w. hist. unit 8b wwii vocab.

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Transcript w. hist. unit 8b wwii vocab.

THE PLAYERS (Taking Sides in WWII)
• Axis Powers
The nations of
Germany, Italy, and Japan, which had
formed an alliance in 1936.
• Allied Powers
France, Britain,
USSR, United States, and China as well
as 45 other countries that opposed
the Axis powers in World War II.
• France
Part of the Allied Powers.
• Germany Part of the Axis Powers.
• Dawes Plan
A plan to revive the German
economy, the United States loans Germany money which then can
pay reparations to England and France, who can then pay back their
loans from the U.S.
• Anti-Comintern Pact
In 1936 Japan signed this with
Germany and it was later ratified by Italy. It was in opposition to
Communism but actually proved to be the foundation for
diplomatic alliance between these three powers. Each now had
allies and pushed their demands for individual success. In 1938
Mussolini was willing to accept the German absorption of Austria
which he had resisted in 1934.
• Munich Conference
1938 conference at which
European leaders attempted to appease Hitler by turning over the
Sudetenland to him in exchange for promise that Germany would
not expand Germany's territory any further.
• Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
Agreement between Hitler
and Stalin that said they would both invade Poland and not attack
one another.
The Munich Conference – a policy of appeasement
• Aryan
In Nazism, people of northern
European descent who were said to possess
racially superior traits and capacities for
government, social organization, and
• Tojo
Japanese military leader (Army)
• Yamamoto
Japanese military leader (Navy)
• Emperor Hirohito
considered a god &
an absolute ruler of Japan. Believed in Jap
racial superiority & wanted a world takeover.
Nazis portrayed a standard of racial perfection to their
people that even their own leader couldn’t meet
• Midway Island
The last American
base in the north Pacific west of Hawaii
which was attacked by the Japanese. Huge
turning point in the war due to crushing
blow dealt to the Japanese Navy after trying
to ambush awaiting US Navy.
• D-Day
June 6, 1944 - Led by
Eisenhower, over a million troops (the largest
invasion force in history) stormed the
beaches at Normandy and began the process
of re-taking France. The turning point of
World War II.
“Saving Private Ryan” showed perhaps the most
accurate portrayal of what the D-Day beach was like
• Manchukuo
Military takeover of
Manchuria by the Japanese. Was not
supported by the civilian government, which
fell apart in response.
• Soviet Union
A Communist
nation, consisting of Russia and 14 other
states, that existed from 1922 to 1991.
• Vichy France
A portion of France
that was not occupied with Germany but
followed Germany's every command.
• London
A city in England
(bombed heavily by German V2 rockets)
The Russians fought like crazy to drive
the Nazis (& Napoleon earlier) out
• Blitz
German for lightning (quick
• Kamikaze
Literally, "divine wind". A
Japanese aircraft loaded with explosives and
making a deliberate suicidal crash on an
enemy target.
• Appeasement
Satisfying the demands of
dissatisfied powers in an effort to maintain
peace and stability.
• Isolationism
A policy of
nonparticipation in international economic
and political relations.
Japanese kamikaze pilots were as hated &
feared as any suicide terrorist today
• Luftwaffe
German, literally "air weapon".
The German air force.
• blitzkrieg
German, literally
"lightning war.”
• Hiroshima
On August 6, 1945, this city was
almost completely destroyed by the first
atomic bomb dropped on a populated area
• Kamikaze
Literally, "divine wind". A
Japanese aircraft loaded with explosives and
making a deliberate suicidal crash on an
enemy target.
Fire-bombing Dresden, Germany & dropping an atomic
bomb on Japan were 2 major decisions to help end WWII
• Mukden Incident A "Chinese" attack on a
Japanese railway near the city of Mukden (had
actually been carried out by Japanese soldiers
disguised as Chinese); used by Japan as an
excuse to seize Manchuria.
• Dresden
German city ferociously
firebombed by the Allies from Feb. 13-5, 1945.
• Romans
Bombed in WWII from 1943-4
• Hiroshima
On August 6, 1945, this city was
almost completely destroyed by the first
atomic bomb dropped on a populated area
Dresden, Germany—Allied forces dropping fire bombs on the
outskirts of the city caused the fire to implode; destroying it entirely
• Joseph Stalin
Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head
of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging
all opposition (1879-1953).
• Benito Mussolini
Fascist dictator of Italy (1922-1943). He led
Italy to conquer Ethiopia (1935), joined Germany in the Axis pact
(1936), and allied Italy with Germany in World War II. He was
overthrown in 1943 when the Allies invaded Italy. Was a hero of
Adolf Hitler.
• Adolf Hitler
Dictator and Fascist leader of the Nazi Party.
He believed that strong leadership was required to save Germanic
society, which was at risk due to Jewish, socialist, democratic, and
liberal forces..
• Winston Churchill, and Soviet Leader Stalin during WWII
plan for post-war.
• Franklin Delano Roosevelt 32nd President of the United States.
Elected four times, instituted New Deal to counter the great
depression, and led country during World War II (1882-1945).
• Neville Chamberlain
British statesman who as Prime
Minister pursued a policy of appeasement toward fascist Germany
This pre-WWII cartoon shows England’s Chamberlain having
been devoured by Nazis after he tried to satisfy Hitler by giving
him want he wanted—it obviously didn’t work
• Einsatzgruppen
German, literally "task
force". Nazi strike forces that killed innocent Jews
with their infamous "death squads".
• Holocaust
The Nazi program of
exterminating Jews under Hitler.
• Final Solution
The Nazi program of
exterminating Jews under Hitler.
• Heinrich Himmler
German Nazi who was chief
of the SS and the Gestapo and who oversaw the
genocide of 6 million Jews (1900-45).
• Gypsy A member of a traveling people with
dark skin and hair who speak Romany and
traditionally live by seasonal work, itinerant
trade, and fortune-telling. Many were Jewish too.
Most Germans found out the Holocaust
was going on in their very own country
• Yalta
Conference 1945 Meeting with
US president Franklin Delano Roosevelt, British Prime
• Potsdam Conference
The final wartime meeting of the
leaders of the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union
was held at Potsdam, outside Berlin, in July, 1945. Truman,
Churchill, and Stalin discussed the future of Europe but
their failure to reach meaningful agreements soon led to
the onset of the Cold War.
• United Nations
An international organization of
countries set up in 1945, in succession to the League of
Nations, to promote international peace, security, and
• New Order
A description of the international
system resulting from the collapse of the Soviet Union in
which the balance of nuclear terror theoretically no longer
determined the destinies of states.
The “Big 3” Allied (good guys) winners
from left to right; Churchill, FDR, Stalin