Marketing at Trade Shows
Transcript Marketing at Trade Shows
Hearthstone Senior Fair
Marketing at Trade Shows
Ginny Boss
Rick Schildgen
C L Graphics
– A marketing and cross-media resource offering a variety of services
including; graphic design, e-mail and print marketing, personalization,
mobile marketing and mailing services. C L Graphics helps you to
effectively communicate with clients and prospects.
Marketing at Trade Shows
Marketing at the Senior Fair…
is an educational process – not a one shot deal.
#1 Goal is to get new customers
#2 Goal is to gain new prospects
Follow-up is critical to succeed at either goal
Marketing at Trade Shows
Marketing at the Senior Fair…
requires advance planning and strategies.
Establish your Objectives
Establishing company awareness
Promoting a specific marketing message
Introducing a new product or service
Developing new sales
Developing new leads
Marketing at Trade Shows
Marketing at the Senior Fair…
requires advance planning and strategies.
Establish a Budget
Will dictate the types and number of trade shows you can attend
How much to invest on the display booth
Staffing levels
Promotional materials
Marketing at Trade Shows
Marketing at the Senior Fair…
requires advance planning and strategies.
Develop and refine your Sales message – targeted to a specific
Create a compelling sales message to use in all marketing materials
Booth graphics
Direct mail
Follow-up materials
Marketing at Trade Shows
Marketing at the Senior Fair…
requires advance planning and strategies.
Pre-show marketing
Helps drive overall attendance and awareness
Differentiates you from other booths
Give potential attendees a reason to visit your booth
Special information
Advertise incentive – free gift or prize drawing
Marketing at Trade Shows
Marketing at the Senior Fair…
requires advance planning and strategies.
At-show marketing
Create a “WOW” exhibit – professional design
Marketing at Trade Shows
Marketing at the Senior Fair…
requires advance planning and strategies.
At-show marketing
Promotional Materials
Marketing Brochures, Hand-outs
Promotional Products
Contests – Prize Drawings
Method to collect Lead Information
Train and schedule staff to effectively convey your message
Marketing at Trade Shows
Traditional Trade Show Print Materials
Business Cards
Postcard Handouts
Scratch-off Cards
Look to personally hand-out if possible rather than leave on table
Marketing at Trade Shows
New Media Material Options…
Video or Laptop presentation
Digital Picture Frames
Social Media – Facebook
Text Messaging
Personalized Website Pages for Seniors
Marketing at Trade Shows
Popular Promotional Items for Seniors…
attendees are 52% more likely to stop by your exhibit if you
have appealing promotional items to give them*
Magnet Displays
Bag Clips
Rubber Jar Openers
Eye Glass Cleaners
*According to Incomm Center for Trade Show Research
Marketing at Trade Shows
Popular Promotional Items for Seniors…
Hand Sanitizer
Photo Displays
Water Bottles with Handles and Straws
And more…
Plan your distribution so as to maximize effect
Marketing at Trade Shows
Traditional Trade Show Displays include…
Display Tips
Limit the number of words you use
Keep your text large enough for easy reading – especially for Seniors!
Keep design simple – no clashing colors, don’t overload with images
Top 2 feet of booth space is best place for text copy
Marketing at Trade Shows
Marketing at the Senior Fair…
requires advance planning and strategies.
Post-show marketing
Follow-up materials ready in advance!
Segmented by interest level (qualified leads versus general)
On-going marketing materials to cultivate into customers
Develop database of attendees
Marketing at Trade Shows
What marketing efforts will your follow-up
Qualified Leads – Those you talked with and showed an
Phone Call
Thank You Notes
Seminars or Open Houses
Your purpose is to close a potential sale
Marketing at Trade Shows
What marketing efforts will your follow-up
General Leads – Those who at least filled in a card for drawing
Letters or Thank You Notes
E-Mail Newsletters - Monthly
Newsletters – Quarterly or twice per year
Direct Mail – For special sales/promotions
Seminars or Open Houses
Your purpose is to cultivate these leads for future interest/sales
Marketing at Trade Shows
Insure your investment.
Plan your strategy – takes more than just showing up!
You will get out of any trade show in direct relationship
to what you put in.
Success typically includes more investment than just the
booth itself – pre-show ads, booth display, promotions,
Follow-up or shut-up!
Marketing at Trade Shows
Thank You, and Good Luck…
Hand-outs available include:
Marketing Calendars
Promotional Products Catalog
Blog Brochures
White Papers on Differentiation, Branding, Direct marketing,