E-mail Marketing - eMarketing Essentials

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E-mail Marketing
Ivan Surjanovic, [email protected]
E-mail Marketing
E-mail Marketing a form of direct marketing
which uses electronic means to deliver
commercial messages to an audience.
E-mail Marketing
 Extremely cost effective
 Highly targeted
Completely measurable
E-mail Marketing
Social Media or E-mail Marketing?
E-mail Marketing
Social Media vs. E-mail Marketing
 PR vs. Sales
 Pull vs. Push
Branding vs. Conversion
Attention and Interest vs. Desire and Action (AIDA)
E-mail Marketing
Nine tips for creating effective E-mail
marketing campaigns!
E-mail Marketing
Tip #1: Develop an E-mail marketing plan
- Objectives (e.g. 50 conversions a month via E-mail)
- Who do you plan to e-mail to?
- How often / When will you e-mail?
- What type of content do you plan to send?
- What E-mail service / technology will you use?
- Who will be responsible?
E-mail Marketing
Tip #2: Start growing your database
Use every single opportunity to ask for permission:
- on your website
- when meeting someone in person
- on your Facebook page
- at your office premises
- at events
E-mail Marketing
Tip #3: Sign up for web E-mail service
E-mail Marketing
Tip #3: Sign up for web E-mail service
- Better management (“Unsubscribe”)
- Better tracking
- Easier to develop your own e-newsletter template
- Better integration with social media
- Better reach
(more messages will make it through anti-spam filters)
E-mail Marketing
Tip #4: Comply with anti-spam regulations
Check the anti-spam regulations of all countries where
you do online business
USA: http://www.business.ftc.gov/documents/bus61-canspam-act-compliance-guide-business
Canada: http://fightspam.gc.ca
Consult a legal expert before
running your campaign
E-mail Marketing
Tip #4: Comply with anti-spam regulations
Many countries now require that you:
 Have a pre-existing business relationship with
recipients, and / or even to obtain a permission to
receive an e-mail (“opt-in system”)
 Provide your company’s physical address in the e-mail
 Provide unsubscribe button (and act on it!)
E-mail Marketing
Tip #5: Create your own E-newsletter
- Make it visually appealing
- Make it useful and informative
-Choose an attractive name
(e.g. “Health Tips”, “One Minute Insight”, “TechTrends”)
- Be consistent in terms of format and content
- Be regular
E-mail Marketing
Tip #6: Make your subject line stand out
- Be specific
- Be direct
- Grab their attention; develop desire to read more / act
“Five tips for Creating Effective Google Ads”
“Last Chance to Register”
“Get $50.00 in Advertising”
“Free e-Book on Online Marketing”
E-mail Marketing
Tip #7: Personalize your campaign
- Personal greeting
- Customize message for different groups
(e.g. by country)
- Send special messages to the most important
/ most loyal customers
E-mail Marketing
Tip #8: Provide a call for action
- Provide visible action buttons
(e.g. Buy Now, Contact, Download)
- Take visitors to a landing page
E-mail Marketing
Tip #9: Test and Optimize
Key measurables:
 Number of delivered messages
 Number of bounced messages
Open rate
Click through rates
Pass on rate (forwards)
E-mail Marketing
eMail Marketing: Summary
1. Plan
2. Database
3. E-mail service
4. Anti-spam laws
5. E-newsletter
6. Subject line
7. Personalize
8. Call for action
9. Test
E-mail Marketing
Thank You!
Ivan Surjanovic, [email protected]