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Appendix E
Humans are most closely related to ____
in evolutionary history.
A. gorillas
B. chimpanzees
C. orangutans
D. frogs
Which man is recognized as a contributor
to modern day evolutionary theory?
A. Gregor Mendel
B. Francis Crick
C. Joseph Lister
D. Charles Darwin
The reproductive success of organisms best
suited to their environment is known as
A. natural selection.
B. adaptation.
C. evolution.
D. convergence.
Which of the following best describes the
relationship between humans and apes?
A. Humans evolved from apes.
B. Humans and apes share a common
C. Humans and apes are the same
D. Apes are primates; humans aren’t.
Which of the following would be
considered modern day evidence for
A. embryological similarities between
B. bacterial resistance to antibiotics
C. DNA similarities between species
D. All of the above
An example of a warm color would be
A. blue.
B. green.
C. orange.
D. violet.
In art, value is
A. how much a piece of art is worth.
B. the relative darkness or lightness of an
C. a measure of how much emphasis is
placed on an object in a painting.
D. how much a sculpture weighs.
A piece of art that is achromatic would
A. have lots of contrasting colors (blue &
orange, yellow & violet, etc.)
B. contain many straight lines.
C. be black, white, and/or gray.
D. show that the artist lacks imagination.
Colors associated with the air, sky, and
water are considered
A. contrasting colors.
B. warm colors.
C. cool colors.
D. masculine colors.
A technique that can be used to create
changes in value within a work of art is
A. cross-hatching.
B. hatching.
C. stippling.
D. All of the above.