Transcript Ch. 4 Cells

Ch. 4 Cells
Chapter 4
There are 100 trillion cells in the human
A cell is a basic unit of life, and is the
smallest of all organisms
We need a microscope to see cells
-Many contributions to the cell were made
Robert Hook
Robert Brown
Mathias Schleiden
Theodor Schwann
Rudolf Virchow
Anton van Leeuwenhoek- 1st microscope
Cell Theory (3 parts)
1. all living things are composed of cells.
2. cells are basic unit of structure in living
3. all cells come from pre-existing cells.
Cell Structure
• Cell Membrane is made up of lipids and
– It is selectively permeable and made of 2
layers. (lipid bilayer)
• Cell Wall (in plants) is around the outside
and protects the cell.
• Organelles: perform a specific function.
– Nucleus: is the control center, or brain of cell
• Prokaryotes are: cells with no nucleus
• Eukaryotes are cells with a nucleus
• Nuclear Envelope surrounds the nucleus
• Nucleolus: in the nucleus. It produces
• Chromatin is: strands of DNA and protein
• Chromosomes are: densely packed,
contain DNA and Protein for heredity.
• -Cytoplasm is located: within the cell
membrane. Contains all the minerals,
gases, and organelles.
• -Mitochondria: the power house of the
cell. Provides energy to function.
• -Chloroplasts: (plants) trap energy from
sun for plant to use.
• -Ribosomes: The site of protein synthesis
• Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER):
passageway for transport of materials
– Smooth ER:
synthesizes and regulates
– Rough ER:
prepares proteins for export
• Golgi Apparatus: the post office.
Prepares, and packs for secretion. Also
Carb. Synthesis
• Lysosomes: Clean up crew. Has
enzymes to digest.
• -Vacuoles: (plant) Storage of starch
• -Plastids: (plant) store food and pigments
• -Cilia: hair-like projection to sweep
materials across and away from the cell
• -Flagella: whip like tail for motility.
• The level of Organization is:
Organ Systems
Cell Movement
• -Passive Transport
-Diffusion is: movement of molecules from
greater concentration to lower conc.
example: oxygen in alveoli to the blood
Carbon dioxide in blood to the alveoli
* Some examples of diffusion in the body are:
-Hypotonic solution: solutions with salt
conc. Lower than cell.
-Hypertonic solution: conc. Higher than
-Isotonic solution: conc. are equal.
• Osmosis: diffusion of water through a
selectively permeable membrane.
example: small intestines and kidneys
• Facilitated Diffusion: uses a carrier
protein to move
• Molecules move through membrane from
higher to lower concentration, but need
help to do so.
Example: The diffusion of glucose
requires a Carrier Enzyme to bond to the
glucose, making it soluble.
• Active Transport: ATP used to move a
substance from an area of lesser conc. To
an area of greater conc.
Ex:-Sodium Potassium Pump
• -Endocytosis: cells ingest fluid
– Pinocytosis: When a stationary cell engulfs
something. Ex: cells in kidneys
– Phagocytosis: When a moving cell engulfs
something. Ex: WBC in blood engulf bacteria
• -Exocytosis: The release of materials out
of the cell.
– Water and dissolved materials are forced
through a membrane from higher to lower
example: blood in tissues is forced
through capillaries.