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World War II
By Andrew Wysopal
Two Main Sides of The War
The Axis powers
• Germany
• Italy
• Japan
Allied Powers
Great Britain
Soviet Union
United States
South Africa
New Zealand
This is the Allied Leaders (from left) French
General Henri Giraud, U.S president Franklin
D. Roosevelt, French General Charles de
Gaulle and British prime Minister Winston
Churchill in 1943.
Joseph Stalin was
the leader of the
Soviet Union for
30 years. He led
them to victory in
World War II. He
had been their
leader, the Father
of the Peoples, the
Commander, the
A meeting of the enemies of
World War II.
American Bombers
B-24 Liberator
B-17 Flying Fortress
B-25 Mitchell
B-29 Super Fortress
B-24 was 4-engine very long range heavy bomber since mid
1941, carrying up to 6 tons of bombs. It was the allied bomber
with the longest range during most of the war, both in very long
range bombing missions, such as attacking Nazi Germany's only
natural source of oil, in Ploesti, Romania, and by very long range
anti-submarine patrols all over the Atlantic Ocean, which greatly
contributed to defeating the German submarines.
B-17 Flying Fortress the world's first 4-engine
long range heavy bomber (1935), its excellent
basic design enabled the production of ever
improved types, and it fought everywhere until the
end of World War 2. Built with the concept that a
day bomber should be able to self-protect from
enemy fighters, the common B-17G type had 8
gun positions with 13 heavy machine guns,
arranged to cover all directions.
B-25 Mitchell the main American medium bomber since 1940,
carrying up to 1.8 tons of bombs and properly protected with
multiple guns, armor, and self-sealing fuel tanks.
B-29 Super Fortress (4000) - big 4-engine very long range heavy
bomber It had 5 gun turrets and could carry up to 9 tons of bombs
internally or even two 10-ton bombs under its wings, but typically it
carried 4-5 tons in the long range missions to Japan.
Work Cited
Alexander Papagos (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 9, 2007 from Wikipedia
Casablanca Conference; Giraud, Henri; Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Gaulle, Charles de;
Churchill, Winston. [Photograph]. Retrieved December 9, 2007, from Encyclopædia
Britannica Online:
Hilter (n.d.) Retrieved Dec. 9, 2007
Osborn, Tracey.(2003) "Teacher Oz's Kingdom of History - World War II." Internet.
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Stalin’s Death. 1953. (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 9, 2007 from Rambler’s 600a.htm
Winchester, J. (2006). Fighter The World’s Finest Combat Aircraft 1914 to the present
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World War II Bombers (n.d.). Retrieved Dec. 9, 2007 from
World War II Online (n.d.). Retrieved Dec 9, 2007 from Wikipedia