8 Marketing Information Management

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Transcript 8 Marketing Information Management

Chapter 9
Marketing Research
Role of Marketing Research
 Defined as:
 “the planning, collecting, and analyzing information to improve marketing
A decision Support System (DSS)
Keep isolated marketing managers in touch with markets.
What’s hot? What’s not?
DSS: Interactive, flexible, discovery-oriented & accessible
Create customer profiles via database marketing
Marketing Research
 Scientific Method:
 Is the objective and orderly process for testing ideas about
relationships between variable(s).
 Hypothesis is an educated guess about relationship between
variables (if a, then b).
 Is this the best way to understand consumers?
Marketing Research
 Ethics
 Withhold info: ads, phone-in poll, what else?
 Privacy
 “Fake” surveys: telemarketer
 Any other examples?
Marketing Research Steps
Identify the problems (or opportunity)
Is the most difficult and important
Often outside specialists must understand situation.
Budget constraints an issue.
Coke/New Coke
Va/ NOVa
Market research can bring new ideas
New Service Idea
Retail Banking
Vending machine
TV news
More available
Round the clock
Pizza Restaurant
Indoor catering
Call service
Pizza taxi
Book shops
Easy shopping
Library at home
Easy to study while
Electronic co-driver Navigator
Why won’t you buy my insect killer?
McCann-Erickson advertising
agency asked users of roach
killers to create drawings of their
From the drawings, the agency
determined that roach spray sold
better than insecticide disks since
the users wanted control, and spray
allowed them to actively kill the
Marketing Research Steps
2. Plan Research Design & Collect Data
RD=a plan that specifies which RQ must be answered, how, when
the data will be collected, how will it be analized
Quick and cost effective (eliminates need)
Secondary data
 Information already collected and or published
 Study information already available
End: decide if information is still needed
If so, conduct a new, original (primary) research study
How the Internet has Changed
Secondary and Primary Data Collection
 www.edmunds.com (15 years of data=1500 usd! Not bad!)
 www.archives.org
Marketing Research Steps
Plan to gather data: surveys
2b. If primary data, have to collect data yourself
Questioning: survey (Scales)
 Set of questions to collect information directly from subjects
(open or closed ended)
 Self administer or in person (at events, malls)
 Problem: low response rates :10% is good
 Problem (from low response): representative
 Online surveys
Marketing Research
Marketing Research Process
Plan to gather data: novel methods
2b. Depth interviews
 Observing “you can observe a lot, just be looking”
 Advantage: natural inquiry (kids), and gather information without influencing
What about disadvantages??
“Mystery shoppers” (what are examples??)
Scanner data: collect buying information (unlimited use)
Online/focus groups/
Let’s look at these methodologies.
 A supermarket was interested in determining its image. It
dropped a short questionnaire into the grocery bag of each
customer before putting the groceries.
 To assess the extent of its trade area, a shopping mall
stationed interviewers in the parking lot every Monday and
Friday evening. Interviewers walked up to people after they
had parked the car and asked them for zip codes
 To assess the popularity of a new movie, a major studio
invited people to call a 900 number and vote yes, they would
see it again, or no, they would not. Each caller was billed $2
Marketing Research
Plan to gather data: experiments
2b. Data
 Experimenting
Two similar groups
o Differ on one item of importance
o Hold all else constant
Advantage: causation
Disadvantage: naturalism (is it so fake?)
Look on the back of a prescription drug print ad….that is an
Marketing Research Steps
3. Analyse/Interpret data
Solve with statistics
 Reliability: consistency (same result in repeated trials; scale for
 Validity: measure what you intend to (accurate standardized
 Statistical software assists you
Marketing Research Steps
Analyze the data (not just interesting data, all data)
Run cross-tabs
Hypothesis testing
Association Measures
Regression Analysis
Structural Equation Models
Marketing Research
5. Prepare/Present Report or Manuscript
Solve objectives clearly
Search for the “better question” (ask about food quality in dining
hall; everyone talks about price or location)
Tailor to audience (executive or expert scholars
Follow up
How could your improve?
Was a decision made based on your study?
Build a relationship