Labours of Hercules - Full Moon Meditations

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Libra Full Moon
For those of you who are not familiar with
esoteric philosophy – or do not know it well
– I will remind you that all is energy. Thus
you should simply relax and try to feel the
energy rather then concern yourself with
knowing all of the words.
During the lecture you can ask questions if
you wish. After the meditation we will gather
for coffee/tea and you may also ask
Why are we here?
The time of the full moon is a time of
We celebrate the energy of the SUN.
The reason is that when the Moon is full it
is the furthest from the Sun, thus the Sun’s
energy is the strongest.
Thus we celebrate the energy of the Sun
through meditation and reflection.
Why are we here?
The time of the full moon there is a direct
alignment between the energy of the sign
the sun is in and the affairs of the sign the
moon is in.
Sun - Libra - the pause to weigh, choose,
Moon - Aries - benefits the next beginning
Libra Presentation
The Sign of Libra
The Labours of Hercules
The Full Moon Chart
- Short Break -
- Short Break -
Coffee/Tea - discussion
The Sign of Libra
Which sign is the Sun in?
The Sun is in Libra.
And which sign is the Moon in?
The Moon is in Aries.
The exact full moon is
Wednesday, September 26th at
3:45 PM EDT
Who’s a Libra?
But I’m not a Libra!
I expect some in the room do not have
their Sun in Libra.
Still, you may have another planet - or the
Moon - in Libra.
And even if you do not the Libra energy
will still affect you - and, perhaps, as
importantly those around you.
But I’m not a Libra!
For example:
From October 3, 1942 to December 24, 1955
Neptune was in Libra
From September 28, 1968 to November 21,
1974 Uranus was in Libra
From October 5, 1971 to November 5, 1983
Pluto was in Libra
The Astrological Symbol for
Libra is represented by a pair of scales - the only
sign to be represented by an inanimate object. All
of the others are either humans or animals. This
says something about the Libra objective - to be
fair and balanced in everything in a detached way it is an air sign and therefore seeks an ideal.
The Astrological Glyph for Libra
An interesting combination of the circle of spirit
with the crescent to almost close the circle. And
this above parallel horizontal lines, representing
almost a separation from matter, above and below.
Libra Constellation
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Libra Constellation
QuickTime™ and a
TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are needed to see this picture.
Mythology of Libra
The mythology of Libra revolves around the
golden scales under the control of Venus
Aphrodite. This goddess has a dual
personality, noted in her two names. As
Aphrodite, she tips the scales toward riot
and wild revelry, as a lusty and sensual
seductress of both gods and men. As the
serene beauty Venus, she tips the balance
in the other direction, toward peace and
Libra More …
Libra is also associated with the fall
equinox where day and night are the
And it is associated with the final harvest
of the season. From Aries to Virgo we
work on our inner self. We grow. Then in
Libra we reap what we have sown by
going out into the world.
Energy - Preface
The difficulty in mentioning the energy of any
particular sign is that each of us has many
energies influencing us. One energy is
certainly the sun sign we are born in, but
there are many other energies. Some of
these would be the other astrological
elements, our karmic history, our rays, our
heritage, etc. And then to confuse the issue
more there is the energies of the transiting
and progressed planets.
Energy - Preface
Additionally there is no “best” or “worst”
There is no “good” or “bad” energy - as there
are no “good” or “bad” tools - or as, for
example, electricity is not “good” or “bad”.
In astrology we refer to the energies
associated with the planets, houses, signs,
and relationships between them as “nonchallenging” or “challenging”.
Libra Energy
Librans are doers. In spite of their need to
be liked, and reluctance to face
confrontations, they are surprisingly strongwilled. They set out to accomplish their
goals and will find ways to succeed one way
or another, usually by using their wit and
charm. The “iron fist in a velvet glove”
approach is one key to their success.
Libra Energy
Librans react to everything they experience
in life with an intellectual orientation. Before
they take physical action, before they
assess the practical worth of something, and
before they sort out their true emotions, they
try to visualize it objectively as a kind of
mental exercise. It would be a mistake to
believe they lack passion. They can be
outrageous flirts and true romantics. Their
passion is not apt to be sustained however,
if their interest in someone does not include
intellectual rapport as well as physical
What do we know about Libra?
Libra is the 7th sign of the zodiac.
The first six signs represent man's
attention turned inward to understand and
develop his individuality and position in the
The rest of the signs represent his
attention turned outward to humanity as a
What do we know about Libra?
Libra is not merely the sign of partnership, it is
the sign of other people in general.
To attain the understanding man seeks in Libra,
there must be a compromise between the
passion and the intellect.
The physical world must come to terms with the
nonphysical world.
The objectivity of judgment needed for these
Libra is the balance between the individual and
Libra Non-Challenging Energies
Good Mediator
Libra Challenging Energies
Easily influenced
Style Slave
Intolerant of
Main Challenge
The main challenge, as with
each of the astrology energies,
is to use the energies in a
positive way. To think above the
belt. To be the enlightened
being. To turn the challenging
aspects into non-challenging
The Exoteric Ruler is Venus
Libra appreciates the beauty of life with all
its cultural advantages.
Librans love to share their interests with
someone close.
Associated with the 5th Ray of Mind. God
the Son. The Son of Mind. He who
includes. Egoic consciousness. Intellect to
The Esoteric Ruler is Uranus
In Libra the pacesetter is progressive in
his decisions. What must be dealt with is
done justly with progress in mind. Here is
the awakening of the other self to beauty,
to idealism, and to intuition.
Associated with the 7th Ray of Ceremonial
magic. God the Father. He who relates.
The Source of Duality. He who perceives
the end from the beginning. Spiritual
The Hierarchical Ruler is Saturn
It brings to the manifestation of mankind
and to the various hierarchies involved, a
point of crisis to which the clue and the
outcome lies in the recognition of balance.
Associated with the 3rd Ray of Active
Intelligence. God the Holy Spirit. He who
knows. Mind. Human Consciousness.
Ray Rulers for Libra
We thus have:
Saturn - Ray 3 - Instinct to Intellect
Venus - Ray 5 - Intellect to Intuition
Uranus - Ray 7 - Intuition to Inspiration
For this reason - founded on the above triple
relationship - Libra is the “point of balance”
in the zodiac and without a “point of crisis”.
Who are some Libras?
F. Scott Fitsgerald
Barbara Walters
Bridgette Bardot
Enrico Fermi
Annie Besant
Julie Andrews, Groucho Marx, Mahatma Gandhi,
Rutherford Hayes, Richard Gordon, Neils Bohr, Heinrich
Himmler, R. D. Laing, Desmond Tutu, Charles Jayne,
Eleanor Roosevelt, Aleister Crowley, Dwight Eisenhower,
E. E. Cummings, C. Everett Koop, Arthur Schlesinger,
Friedrich Nietzsce, Evel Knievel, Jess Helms, George C.
Scott, etc.
The Labours of Hercules
The Labours of Hercules
The Labours of Hercules is a book by Alice
Bailey written in 1936 wherein Hercules
needs to complete 12 tasks – one in each
Each sign represents a different aspect of
man’s development.
This the story of the individual Christ,
crucified upon the cross of matter, and
incarnated in each human being, God,
incarnate in matter.
The Labour in Libra
The Labour of Hercules in Libra is both a sad and
a funny story. His challenge in this sign is to
capture a wild boar. Before he begins he is told to
take time to eat. In Libra we must learn to balance
activity with rest, to feed our physical, emotional
and mental bodies so that they will carry us
through our tasks in life. Hercules is given a new
bow and arrow to use in this Labour, but he
refuses it, remembering the sad end of the Labour
in the previous sign Virgo in which he wrongly
killed the Queen of the Amazons. So in Libra he is
unarmed and must rely upon his wit.
Hercules completes his task
On his way up the mountain hunting the boar, Hercules
meets two centaur friends. They invite him to drink wine
with them, from a cask which actually belongs to the whole
group of centaurs. (Librans are party animals!) While
Hercules and his friends are drinking and enjoying
themselves, the rest of the centaurs discover them and a
fierce battle ensues. During the fight Hercules kills his two
friends. He escapes to the mountains in dismay, and
continues his quest for the boar. Finally Hercules sets a
snare for it, and at dawn when the boar comes out to find
food, it falls into the trap. Although unarmed, Hercules finds
an ingenious way to subdue the boar: He picks it up by its
hind legs and ‘wheelbarrows’ it down the mountain,
laughing as he goes!
Where’s the balance?
Libra is the sign of balance, of finding the mid-point
between extremes. The key phrase for Libra is “I choose
the way which leads between the two great lines of force.”
Carousing with the centaurs, Hercules goes to extremes:
First he fully indulges his animal nature drinking the wine.
Then he kills his friends in a complete ‘mortification’ or
rejection of his animal instincts. Finally in this Labour
Hercules discovers the ‘middle way’, using his knowledge
and experience of the animal nature to trap the boar when
it comes out for food, and then by manoeuvring the animal
before him on its own legs to get it down the mountain. This
quirky, inventive solution shows the power of Uranus in
action. Uranus (esoteric ruler of Libra) is the spark of
intuition or inspiration that grounds the creative new idea.
Hercules Comments
In Libra we swing between the opposites and make relationship
between the two. Libra rules sex and money. Money is a medium
of exchange. Sex is the at-one-ment of the two opposites male
and female. Venus (the exoteric ruler of Libra) is the planet of
relationship and also rules money and resources. Libra is about
justice and the law. The scales of justice balance all sides of a
case with wise determination before pronouncing judgment.
Saturn represents Earthly law. On a planetary level this is a time
when changes to the justice system could take place to align
human or Earthly law with heavenly law. In our own lives we
might take a close look at the laws we live by. Are we following
the Spirit of the Law in our everyday lives? Libra is also the sign
of Decision – despite the fact that Librans are often known for
their indecisiveness! In your life are you at a ‘crossroads’ where
you must decide your next step; the future direction of your
path? The Grand Cross symbolises a ‘crossroads’. Use your
best judgement of head and heart, and then take the leap!
Hercules Comments
Humanity itself is the ‘crossroads
point’ between heaven and earth. It
is always a juggling act keeping the
two in balance. In a way we are
that which keeps heaven and earth
separate, and in a way we are that
which keeps them together.
Virgo Full Moon
Full Moon
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
3:45 PM EDT
Scorpio Full Moon
Friday, October 26, 2007
12:53 AM EDT
Scorpio Full Moon Meditation
Thursday, October 25, 2007
7:00 PM EDT
Sun - Moon
Mars - Pluto
indicates times when we
separating their egos from
our emotions - but we
have this every full moon
and is thus the state for
everyone. Mars opposite
Pluto indicates times when
we are often confronted
with renewal or renovation
in some form. These are
times mankinds’ needs to
whatever intellectual or
physical skills we possess
in order to meet the
challenges in life. A
constant frustration may
be in having to always
deal with what is irrelevant
in order to be allowed to
Sun - Mars - Moon
- Pluto Grand
Sun square Mars
indicates times of
competitiveness and
impatience are often
indicates times of
success because of
perseverance. If we
try ten things, maybe
only one will work,
but in the end that
Sun - Mars - Moon
- Pluto Grand
indicates those who are
constantly running into
situations which call for
the use of all their
resources. Sometimes
they are unwilling to
give up one thing to
gain another and, in
these situations, they
lose more often than
they win. Moon square
Pluto indicates those
who may have the
unfortunate habit of
themselves. They are
apt to have analytical
Mercury - Mars Trine
Mercury - Pluto
indicates intellectual and
and enthusiasm. This
could see the breaking of
new ground. - either in an
aspect of Libra (balance,
writing, law) or Gemini
disseminating, creation of
ideas). Mercury sextile
Pluto would suggest keen
perceptions and analytical
abilities - again either in
an aspect of Libra or
Sagittarius. The last time
Pluto was in Sagittarius
(1749-1762) we had the
Enlightenment with great
advances in scientific and
political thought.
In our meditation this evening, let
us visualise a common goal for
humanity. Groups of men and
together to support right-human
values. Let us use our magical
powers of manifestation, and see
this happen. Leaders and ordinary
people alike, afire with goodwill and
humanitarian vision, acting in
concert for the good of mankind as
Seed Thought for Libra
I choose the Way
that leads between
the two great lines
of force.