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Transcript transparencies - Indico

A short introduction to the
Olav Ullaland, EP CERN
The Summer Student Hardware Labs (even in software)
With the size of the
experimental tools in high
energy physics getting larger
and more complicated, it is
very hard in some short
summer months to get a
feeling of the different
aspects of an experiment.
We would therefore like to invite you into
some of our labs and try to show you in a
few hours what we are doing there and
why we are doing it.
Who are "we" :
Andre Augustinus
Tito Bellunato
Andre Braem
Carmelo D’Ambrosio
Lau Gatignon
Christian Joram
Beat Jost
Niko Neufeld
Emile Schyns
West Area Test Beam facilities
: SL/EA group
Contact person : Lau GATIGNON
Tuesday 6 August at 14:00 in 32-1-A24
Introduction to secondary beam lines
Optimisation of a beam line by using
collimators, bending magnets and
targets. Particle identification with
Cherenkov counters and absorbers.
Wednesday 7 August at 14:00 (bus from Main building to the West area)
A guided walk through the beam
West Area control room (bldg. 272/S).
09:00 - 13:00
14:00 - 18:00
6 August
Wednesday 7 August
All for a walk
Thursday 8 August
9 August
Monday 12 August
Tuesday 13 August
Thursday 15 August
Slow controls - Real time Programming
Teacher: Andre Augustinus
The workshop is aimed at students with no
experience in controls
Time : one afternoon, 14:00 – 18:00
Dates : 6, 7, 8 and 9 August
Place : to be announced
Encyclopædia Britannica
The workshop is intended to show a
case of real time programming and
controls, using as example gas
pressure and/or temperature
stabilisation. It will include the use of
control software packages as well as
handling of hardware like flow meters,
valves, pressure and temperature
Production and Characterisation of Evaporated Thin Films
Teachers: Andre Braem and Christian Joram
Time : one afternoon, 14:30 – 18:00
Dates : 15, 17 and 19 July
Place : 3/R-020
Generation of high vacuum; evaporation of
thin films; optical transmission and electrical
resistivity of thin films; quantum efficiency
measurement of photocathodes.
Mirrors and Light
Teacher: Tito Bellunato
Time : one afternoon, 14:00 – 18:00
Dates : 4 groups first two weeks of August
Place : 17-1-007
Perform measurements of the radius
of curvature of a spherical mirror and
its average geometrical deviation
from the ideal spherical shape. Such
mirrors are used in Rich Imaging
Cherenkov (RICH) detectors at CERN.
Composite, Beryllium and glass
substrate mirrors will be used.
Encyclopædia Britannica
X- and Gamma- rays detection with a Hybrid PhotoMultiplier Tube
Teacher: Carmelo D’Ambrosio
Requirements: none
Time : one afternoon, 14:00 – 18:00
Dates : 4 groups first half of August
Place : Meeting place will be given by e-mail
Please note that gamma sources and
high voltages are present on the set-up.
New Scintillating Crystals are being
developed for bio-medical applications,
which were first developed for high energy
physics or material science. With a new
generation of photodetectors being made
available for the same applications (HPMTs,
APDs, SDCs, etc.), these gamma detectors
(crystal + photodetector) represent an
important contribution in the evolution of
instrumentation for physics and non-physics
Encyclopædia Britannica
Quantum Efficiency of CsI Thin Films in the UV-Region
Teacher: Emile Schyns
Requirements: none
Time : one afternoon, 14:00 – 18:00
Dates : 3 groups last two weeks of August
Place : Meeting place 1/R-031
The stone of the wise
A 300 nm thin CsI-film has been
deposited onto a gold-plated pcbsubstrate. In vacuum a VUV-source and
simple optics illuminate the sample with
a well defined UV-light spot. The
measured photo-currents from the
The spectral r esponse of photocathodes can be
CsI-photo-cathode are in the pico
descr ibed in the model of Spicer by:
Amperes range. To obtain the
Quantum Efficiency of the CsI photocathode, the total photo-current is
measured by replacing the sample by a
E T is the photoemission thr eshold,
photo-multiplier with a well know
c1 and c2 ar e constants,
Quantum Efficiency.
is the incident photon energy.
A tunable lightsource is needed to measure spectra.
Data Acquisition (and fun with bits lost and found).
Teachers: Beat Jost and Niko Neufeld
Some basic programming experiences
would be good - but that should not deter anyone.
Time : one afternoon, 14:00 – 18:00
Dates : 4 groups 26 - 29 August
Place : Meeting place 2/R-019
DAQ systems at LHC will have to
move huge amounts of data
(several GB/sec) operating on
links which run at 1 GHz.
Students will have an opportunity
to see a prototype system for the
LHCb data acquisition. You will be
able to operate and modify high
speed network switching code.
The software can be experienced
on real hardware as well as
closely monitored in graphical
simulation programs.
What you have to do
Get on
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