Transcript Key Idea #

Key Idea # 9
All organisms have a life span and must
reproduce in order to continue the
allows the genetic material of living
things to be passed from generation to
 is required for the survival of a species
 includes two types:
– sexual
– asexual
Asexual Reproduction
 only one parent is needed
 offspring are genetically identical to parent
 can produce large numbers of offspring
 no genetic variety because offspring are
genetically identical to the parent
 organisms are all identical so the species can’t
adapt to a changing environment
Types of asexual reproduction include:
binary fission
FYI: Fragmentation and Regeneration
A type of asexual
reproduction found in
less evolved animals.
 When the parent body
breaks into pieces,
each piece can grow
into a new organism
that is identical to the
Sexual Reproduction
Genetic variety
• organisms closely resemble their parents
• both parents contribute an equal amount of genetic
material to the offspring.
Organisms have a greater chance of adapting to
environmental changes
Two organisms must be involved
Some genetic combinations can negatively affect the
survival of some species by passing on diseases and
genetic defects
organisms reproduce
in more than one way……
Yeast Reproduction
Bacteria reproduce
genetic material is duplicated before the cell divides
resulting in two daughter cells that are genetically
identical to each other.
– Note: a disadvantage is antibiotics will kill all bacteria
genetic material is transferred from one cell to
another cell forming one new bacteria cell that is
genetically different from the parent cells
– Note: An advantage is antibiotic resistance in offspring.
Plants reproduce
sexually through
pollination and
asexually through
production of runners,
tubers, regeneration,
bulbs cloning, etc…
about fraternal and
identical twins?
Fraternal Twins
are produced when two separate sperm cells
fertilize two different egg cells by sexual
 are not identical because they have different
DNA (chromosomes and genes)
Identical Twins
are produced after one sperm cell fertilizes an
egg cell by sexual reproduction and the
fertilized egg divides into two fertilized egg cells
by asexual reproduction.
 are identical because they have identical DNA
(chromosomes and genes).
Cell Division
is the process by
which a cell divides
to form two identical
daughter cells.
Cell Growth and Cell Division
The daughter cells grow
and increase in size until
they reach maturity.
Once the daughter cells
reach maturity, they
divide and produce two
more daughter cells.
This process continues,
resulting in organism
growth and reproduction
of cells.
The Cell Cycle
Each time cell division takes place, it’s called
a cell cycle
 For unicellular organisms, a cell cycle results
in a new organism
– bacteria, amoeba, paramecium
For multicellular organisms, a cell cycle
results in a new cell
– leaf cells, root cells, skin cells, blood cells, etc.
The growth of a unicellular organism is
limited to an increase in cell size.
Pleodorina starrii
Once unicellular organisms
reach adulthood they divide.
The 12 small cells near the
top of this colony only swim.
The 20 larger adult cells both
swim and reproduce by cell
division. (Credit: Copyright 2008 Matthew Herron)
are unicellular
organisms without a
 will reproduce every
20 minutes under
ideal conditions
How do cells reproduce?
Prokaryote cells like bacteria don’t have
organelles and a nucleus to divide up, so they
can divide by splitting themselves in two by
binary fission.
Eukaryote cells like animal and plant cells
have organelles and a nucleus to divide so
they must undergo mitosis.
Binary Fission
The cell duplicates its
genetic material and
then divides into two
separate cells
produces two new
daughter cells which
are identical to each
other and the original
parent cell.
 produces body cells for
growth, replacement,
and repair
Note: A similar type of cell
division occurs in plant
FYI: Cell Replacement
Bone marrow cells constantly divide to
produce new red and white blood cells
– RBC’s live about 100-120 days
– WBC’s live about 13-20 days
Skin cells under your epidermis
constantly divide and move upward to
replace lost skin cells that flake off.
– Most people re-grow their epidermis
completely about every two years.
Are a child’s cells smaller or the same
size as it’s parents'?
You might think that the parents have larger
cells, because their bodies are bigger. But the
truth is, that both the infant, its parents, have
cells that are pretty much the same size.
However, the parents have a lot more cells.
Growth of multi-cellular organisms is
due to both an increase in cell size and
an increase in cell number.
Once cells in multi-celled
organisms reach adulthood
they divide (reproduce) and
form two cells.
Repeated cell division
causes an increase in cell
number in the organism.
A larger multi-cellular
organism has more cells
than a smaller organism of
the same species, but the
cells are all pretty much the
same size.
FYI Meiosis:
is a type of cell division that
produces sex cells for
produces 4 new daughter
cells which only have half of
the genes from the original
parent cell.
When these cells combine
to produce offspring each
contributes half the genes
that a normal body cell
Produces Body Cells
Produces Reproductive Cells
Life Cycle of the Flowering
Plant: Produces Plant Cells