Ch11 Meiosis

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Transcript Ch11 Meiosis

Modes of Reproduction
Asexual reproduction
– Process by which a single parent reproduces
Sexual Reproduction
– Process by which cells from two different
parents unite to form the first cell of a new
Sexual Reproduction
With sexual reproduction, there is the
passing of alleles.
 Alleles: one of a number of different forms
of a gene
Where do we find alleles?
Gametes: specialized cell involved in sexual
(i.e. Male = sperm
Female = egg)
process of reduction division:
the number of chromosomes per
cell is cut in half through
seperation of homologous
chromosomes in a diploid cell
Homologous chromosome: 2 sets of
chromosomes; 1 from male & 1 from female
– chromosomes that each have a corresponding
chromosome from the opposite sex parent
Diploid =
Haploid =
2 sets of homologous chromosomes (2n)
single set of chromosomes (n)
Meiosis I & II
There are two cycles of Meiosis:
1.Meiosis I
1.Meiosis II
Meiosis I
Meiosis I
– each chromosome is replicated and connects
to it’s homologous chromosome forming a
tetrad. Chromosomes exchange portions of
chromatid in crossing over.
– Forms 2 cells of different genetics.
Crossing Over
– Process where homologous chromosomes
exchange portions of their chromatids during
Tetrads & Crossing Over
Prophase I
Each chromosome pairs with its corresponding
homologous chromosome to form a tetrad.
 There are 4 chromosomes in a tetrad.
 Crossing-over may occur here
 Crossing-over is when chromosomes overlap and
exchange portions of their chromatids.
Prophase I
Metaphase I
Spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes
 Chromosomes line up in middle or equator
Anaphase I
The fibers pull the homologous
chromosomes apart toward opposite ends of
the cell.
Telophase I & Cytokinesis
Nuclear membranes form.
 The cell separates into 2 cells.
Meiosis II
Meiosis II
– The 2 diploid cells (2n) from meiosis I enter
this, but does not start with DNA replication.
– Each chromosome has 2 chromatids that get
split in anaphase.
– Forms 4 haploid (n) cells.
Prophase II
No DNA replication occurs.
 Each cell has half the number of
chromosomes as the original cell.
Metaphase II
The chromosomes line up similar to
metaphase in mitosis.
Anaphase II
Sister chromatids separate and move to
opposite ends of the cell.
Telophase II
Meiosis II results in 4 haploid cells.
Sperm: male gamete
– In humans holds 23 chromosomes
Egg: female gamete
– In humans holds 23 chromosomes
Process in sexual reproduction where male and
female reproductive cells (gametes) join to form
a new cell
Mitosis vs Meiosis
Results in
Cells are
Occurs in
2 Diploid Cells
Somatic (Body)
4 Haploid Cells
Sex Cells