Transcript Coevolution

Theoretical Considerations
Barb Sharanowski
Department of Entomology
Photo © Steven D. Johnson
Classical Co-evolution
• Darwin: Origin of Species
“ Thus, I can understand how a flower and a bee might slowly
become, either simultaneously or one after the other, modified
and adapted in the most perfect manner to each other, by
continued preservation of individuals presenting mutual and
slightly favorable deviations of structure”
Darwin’s Orchid
(Angraecum sesquipedale)
Xanthopan morgani praedicta
Paul Ehrlich and Peter Raven (1964)
“ Butterflies and Plants: A Study in Co-evolution”
 Brassicaceae (cabbage and mustard family) –
Pieridae (whites, sulphurs)
“…as in the occupation of any adaptive zone, the first
organisms to enter it have a tremendous advantage
and are apt to have the opportunity to become
exceedingly diverse before evolution in other
organisms sharply restricts their initial advantage
Escape and Radiate
Radiates into new adaptive zone
Evolves new chemical defense:
Radiates into new adaptive zone
Free from
Evolves ability to overcome plant defenses
Free from
Cycle Continues
“Evolutionary Arms Race”
The Critics
•Cornelius Muller (1969)
• Secondary defensive compounds are metabolic
waste products evolved independently of insect
Flower Nectar: Attractant or Defense?
NEC1 + NEC 5
32 genes
Hydrogen Peroxide
Limits microbial growth
(Carter and Thornburg, 2004)
The Critics
Janzen, 1980:
Diffuse Co-evolution/ Guild Co-evolution
- many species, on the same or different trophic levels,
exerting selective pressure on each other
Pairwise Reciprocal Co-evolution
- 2 species evolving in stepwise fashion in response to
selective pressure exerted by the other species
The Critics
Tibor Jermy (1993)
suggested insects do not exert any real selective
pressure on plants:
1) Herbivory is relatively rare in higher orders and
population densities tend to be relatively low
1) Insect herbivory may not effect the reproductive
fitness of a plant
1) Outbreaks are rare
1) Conflicting selective pressures (eg. with
microorganisms and other plants)
Evidence for E & R’s Model
For co-evolution to progress between a plant and a
herbivore, the following conditions must be met:
 there must be genetic variation for characters in both
plant and insect that influence the interaction
between the species
 each species must be a selective force on the other
species (i.e., affect the other's fitness)
there must a response to selection in each species.
Webworm and wild parsnip
Berenbaum and Zangerl, 1998
Derived Plant compounds = Greater Plant Diversity
Berenbaum, 1981; 1983
Most Primitive Form = simple coumarins
or hydroxycoumarins
More Derived = linear furanocoumarins
Most derived = angular furanocoumarins
more derived genera of parsnips:
• are defended by angular furanocoumarins
• contain disproportionately higher number
of plant species
• support more specialist feeders, than
A tight Relationship between webworm and parsnip phenotypes
in four populations
Berenbaum and Zangerl,
Geographic Mosaic of Co-evolution
John Thompson, 1999:
• Pairwise reciprocal selection imposes an artificial
dichotomy on the study of co-evolution
• Population differentiation is a key component to coevolution
– Hughes et al. (1997) estimated that species are
divided on average into 220 genetically
differentiated populations
Geographic Mosaic of Co-evolution
Selection on one
Selection on one
Genetic Drift
Selection on one
Gene Flow
Selection on neither
Reciprocal selection
Geographic Mosaic of Co-evolution
Thompson’s theory predicts:
• Populations will differ in the traits shaped by an
• Traits of interacting species will be matched in some
communities and mismatched in others
• There will be few co-evolved traits that are distributed
across all populations of a set of interacting species,
because few coevolved traits will be favored across
all communities
Non-pollination among Yucca Moths
evolved multiple times independently
Pellmyr et al.,
Nature 1996
Interactions between plant
polyploidy and insect herbivores
Percentage of Seed Capsules attacked by Greya
politella in different geographical locations
D = diploid
T = Tetraploid
Thompson et al.