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Moscow Aviation Institute (State University)
125871, Moscow, Russia.
Fig. 1a Domain instability in explosive emission plasma in magneto-isolated
diode of electron accelerator
Fig.1 b Electrical domain in a spark discharge
Fig.1. The scheme of the stable electric domain and distribution of intensity of an electric
field - (a), the image of a luminescence at thermalization of fast electrons in air - (b) and
a qualitative structure generated at origin of the domain of a transversal electromagnetic
wave - (c). Lines of an induction of an azimuthal magnetic field are in a wave in the plane
conterminous with an axis 0r and perpendicular to a plane of figure.
Fig.2a Schematics of experiment. 1- electrodes; 2 – cell body; 3- electronic
optical chamber FER-7; 4 – X – rays detector; 5 – collector; 6 – Rogowski belt;
7 – detector microwave radiation with phtoroplast absorber; 8 - electronic
optical transformer; L – lense.
Fig.2 b A typical waveforms of applied voltage and current at discharge near surface
of dielectric
Fig.2. Development of a luminescence in time in near-electrode areas at breakdown at a
surface диэлектрика. Pictures are given for four последовательтельных intervals of
time from the beginning of growth of a voltage: tа = 0-10 nanoseconds; tб = 100-130
nanoseconds; tв = 200-230 nanoseconds; tг = 300-330 nanoseconds.
Fig.3. Development of a luminescence in time for distance of 3 sm from an
electrode of a capillary plasma gun in an initial stage of the category.
Pictures are given for three consecutive intervals of time from the beginning
of growth of voltage.
Dendritic (treelike) discharge in atmosphere and in laboratory conditions
Fig.4. An integrated luminescence on time “ red devil ”, formed in an ionosphere of the
Earth at electric breakdown. The picture is received by Russian cosmonaut
Fig.5. Structure of radiating star: 1- ringular external layer (photosphere);
2 - intermediate layer; 3 - kernel; 4 - current-plasma channel; 5 - spots.
In work the domain model of a structure of a star of radiating type is created. It is
shown, that the star consists of a kernel with superfluous negative and a ring external
layer with superfluous positive charges, i.e. the star is the stable electric domain of
spherical geometry. The explanation is given to stationary components of intensity
electric and an induction magnetic fields. Between a kernel and a ring layer there are
radially directed current-plasma channels in which streams because of an inequality
of the directed drift periodically occurs and destroed of domains. Their origin it is
accompanied by generation of electromagnetic radiation by means of which ions
collect energy, sufficient for overcoming Coulomb a potential barrier. The reasons of
existence of solar spots and proturberances are proved.
There is an analogy in structure of radiating stars and spherical abnormal formations which are generated at breakdown at a surface dielectric [4-6] and in capillary
discharge [7]. Identity of structure gives the basis to consider, that generation of stars
at the Big Bang occured similarly to process of generation of abnormal formations in
electric categories - because of thermalization of fast electrons in the environment
and the subsequent formation of areas with surplus spatial charges.
In work, except for the conclusions based on experimental results, are available
also there are hypotheses and assumptions. They are based on logic. Reliability of
hypotheses will be checked up by time as not all can be measured or registered. It is
necessary to note, that nuclear burning out of a star gradually leads to infringement of
balance between the forces operating in elements and between elements of a star, to
reduction of angular speed of its rotation and to the subsequent collapse which leads
merges of a kernel and a ring external layer. As a result collapse kernels and a layer
recombination fragments of a star receive a significant impulse under which action
they leave Galaxy or are grasped by " a black hole ”.
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