intro_to_ai - CIMMS - OU Cooperative Institute for

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Transcript intro_to_ai - CIMMS - OU Cooperative Institute for

Data-driven methods in
Environmental Sciences
Exploration of Artificial Intelligence Techniques
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Data Driven Methods
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Common AI techniques
Choosing between AI techniques
Pre and post processing
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What is AI?
Machines that perceive, understand and
react to their environment
Goal of Babbage, etc.
 Oldest endeavor in computer science
Machines that think
Robots: factory floors, home vacuums
 Still quite impractical
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AI vs. humans
AI applications built on Aristotlean logic
Computers never as good as humans
Induction, semantic queries, system of logic
Human reasoning involves more than just induction
In reasoning and making sense of data
In obtaining a holistic view of a system
Computers much better than humans
In processing reams of data
Performing complex calculations
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Successful AI applications
Targeted tasks more amenable to
automated methods
Build special-purpose AI systems
Determine appropriate dosage for a drug
 Classify cells as benign or cancerous
Called “expert systems”
Methodology based on expert reasoning
 Quick and objective ways to obtain answers
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Data Driven Methods
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Common AI techniques
Choosing between AI techniques
Pre and post processing
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Fuzzy logic
Fuzzy logic addresses key problem in
expert systems
How to represent domain knowledge
 Humans use imprecisely calibrated terms
 How to build decision trees on imprecise
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Fuzzy logic example
Source: Matlab fuzzy logic toolbox tutorial
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Advantages of fuzzy logic
Considerable skill for little investment
Fuzzy logic systems piggy bank on human
Humans encode rules after intelligent analysis of
lots of data
 Verbal rules generated by humans are robust
Simple to create
Not much need for data or ground truth
 Logic tends to be easy to program
Fuzzy rules are human understandable
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Where not to use fuzzy logic
Do not use fuzzy logic if:
Humans do not understand the system
Different experts disagree
Knowledge can not be expressed with verbal rules
Gut instinct is involved
Not just objective analysis
A fuzzy logic system is limited
Piece-wise linear approximation to a system
Non-linear systems can not be approximated
Many environment applications are non-linear
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Neural Networks
Neural networks can approximate nonlinear systems
Weights chosen through optimization procedure
on known dataset (“training”)
Works even if experts can’t verbalize their
reasoning, or if there is ground truth
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A example neural network
Diagram from:
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Advantages of neural networks
Can approximate any smooth function
Can yield true probabilities
Training process is well understood
Fast in operations
If output node is a sigmoid node
Not hard to train
The three-layer neural network
Training is slow, but once trained, the network can
calculate the output for a set of inputs quite fast
Easy to implement
Just a sum of exponential functions
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Disadvantages of neural networks
A black box
Measure of skill needs to be differentiable
The final set of weights yields no insights
Magnitude of weights doesn’t mean much
RMS error, etc.
Can not use Probability of Detection, for example
Training set has to be complete
Unpredictable output on data unlike training
Need lots of data
Need expert willing to do lot of truthing
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Fuzzy logic
Humans provide the rules
 Not optimal
Neural network
Humans can not understand system
 Optimal
Middle ground?
Genetic Algorithms
 Decision Trees
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Genetic algorithms
In genetic algorithms
One fixes the model (rule base, equations,
class of functions, etc.)
 Optimize the parameters to model on
training data set
 Use optimal set of parameters for unknown
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An example genetic algorithm
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Advantages of genetic algorithms
Near-optimal parameters for given model
Human-understandable rules
 Best parameters for them
Cost function need not be differentiable
The process of training uses natural
selection, not gradient descent
Requires less data than a neural network
Search space is more limited
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Disadvantages of genetic algorithms
Highly dependent on class of functions
If poor model is chosen, poor results
Optimization may not help at all
Known model does not always lead to
better understanding
Magnitude of weights, etc. may not be
meaningful if inputs are correlated
 Problem may have multiple parametric
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Decision trees
Can automatically build decision trees from
known data
 Prune trees
30 50
 Select thresholds
 Choose operators
 Disadvantages
T < 10C
T > 10C
 Piece-wise linear, so typically less
skilled than neural networks
20 15
10 35
 Large decision trees are effectively a
 Can not do regression, only
Z > 45 Z < 45
V<5 V>5
 Advantages:
18 2
2 13
2 33
 Fast to train
 New advances: bagged, boosted
decision trees approach skill of neural
networks, but are no longer fast to train
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Radial Basis Functions
Diagram from: A. W. Jayawardena & D. Achela K. Fernando 1998: Use of Radial Basis Function Type Artificial Neural
Networks for Runoff Simulation, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 13:2
Radial Basis Functions are a form of neural network
 Localized gaussians
 Linear sum of non-linear functions
Advantage: Can be solved by inverting a matrix, so very fast
Disadvantage: Not a general-enough model
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Data Driven Methods
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Common AI techniques
Choosing between AI techniques
Pre and post processing
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Typical data-driven application
Which features?
Input Data
How do we find f()
AI application
in run-time
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What is the role of the data?
Test known model
Find parameters to model with desired structure
Difference between model output and ground truth helps to validate the
Tuned fuzzy logic method
Genetic algorithms
Find model and parameters from just data
Neural network methods, bagged/boosted decision trees, support vector
machines, etc.
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What is the problem to solve?
Do you have a bunch of data and want to:
Estimate an unknown parameter from it?
Classify what the data correspond to?
True rainfall based on radar observations?
Amount of liquid content from in-situ measurements of
temperature, pressure, etc?
A water surge?
A temperature inversion?
A boundary?
Regression and classification aren’t that different
Classification: estimate probability of an event
A function from 0-1
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Which AI technique?
Do you have expert knowledge?
Humans have a “model” in their head? Should the final f() be
Create fuzzy logic rules from experts’ reasoning
Aggregate the individual fuzzy logic rules
Can tune the fuzzy rules based on data
Many times the original rules are just fine
Do you already know the model?
A power-law relationship? Gaussian? Quadratic? Rules?
Just need to find parameters to this model?
Using regression, decision trees or neural networks for RMS error criterion
Genetic algorithms for error criteria like ROC, economic cost, etc.
If linear, just use linear regression
If non-linear: use genetic algorithms
Use continuous GAs
Both of these can be used for regression (therefore, also
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Which AI technique (contd.)
Do you know nothing about the data?
Not the suspected equation/model (GA)?
Not the suspected rules (fuzzy logic)?
Use a AI technique that supplies its equations/rules
For classification, use:
Bagged decision trees or Support Vector Machines
“black box”.
If output is probabilistic, remember to apply Platt scaling
Summary statistics on bagged DTs can help answer “why”
Neural Networks
For regression, use:
Neural networks
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Where do your data come from?
Observed data
Compute features
Choose AI technique
The 4 choices in the previous two slides
Simulated data:
Example: trying to replicate a very complex model
Throw randomly-generated data at model
Compute features
Choose AI technique:
GA for parametric approximations
NN when you don’t know how to approximate
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Where do you get your inputs?
What type of data do you have?
Individual observations?
Sparse observations in a time series?
Sample them (choose at random) and use directly
Generate time-based features (1D moving windows)
Signal processing features from time series
Data from remotely sensed 2D grids?
Generate image-based features using convolution filters
Do you need:
Pixel-based regression/classification?
Use convolution features directly
Object-based regression/classification?
Identify regions using region growing
Use region-aggregate features
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Typical data-driven application
Observed data
Signal/image processing;sampling
normalize/create chromosome/
determine confidences
Platt method/region-average/threshold
A data-driven application
in run-time
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Data Driven Methods
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Common AI techniques
Choosing between AI techniques
Pre and post processing
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Often can not use pixel data directly
Different data sets may not be collocated
Need to interpolate to line them up
Mapping, objective analysis
Noise in data may need to be reduced
Too much data, too highly correlated
May need to segment pixels into objects and use features
computed on the objects
Present statistic of data, rather than data itself
Features need to be extracted from data
Human experts often good source of ideas on signatures to
extract from data
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The output of an expert system may be grid
point by grid point
May need to provide output on objects
Storms, forests, etc.
Can average outputs over objects’ pixels
May need probabilistic output
Scale output of maximum marginal techniques
Use a sigmoid function
Called Platt scaling
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What is Artificial Intelligence?
Common AI techniques
Fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, decision
Choosing between AI techniques
Data-driven methods to perform specific targeted tasks
Understand the role of your data
Do experts understand the system? (have a model)
Do experts expect to understand the system? (readability)
Pre and post processing
Image processing techniques on spatial grids
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