Transcript gamma mac

APSYS 參數問題
想請問crosslight.mac 與
value= 50.e-12 ,e-12的意思是指10-12
value=1.d5, d指的是什麼意思?
改嗎? 一定要從sol 設定嗎?
p.s因為 在校的指導老師認為參數
關於LED 其GaN的材料為六方晶
• lifetime_n
The material statements lifetime_n and lifetime_p
define the minority life time (in seconds) for
carriers (_n for electrons and _p for holes) in the
SRH recombination model. The basic mechanism
is electron or hole capture by deep level traps.
This statement is therefore related to other trap
statements. The relation between lifetime and
other trap quantities are written as:
1/lifetime= trap density × thermal velocity ×
capture cross section
• radiative_recomb
radiative_recomb is the radiative (or spontaneous)
recombination coefficient in units of m3∕sec. It is
usually defined as the coefficient B such that the
radiative recombination is given by B(np - ni)
where ni is the intrinsic carrier density. Note that
this coefficient is only used for the non-active
region of the laser. For active regions, the
spontaneous emission rate is computed from first
principles, analogous to the optical gain.
• absorption
This material statement is used to defined the optical
absorption or loss (in units of 1/m) in passive materials of
the device. For active materials, this value is overridden by
the internal gain calculations.
The default macro setting for this parameter is zero which
means that a default background loss will be applied for this
material. This background loss will be determined either by
a hard-coded value in the software or from the backg_loss
value in init_wave or set_wavelength. Note that conversely,
a non-zero value of absorption will override the background
loss for this material.
• real_index
The material statement real_index is the real
refractive index at the appropriate optical
frequency. Please do not confuse this with the
dielectric constant of Poisson’s equation at DC or
low frequencies.
The parameters for this statement are the same as
for all other material statements. The use of these
parameters and related examples are given under
material_par in section 22.401.
• tau_energy
tau_energy is the energy relaxation time of hot
electrons in seconds. It is used only when hot
electron model is activated.
• norm_field
• The material parameter norm_field is added to the
list of parameters in the material library. It is used
if “n.gaas” is chosen as the type of fielddependent mobility, as the normalizing field (F0n)
(see the User’s Manual). It allows the user to
specify more accurate electron mobility as a
function of field in III-V or II-VI materials, where
the Gamma to L and Gamma to X bands cause the
velocity vs. field relation to exhibit a negative
• beta_n
• beta_n defines a parameter in the “beta” fielddependent mobility model for electrons
• beta_mte
• beta_mte is used in the modified transferredelectron mobility model for GaN.
• electron_sat_vel
The material statement electron_sat_vel is used
to define the saturation electron velocity (in
m/s). It is used in Eq. 5.39 to define the fielddependent mobility function.
The parameters for this statement are the same
as for all other material statements. . See
material_par in section 22.401 for examples
and further details.
• affinity
• affinity is a passive macro material statement
defining the electron affinity (in eV) of a
material. In metal and resistors, this value is
equal to the work function: it is the difference
between the vacuum level and the conduction
band edge. For active layers, affinity will be
overridden by band offset parameters from the
active macro.
• a_bulk
• The material statement a_bulk is a passive
macro statement used to define the total
hydrostatic deformation potential (eV) in a
wurtzite bulk region. This value is split
between the conduction and valence bands
according to ac_bulk.
• ac_bulk
• The material statement ac_bulk is a passive
macro statement used to define the hydrostatic
deformation potential (eV) applied to the
conduction band in wurtzite bulk regions
• d1_bulk
• di_bulk,i=1...6 are a set of parameters used to
define barrier properties in wurtzite passive
macros. They define the shear deformation
potential (di) as defined in Ref [74].
• The parameters for this statement are the same
as for all other material statements
• c11_bulk
• cij_bulk are a set of statements defining the
stiffness tensor (elastic constants) in a passive
material macro. This is only used for wurtzite
materials since the software does not support
strained bulk zincblende.
• e15_bulk
• e15_bulk and related commands are used in a
passive macro (wurtzite only) to define
piezoelectric tensor components
• shal_acpt_level
• shal_acpt_level is used to define or override
the shallow acceptor level of the p-type
dopants. The level is measured from the
valence band and in the unit of eV.
• thermal_kappa
• thermal_kappa defines the thermal
conductivity κ (in W/(m*K)) for a given
material. This is used to solve the heat flow
equation and is otherwise ignored.