Steps to the Political, Economic and Military Division of Europe

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Transcript Steps to the Political, Economic and Military Division of Europe

Steps to the Political, Economic
and Military Division of Europe
Part I of II
By 1949, Europe divided into two sphere’s of
influence, West Germany and East Germany
 Steps that led to this division
Wartime Conferences: Tehran,Yalta, Potsdam
Kennan’s Long Telegram
Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
Truman Doctrine and Cominform
Marshall Plan
Red Army Occupation of Eastern Europe
Czech Coup
Berlin Blockade
East Germany and West Germany Established
NATO Established
Breakdown of the Grand Alliance
Beginning of alliance
was when Soviets
received aid from
Churchill and
Roosevelt in 1941
◦ Churchill still disliked
Stalin, mutual suspicion
Stalin had demanded a
second front in Europe
◦ Allies had only agreed in
principle, Stalin thinks
delays are intentional
Wartime Conferences
Issues to be
◦ State of the war
◦ Status of Germany,
Poland, Eastern Europe
and Japan
◦ United Nations
Tehran Conference
Nov. 1943
◦ Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill – Big
State of the War
◦ By 1943, Allies had begun to win the
◦ Soviets pushing Germans in East,
Allies in North Africa
◦ Not yet a second front
◦ Differences from wartime
experiences, unconditional
surrender confirmed
◦ Stalin seeking security, wanted
territory from Poland, pro-Soviet
government there
◦ Tensions increased in 1943 with
discovery of mass graves in Katyn
Tehran Conference
Eastern Europe
◦ Soviets demanded territory they had
seized, meant the Baltic States, parts
of Finland and Romania
◦ Agreed, but against the Atlantic
◦ Pressed Soviets to enter the war,
could not be convinced
United Nations
◦ Supported by all participants
◦ Agreement on UN
◦ Need for a post-war weak Germany
Roosevelt played mediator
between the other two
◦ May have believed British
imperialism was the real problem
◦ Not concerned about Stalin
Yalta Conference
Feb. 1945, Stalin’s position
strengthened as Red Army
occupied most of Eastern Europe
 State of the War
◦ Germany almost defeated, second
front opened, Ready to invade
◦ USA in control of the air and sea in
the Pacific, preparing for invasion
◦ Would be disarmed, demilitarized,
de-Nazified and divided
◦ Four zones, temporary, run as one
country by the Allied Control
◦ Would pay $20 billion, 50 percent to
Yalta Conference
◦ Presented the greatest
problem still
◦ Borders established at
Russo-Polish War of
1921 lines
 Oder-Neisse Line in the
◦ Stalin got what he
 Gave in to ‘free elections’
in democratic government
 British supported ‘London
Poles’, pre-war
government, Russians
wanted Communist group
Yalta Conference
Eastern Europe
◦ Again ‘free elections’, seen as
significant for British and Americans
◦ Stalin promised to enter the war
with Japan as soon as Europe was
Demanded territory in return,
United Nations
◦ Stalin agreed to join
◦ Five permanent members of the
Security Council, each with veto
◦ Structure of the UN
◦ Soviets help with Japan
◦ ‘Declaration for Liberated Europe’
Between the Conferences
Radical changes occur
before Potsdam
◦ Roosevelt died in April
1945, Truman in with ‘get
tough’ policy towards
◦ Germany finally
unconditionally May 7
◦ Churchill lost the 1945 UK
general election
 Succeeded by Labour Party
leader Clement Atlee
◦ Soviet Red Army occupied
◦ Day after the conference
began, US tested the bomb
Potsdam Conference
July 1945, Stalin, Truman, Atlee
State of the War
◦ Americans poised to invade
Japan, introduced bomb
◦ Would be administrating in
their own ways throughout
each occupation zone
◦ Economy was to be run as a
 Eastern zone to give food to others
◦ Truman not happy over prior
◦ Stalin could not appease
Truman, left alone
Potsdam Conference
Eastern Europe
◦ U.S. also unhappy with Eastern
Europe Percentage Agreements
Too much for Soviets, but they were
already in the land
Difficult to force them to change, an
occupation force
◦ Atomic bomb tests successful,
August 6 first one
◦ Did not ask for Soviet aid
United Nations
◦ Established with Treaty of San
Francisco in same year
◦ Stalin used veto power well
◦ Agreement for immediate, practical
control of Germany
◦ Establishment of UN
Churchill’s Copy of Percentages
Other Key Developments
Salami Tactics
Slicing off Eastern
Europe piece by piece
◦ Supervised organization
of anti-fascist
◦ Parties were pruned,
leaving only Communists
trained by Moscow
Leaders were often
those who spent the
war hiding in Moscow
Case Study: Poland
Free elections promised at
Yalta to be held in weeks
January 19, 1947
Campaign of murder,
censorship and intimidation
50,000 deported to Siberia
Polish Peasant Party had 246
candidates disqualified
◦ 149 arrested, 18 murdered
One million voters taken off
the register
Soviets called all of this a
victory over Western
◦ Pattern in Eastern Europe
Soviet Pressure on Iran
At Tehran, had been agreed
British and Soviets would
withdraw their troops
from Iran after the war
 Stalin left his there, quelling
‘internal rebellion’
 Soviet troops encouraged
a Communism uprising
◦ Iranian government
complained to British and
First UN crisis
◦ Moscow finally removed
Instability Elsewhere
rebellions in Greece
and Turkey
◦ Believed to be
supported by Soviets
Communist parties
also grew in Italy and
France due to
economic deprivation
at the end of the war
◦ Certainly weak links in
Western Europe
Kennan’s Long Telegram, Feb. 1946
Key U.S. diplomat in Moscow,
George F. Kennan sent a
telegram to the State Dept.
◦ Views would have a lasting
USSR view of the world was
one of insecurity
Soviets wanted to advance
Soviets were cruel and
repression and justified it
through perceived evil outside
of the Stalinist system
Fanatically hostile to the West,
but not suicidal
◦ Logic of force
Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech
March 1946, former PM now
in Missouri at Westminster
Despite hopes for free
elections, Eastern Europe was
Communist, presence of Red
Soviet Reaction
◦ Stalin saw the speech as racist,
called it a call to war, compared
Churchill to Hitler
 Withdrew from IMF
 Stepped up propaganda
 Five-Year Plan