Transcript Anne Frank

Annelies Marie Frank
• Annelies “Anne” Frank was born on June 12th,
1929, in Frankfurt, Germany.
• She was raised during the Holocaust.
• Anne is famous because she wrote a diary
while hiding from the Nazi’s.
Dear Kitty...
• For Anne’s 13th birthday, her parents gave her a red
checkered diary.
• On the day she got the diary, she named it “Kitty”.
• Every entry Anne made, it would start “Dear Kitty…”
• Almost every day, Anne wrote in her diary.
• She wrote about what was going on while hiding from the
The Frank Family
• Anne was in a family of 4.
• She had a Dad named Otto,
Mom named Edith, and a Sister
named Margot.
Otto Frank
• Otto was born on May 12, 1889 in
Frankfurt, Germany.
• He had 3 siblings.
• Otto was a lieutenant in the German
Army during World War 1.
• He was a businessman in Germany
and in the Netherlands.
• Miep Gies describes Otto Frank as:"The calm one, the
children’s teacher, the most logical, the one who balanced
everything out. He was the leader, the one in charge. When
a decision had to be made, all eyes turned to Mr. Frank.”
Margot Frank
• Born on February 16th, 1926 in Frankfurt,
• Margot was three years older than Anne.
• In Anne’s diary, she describes Margot: ‘Eats
like a little mouse, doesn’t say a word.’
Edith Frank
• Edith Frank was born on January 16, 1900.
• She had 3 siblings.
• Otto Frank said that: “I was concerned that there was not a
particularly good understanding between my wife and
Anne, and I believe my wife suffered more from this than
Anne. In reality, she was an excellent mother, who went to
any lengths for her children. She often complained that
Anne was against everything she did but it was consolation
for her to know that Anne trusted me."
Life in Germany
• In 1933, Hitler was in control of Germany.
• So, the Frank’s took off to Amsterdam where
they hoped to break free from the Nazis.
Anne’s Education
• Anne went to school until she was put into
• Anne started going to school when she was 5.
• It was at a Montessori School in Amsterdam.
• At that school, there were many religions such
as: Christian and Jewish.
• In October of 1940, Anne was forced to go to a
Jewish school, by law.
• Most of her friends didn’t go to her new
Nice, pretty, shy, and loyal
Lover of Friends and family
Who excelled at school
Who felt the need to help others
Who feared Hitler finding out where they were hiding
Who would like to see her parents again
Believed that someday Jews won’t be treated differently
Moving Day
• On July 5th, 1942 Margot Frank received a
letter to report to a Nazi work camp.
• The next day, the Frank family left the house
to hide from the Nazi’s.
• They didn’t bring suitcases, so Anne was
wearing 2 vests, three pairs of pants, and a
• On top of that she was wearing a jacket, two
pairs of socks, sneakers, a hat and scarf.
• The hiding place would be located in the building where Anne’s Dad’s
office was.
• They named it: “ The Secret Annexe”
• Their friends in the office below kept their secret, brought food and gifts,
and provided the news of the events in the city.
Mr. Koophuis
Mr. Kraler
Miep Gies
Elli Vossen
This is a diagram Anne made of the place they were
hiding, found in her diary.
Hiding Buddies
• They’re was more than enough space in the house
for just the Franks.
• So, they decided to share the space with a 16 year old named Peter and
his parents: Auguste and Hermann. Auguste and Hermann were business
associates of Otto.
• Once everybody settled in, they thought that letting 7 people in there is
just as dangerous as 8, so they let Albert Dussel in.
• Albert was an old dentist, whose wife
moved to another country
when the war started.
• They lived in “The Secret Annexe” for 2 whole years.
• On August 4th, 1944, a German police officer, and four Nazis
barged into “The Secret Annexe”, and arrested everybody!
• The Franks, the Van Daans, Albert Dussel, Mr. Kraler, and
Mr. Koophuis, got shipped off to Camp Westerbork; a
Concentration Camp in Netherlands.
• Then they got transferred to a death camp in Poland, on
September 3rd, 1944.
• While everybody stayed, Anne and Margot were again
transferred to a concentration camp in Germany.
• On January 6th, 1945, Anne’s mom died at the camp in
Jeannine Burk
• Jeannine Burk was born on
September 15, 1939 in Brussels, Belgium.
• Since the German’s attacked Poland that month, her dad decided to put
her into hiding.
• So, she went to a woman’s house to hide, while
her parents stayed home.
• For 2 years Jeannie didn’t see her parents,
had no friends, had no toys,
and almost never got to go outside.
• She never met the woman
who owned the house, and didn’t even
know her name.
• Jeannine showed perseverance while hiding for
two years, which was risky, boring, and dangerous.
Jeannine +
Anne =
• Anne Frank and Jeannie Burk are alike in many ways.
• They both had a rough childhood.
• Anne and Jeannine both spent 2 years hiding, and had no friends, not
many toys, and felt alone.
• They are alike when Anne was at a concentration camp, she had no
parents with her, and Jeannie had no parents with her while hiding.
• They both showed perseverance because I don’t think I could survive
without my parents, especially while doing something as scary as what
they were doing.
• Anne and Margot caught typhus, and they both passed
away in March of 1945.
• Anne was 15 years old at the time, and lived a short life.
• Otto Frank was the only person to survive the Holocaust.
• We remember Anne to this day for her bravery, and her
love of writing.
• At the end of the war, Otto returned home, and was
searching for news about his family.
• On July 18th, 1945 Otto met up with his sisters, who were
with Anne and Margot when they died.
• When he returned home he realized, Meip, and Elli saved
Anne’s diary.
• He read it, and was amazed of everything Anne wrote.