Transcript File

Simple definition:
Marketing is the management process responsible
for identifying, anticipating, and satisfying
customer requirements profitably.”
Attract new customers by promising superior
Keep and grow current customers by delivering
Marketing is the activity, set of instructions,
and processes for creating, communicating,
delivering, and exchanging offerings that
have value for customers, clients, partners,
and society at large.
OLD view of
NEW view of
Making a sale—
“telling and selling”
customer needs
Shifting Business Paradigms
Buyers’ markets
Sellers’ markets
A simple model of the marketing process:
 Understand the marketplace and customer
needs and wants.
 Design a customer-driven marketing
 Construct an integrated marketing program
that delivers superior value.
 Build profitable relationships and create
customer delight.
 Capture value from customers to create
profits and customer quality.
Need: State of felt deprivation including physical,
social, and individual needs.
Physical needs: Food, clothing, shelter, safety
Social needs: Belonging, affection
Individual needs: Learning, knowledge, selfexpression
Want: Form that a human need takes, as
shaped by culture and individual
Wants + Buying Power = Demand
Needs & wants are fulfilled through a
Marketing Offering:
◦ Persons, places, organizations, information,
◦ Activity or benefit offered for sale that is
essentially intangible and does not result in
◦ Consumers live the offering.
Dependent on the product’s perceived
performance relative to a buyer’s expectations.
Care must be taken when setting expectations:
If performance is lower than expectations, satisfaction
is low.
 If performance is higher than expectations, satisfaction
is high.
Customer satisfaction often leads to consumer loyalty.
Some firms seek to DELIGHT customers by exceeding
The art and science of choosing target
markets and building profitable
relationships with them.
 Requires that consumers and the
marketplace be fully understood.
 Aim is to find, attract, keep, and grow
customers by creating, delivering, and
communicating superior value.
Marketing managers must consider the following,
to ensure a successful marketing strategy:
1. What customers will we serve?
— What is our target market?
2. How can we best serve these
— What is our value proposition?
The set of benefits or values a company
promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy
their needs.
 Value propositions dictate how firms will
differentiate and position their brands in
the marketplace.
The marketing concept:
 A marketing management philosophy that
holds that achieving organizational goals
depends on knowing the needs and wants
of target markets and delivering the desired
satisfaction better than competitors.
Customer perceived value:
◦ “Customer’s evaluation of the difference between all
of the benefits and all of the costs of a marketing
offer relative to those of competing offers.”
– Perceptions may be subjective
– Consumers often do not objectively judge values
and costs.
Customer value = perceived benefits – perceived
The set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that
the firm blends to produce the response it wants in
the target market.
 Product: Variety, features, brand name, quality,
design, packaging, and services.
 Price: List price, discounts, allowances, payment
period, and credit terms.
 Place: Distribution channels, coverage, logistics,
locations, transportation, assortments, and
 Promotion: Advertising, sales promotion, public
relations, and personal selling.
Marketing Strategy
Requires careful customer analysis.
To be successful, firms must engage in:
 Market segmentation
 Market targeting
 Differentiation
 Positioning
 The process of dividing a market into
distinct groups of buyers with different
needs, characteristics, or behavior who
might require separate products of
marketing programs.
 Involves evaluating each market segment’s
attractiveness and selecting one or more
segments to enter.
 Creating superior customer value by
actually differentiating the market offering.
 Arranging for a product to occupy a clear,
distinctive, and desirable place relative to
competing products in the minds of target
Key segmenting variables:
 Geographic
 Demographic
 Psychographic
 Behavioral
Different segments desire different benefits from
Best to use multivariable segmentation bases in
order to identify smaller, better-defined target
Why Segment?:
 Meet consumer needs more precisely
 Increase profits
 Segment leadership
 Retain customers
 Focus marketing
Segment size and growth:
Analyze current segment sales, growth rates, and
expected profitability.
Segment structural attractiveness:
Consider competition, existence of substitute
products, and the power of buyers and suppliers.
Company objectives and resources:
Examine company skills and resources needed to
succeed in that segment.
Offer superior value and gain advantages over
Market targeting involves:
 Evaluating marketing segments.
◦ Segment size, segment structural attractiveness,
and company objectives
and resources are considered.
Selecting target market segments.
Being socially responsible.
◦ Alternatives range from undifferentiated
marketing to micromarketing.
A product’s position is:
 The way the product is defined by
consumers on important attributes—the
place the product occupies in consumers’
minds relative to competing products.
 Perceptual positioning maps can help define
a brand’s position relative to competitors.
Identifying possible value differences and
competitive advantages:
 Key to winning target customers is to
understand their needs better than
competitors do and to deliver more value.
Competitive advantage:
 Extent to which a company can position
itself as providing superior value.
◦ Achieved via differentiation.