File - Ms. Neals` Classroom
Transcript File - Ms. Neals` Classroom
The Italian Campaign
0 German and Russian Troops
0 German troops faced disaster in
0 They were unable to handle the
freezing Russian weather.
0 The German army surrendered in
0 The Russian forces now turned their
attention towards Germany. After
failing in Russia, Hitler sent his forces
to Italy.
0 The American’s recovered quickly
after Pearl Harbor.
0 The American aircraft carriers
defeated the Japanese navy island by
island moving closer to Japan.
0 In 1942, British and American troops
drove back the Italian and German
forces in North Africa.
0 The British and American troops then
moved to Italy where the German
troops had moved.
The Liberation of Italy
0 The Italian campaign was long and
0 The German’s put up a wall of
defenses from Rome to Ortona.
0 The American, British and Canadian
forces followed the German’s
through Italy.
0 They had to trek through the
rugged mountains and were often
attacked by German snipers hidden
in the mountains.
0 It was a city-by-city takeover.
0 More than 30, 000 soldiers were
wounded or killed.
The Invasion of Sicily
The Invasion of Sicily
0 Canadian soldiers had not seen any action since the
disastrous raid on Dieppe.
0 In July 1943, Canadian’s were sent to Italy to aid in the
invasion of Sicily.
0 This battle was fought in the hot Italian summer and lasted
38 days.
0 Mussolini’s dream of a new Roman Empire was shattered
and his own people rebelled and through him out of power
in 1943.
0 Hitler swiftly moved German troops into Italy; he would not
let Italy’s surrender hold him back.
The Battle of Ortona
The Battle of Ortona
0 It was a house-by-house takeover.
0 Canadian’s became experts at street
0 They developed the mouse-holing
The Battle of Ortona
0 1,375 Canadian soldiers
lost their lives.
0 On June 4, 1944, the Allied
armies entered Rome to the
cheers of the Italian people.
0 These soldiers, in February
1945 were transferred to
join the Canadian army
fighting to free Holland
from German control.
D-Day: The Beginning of
the End
Mind’s On – You Make the
0 On the map you have make a plan to
attack “Fortress Europe” from England.
0 Follow the Resources list and the
questions below to help make your
The Plan
0 This happened on
June 6, 1944
0 The goal was to
penetrate “Fortress
Europe” and push
the Germans back
0 The official name
was Operation
The Attack
0 This was a combined
Allied effort – US,
British and Canadian
0 This used air, sea and
land forces
0 It began with
paratroopers at 2:30
a.m. and forces started
invading the beaches at
What Did Canada Do?
0 We gave paratroopers,
soldiers, over 100 naval
ships and airplanes
0 We landed at JUNO
0 We were the only Allied
force to meet objective
for the day – Take the
beach and gain
Overall Effort and Impact
0 Over 156 000 Allied troops landed on D-Day
0 Roughly 30 000 were Canadian
0 Within a month 1 million Allied soldiers had
0 The Liberation of Europe had begun – This
was The Beginning of the End for Nazi
Wrap Up – War Art
0 Look at the painting of
the D-Day attack. On a
Post It note complete
the following questions:
0 How does this painting
compare to the actual
pictures we’ve seen
0 Why is art important in
telling about a
historical event?
0 What was the Big Idea
of the day?
Liberation of the
Freeing Belgium and the
0 After the success of Normandy, in 1944, Canadian troops
helped free Belgium from the Nazis, and then did the same for
the Netherlands.
0 The Dutch were starving
0 6300 Canadian soldiers died liberating Belgium and the
0 The Dutch still acknowledge Canadians’ sacrifice every year by
sending thousands of tulip bulbs to Ottawa.