Transcript campusIA

Star Trek
Jordi Delgado, Dept. LSI ( UPC)
Campus Party, Valencia, 2005
Inteligencia artificial : 1956
Conferencia de Dartmouth
J. McCarthy
• W.McCulloch & W.Pitts: Redes Neuronales
• M.Minsky & D.Edmonds: SNARK (1951)
• A.Newell , J.C.Shaw & H.A.Simon: GPS (1957)
• J.McCarthy: Lenguaje LISP (1958)
• F.Rosenblatt: Perceptron (1958)
• Micromundos:
STUDENT (D.Bobrow, 1967)
ANALOGY (T.Evans, 1968)
ELIZA (J.Weizenbaum, 1965)
• Stanford Research Institute: Shakey (1966)
Impacto mediático IA
Star Trek TOS
1967 - 1969
What are little girls made of?
"Unlike you, we humans are full of unpredictable
emotions that logic cannot solve."
Kirk al androide Ruk
Landru (The return of the Archons)
"Without freedom of choice, there is no
creativity. Without creativity, there is no life."
Kirk a Landru
Star Trek TOS
1967 - 1969
A taste of armaggedon
-"A feeling is not much to go on".
-"Sometimes a feeling, Mister Spock,
is all we humans have to go on".
Spock y Kirk
The apple
-"There's certain absolutes, Mister Spock, and
one of them is the right of humanoids to a free
and unchained environment: The right to have
conditions which permit growth."
-"Another is their right to choose a system
which seems to work for them."
McCoy y Spock
Star Trek TOS
1967 - 1969
M-5 multitronic unit
(The Ultimate Computer)
Star Trek TOS
1967 - 1969
The Ultimate Computer
"We're all sorry for the other guy when he loses his job to a machine,
but when it comes to your job… that's different. And it always will be
McCoy a Kirk
"Granted, it can work a thousand, a million times faster than the
human brain, but it can't make a value judgment, it hasn't intuition, it
can't think".
Kirk a Dr. Richard Daystrom
Knowledge Systems: 70s
• Sistemas Expertos:
Dendral: Estructura molecular
(Buchanan, Feigenbaum & Lederberg, 1969)
Mycin: Infecciones en la sangre
(Feigenbaum, Buchanan & Shortliffe, 1973)
• Quinta Generación: Proyecto Japonés, 1981
Star Trek: La Película (1979)
V'Ger (Voyager 6)
"Logic and knowledge are not enough", Spock a Kirk
Redes Neuronales:
Computación subsimbólica
• Perceptrons,
Minsky & Papert (1969)
• Modelo de Hopfield,
J.Hopfield (1982)
• Algoritmo Back-propagation, en
Parallel Distributed Processing,
Rumelhart & McClelland (1986)
Redes Neuronales:
Computación subsimbólica
Redes Neuronales:
Computación subsimbólica
Redes Neuronales:
Computación subsimbólica
Memoria Asociativa
Reconocimiento de patrones (patterns)
Robotica Humanoide
COG (R. Brooks, MIT AI Lab)
Para ver esta película, debe
disponer de QuickTime™ y de
un descompresor Cinepak.
Para ver esta película, debe
disponer de QuickTime™ y de
un descompresor YUV420 codec.
Star Trek TNG
1987 - 1993
Data y su creador,
Dr. Noonien Soong
(fotos del capítulo Datalore)
Star Trek TNG
1987 - 1993
The Naked Now
"And what I want now is gentleness. And joy.
And love. From you, Data. You are fully
functional, aren't you?"
Tasha a Data
The Measure of a Man
"Are you prepared to condemn him and all who come
after him to servitude and slavery? Your honor,
Starfleet was founded to seek out new life. Well, there
it sits, waiting. You wanted a chance to make law.
Well, here it is. Make it a good one."
Picard to Phillipa
Inteligencia Colectiva
(Swarm Intelligence)
Inspirada en el comportamiento de Insectos Sociales:
Cuanto más compleja es una sociedad, más simples son
sus individuos (Klaus Jaffe)
Inteligencia Colectiva
(Swarm Intelligence)
- Asignación de tareas (task allocation)
- Optimización en redes de comunicaciones
- Transporte cooperativo
• Swarm Intelligence: From Natural to Artificial
Systems, E.Bonabeau, M.Dorigo, G.Theraulaz
• Swarm Intelligence, J.Kennedy, R.C.Eberhart
Star Trek TNG
1987 - 1993
Nanites toman el control de Data
The Best of Both Worlds
"Strength is irrelevant. Resistance is futile. We
wish to improve ourselves. We will add your
biological and technological distinctiveness to
our own. Your culture will adapt to service
Borg a Picard
And so on
and so forth…
• Algoritmos genéticos y computación evolutiva
• Arquitecturas cognitivas (SOAR)
• Aprendizaje
• Agentes racionales
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (2nd ed.)
Stuart J. Russell & Peter Norvig, 2002
Prentice Hall
(existe traducción al castellano)
Machines will be capable, within
twenty years, of doing any work
that a man can do
H.Simon, 1965