controlled by the Allies
Germany's Erwin Rommel and his Africa
Corps. were outnumbered and
outmaneuvered by the Brits at El- Alamein.
forcing his retreat
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Operation TORCH: November 8, 1942
Allied beach landings along the North African
coast. 107,000 troops at 3 landing spots (Algiers,
Oran, Morocco)
Penned in a fleeing Erwin Rommel who was
beaten near Egypt by the Brits.
Rommel was ordered to France to help prepare
defenses against an allied invasion in early 1943.
The Africa Corps. surrendered in May, 1943 after
Rommel was summoned to France