Transcript Document

Transfer in Variable - Reward
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Hui Li
March 31, 2006
• Multi-criteria reinforcement learning
• Transfer in variable-reward hierarchical
reinforcement learning
• Results
• Conclusions
Multi-criteria reinforcement learning
Reinforcement Learning
• Definition
Reinforcement learning is the process by which the agent
learns an approximately optimal policy through trial and
error interactions with the environment.
state st reward rt
s0 a0 : r0
s1 a1 : r1
s2 a2 : r2
• Goal
The agent’s goal is to maximize the cumulative amount of
rewards he receives over the long run.
• A new value function -- average adjusted sum of rewards (bias)
h ( s)  lim E((rt ( s)    ))
N 
t 1
  ( s )  lim
E (  rt ( s ))
N 
Average reward (gain) per
time step at given policy 
t 1
 
• Bellman equation
h ( s)  rimm ( s,  ( s))   Pss ' ( ( s))h ( s' )  
• H-learning:
model-based version of average reward reinforcement learning
h( s )  max {rimm ( s, a )   Pss ' (a )h( s' )  }
  (1   )    ( rimm ( s, a )  V ( s' )  V ( s)) learning rate, 0<<1
New observation rs(a)
• R-learning:
model-free version of average reward reinforcement learning
R(s, a)  (1   )R(s, a)   (rimm (s, a)    max R(s' , a' ))
  (1   )    (rimm (s, a)  max R(s' , a' )  max R(s, a))
Multi-criteria reinforcement learning
In many situations, it is nature to express the objective as
making some appropriate tradeoffs between different kinds of
• Eating food
• Guarding food
• Minimize the number
of steps it walks
Buridan’s donkey problem
Weighted optimization criterion:
weight, which represents the
r ( s, a )   wi ri ( s, a ) importance of each reward
If the weight vector w is static, never changes over time, then
the problem reduces to the reinforcement learning with a scalar
value of reward.
If the weight vector varies from time to time, learning policy
for each weight vector from scratch is very inefficient.
Since the MDP model is a liner transformation, the average
reward  and the average adjusted reward h(s) are linear
in the reward weights for a given policy .
 
   wi i  w  
 
h ( s)   wi hi ( s)  w  h ( s)
 
R ( s, a )   wi Ri ( s)  w  R ( s, a )
• Each line represents the
weighted average reward givena
 
policy k ,  
wi i  w  
• Solid lines represent those
active weighted average rewards
• Dot lines represent those
inactive weighted average rewards
• Dark line segments represent the
best average rewards for any
weight vectors
The key idea:
: the set of all stored policies.
Only those policies which have active average rewards are stored.
Update equations:
Variable-reward hierarchical reinforcement
• The original MDP M is split into sub-SMDP {M0,… Mn},
each sub-SMDP representing a sub-task
• Solving the root task M0 solves the entire MDP M
• The task hierarchy is represented as a directed acyclic graph
known as the task graph
• A local policy i for the subtask Mi is a mapping from the
states to the child tasks of Mi
• A hierarchical policy  for the whole task is an assignment of
a local policy i to each subtask Mi
• The objective is to learn an optimal policy that optimizes the
policy for each subtask assuming that its children’s polices are
Home base
Enemy base
Two kinds of subtask:
• Composite subtask :
the whole task
Harvest: the goal is to harvest wood or gold
Deposit: the goal is to deposit a resource into home base
Attack: the goal is to attack the enemy base
• Primitive subtask: primitive actions
north, south, east, west,
pick a resource, put a resource
attack the enemy base
SMDP – semi-MDP
A SMDP is a tuple < S, A, P, r, t >
• S, A, P, r are defined the same as in MDP;
• t(s, a) is the execution tine for taking action a in state s
• Bellman equation of SMDP for average reward learning
h( s )  max {rimm ( s, a )   Pss ' (a )h( s' ) t ( s, a )}
A sub-task is a tuple < Bi, Ai , Gi >
• Bi : state abstraction function which maps state s in the
original MDP into an abstract state in Mi
• Ai : The set of subtasks that can be called by Mi
• Gi : Termination predicate
The value function decomposition satisfied the following set of
Bellman equations:
At root, we only store the average adjusted reward
• Learning curves for a test reward weight after having seen 0, 1,
2, …, 10 previous training weight vectors
• Negative transfer: learning based
on one previous weight is worse
than learning from scratch.
Transfer ratio: FY/FY/X
• FY is the area between the learning curve and its
optimal value for problem with no prior learning
experience on X.
• FY/X is the area between the learning curve and its
optimal value for problem given prior training on X.
• This paper showed that hierarchical task structure can
accelerate transfer across variable-reward MDPs more
than in the flat MDP
• This hierarchical task structure facilitates multi-agent
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