What is a Theory?

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Guess who’s coming to dinner?
“Plant growth comes about
through the production of
new cells…propagated
from the cytoblasts [nuclei]
of old cells”
Matthias Schleiden
“Once when he was dining with
Scheliden in 1837, the conversation
turned on the nuclei of vegetable
cells. Schwann remembered having
seen similar structures in the cells of
the notochord and instantly realized
the importance of connecting the
two phenomena.”
Theodor Schwann
The Cell Theory
All organisms are composed of cells
Cells are the smallest living unit of living things
The Cell Theory
All organisms are composed of cells
Cells are the smallest living unit of living things
“Omnis cellula e cellula.” *
Rudolf Virchow
* “All cells arise from cells”
The Cell Theory
All organisms are composed of cells
Cells are the smallest living unit of living things
All cells come from cells
What is a Theory?
Important Scientific Theories
Cell theory
Germ theory of disease
Theory of evolution
Atomic theory
Heliocentric theory of the solar system
Universal gravitation
Theory of relativity
Quantum theory
String theory
Linnaeus believed every
living thing could be
classified as a plant or an
What do we believe
today is the most
fundamental division
among living things?
Tree of Life
The Eukaryotic Cell
Genetic material (DNA)
Chromatin (chromosomes)
Nuclear envelope (with pores)
The Prokaryotic Cell
First believed to be bacteria
Live in Extreme environments
Tree of Life
A Survey of Cell types
Plasma Cell
Makes and secretes
A Survey of Cell types
Single cell motile organisms
A Survey of Cell types
Sperm Cell
Need large amounts of energy
for tail movement
A Survey of Cell types
Neuron and Neuronal
A Survey of Cell types
Intestinal epithelium
Absorb nutrients from
A Survey of Cell types
Is this a cell? If so, what kind of cell?
What is the arrrow pointing to?
Bonus Cell(s)?:
What are the green sphere’s?
What is their role for the organism they reside in?
What do mitochondria and chloroplasts
have in common?
The Endosymbiosis Theory
Similar in size to prokaryotic cells
Two membranes
Own ribosomes, prokaryote-like
Divide independently
DNA sequence like prokaryotic genes
ancestral cell
membrane infolding
creates nucleus, ER
results in mitochondria
results in chloroplasts
animal cell
plant cell
Why are prokaryotes small and
eukaryotes large?
Which are more successful:
prokaryotes or eukaryotes?