Transcript File

Earth and Radioactive Dating
History of Life - Part 1
Before Life Existed on Earth:
1st, Formation of the Universe,
(then) Formation of the Solar System
(then)Formation of the Earth
(then)Environment able to support life had
to come about on Earth
What is the universe?
What is matter?
What is the opposite of everything?
Is the Universe static? Unchanging? Finite
or infinite?
Olbers' Paradox (1823*)
• The argument that the darkness of the
night sky conflicts with the assumption of
an infinite and eternal static universe.
BANG Theory
• This is the event in which the universe was
• All matter and radiation in the universe
came into being during the Big Bang.
• Happened 13.7 (or 15) billion years ago.
Our Solar System
• Formed out of a solar nebula about 5
billion years ago
• Earth formed at same time as other
planets (4.6 billion years ago)
A Time Line (sort of)
• Formed by accretion
• Started out as rocky ball of uniform
composition and density
• Then began to melt from the inside
• May have collided with another
protoplanet and remelted
• 4.6 -4.1 billion years ago
I Don’t Believe This
• Or is it that I don’t understand?
Formation of Earth
• The next layer was formed by the gases
escaping from the interior of the earth as it
cooled. 4.1 -3.8 billion years ago (no oxygen)
• Photosynthetic organisms added oxygen to
the atmosphere.(2.8 billion years ago) 78%
Nitrogen & 21% Oxygen
Formation of Earth
• Water from Earth, clouds, rain from atmosphere
• Earth was bombarded by water-rich
This created our next layer(starting
about 4 billion years ago
• All the water in, on and around the earth.
Formation of Earth
• The narrow layer around the earth’s surface in
which life can exist is called the
• Can be related to the skin on an apple.
What is a million?
• How long would it take to count to a
million? Well, counting once per second
(easy at the start, but tough when you
reach the hundred thousand mark), eight
hours per day, seven days per week (no
weekends off), it would take you a little
over a month to count to one million!
Big Numbers
Now 2 “oldies”
• Remember these slides from last
• An atom with a different than usual number of
neutrons in the nucleus.
• Usual Carbon has 6P +6N = 12
• Some Carbon may be 6P +8N =
• Some isotopes are radioactive.
• That means their nuclei are unstable and break
down over time.
• As they break down, energy is released from the
• Radioactivity can be good or bad.
• Some atoms are unstable
• Radioactivity is the process whereby
unstable atomic nuclei release energetic
subatomic particles. The word radioactivity
is also used to refer to the subatomic
particles themselves. This phenomenon is
observed in the heavy elements, like
uranium, and unstable isotopes, like
Measuring Absolute Time
• Original radioactive isotopes, called parent
isotopes, decay into stable isotopes (daughter
isotopes) by the process of fission.
• During fission, an atom splits into 2 atoms.
• The isotope decays at a constant rate that
is measured by the isotope’s half-life.
• Half-life is the time it takes for half of the
parent isotopes to decay into daughter
Half – Life of some elements
• Radioactive isotope of Carbon
• Living organisms are constantly adding carbon
to their bodies, some of which is C14
• When an organism dies, no new carbon is
entering the body, and radioactive decay takes
place, C14 decays to N14
• Using ratio of C14 to N14 allows you to calculate
number of half-lives, and then the age of the
sample of once living material
See other powerpoint
• On radioactive decay
Radioactive Isotope Dating
• Process of measuring
ratios of parent to
daughter isotopes in a
sample to determine
absolute age of the
Use of radioactive/radiometric
• By using various radioactive isotopes
found in rocks, minerals, and organic
materials (bone fragments, wood, ashes),
scientists can date when rocks were
formed, or when something died or was
• This is a basic tool used to determine the
geologic time scale – organization of how
old different rocks and fossils are
Geologic Time
• Starts with the formation
of the earth
approximately 4.6
BILLION years ago.
• Still developing into
current time.
• How do we know?
– Layers of the crust
– Fossils (most form in
sedimentary rock)
– Radioactive dating
• Preserved remains or
evidence of an
ancient organism
• Organic material has
usually been replaced
by inorganic
• Dinosaur track –
Clayton Lake State Park
• Ammonite fossil,
Cabezon, NM
• 17” across
• Coelophysis fossil
uncovered at Ghost
Ranch, New Mexico,
in 1947.
Geologic Time Charts
• Visual representation of Earth’s geologic
• Shows names for the different time
• Note the heirarchy of names – Eon, Era,
Period, Epoch
• **** Note that the chart is organized with
youngest, most recent events on top,
oldest on bottom
• 90% of earth’s history (longest time)
• First life forms
1. Single- celled, prokaryotic type (bacteria)
• Anaerobic organisms
2. Photosynthetic organisms (added oxygen)
3. Eukaryotes
– Mass Extinction
• Diversity of marine life
• 95% of the life in the
oceans disappeared at
the end of Era.
• Age of reptiles
• Earth warmer than it is
• Break up of Pangaea
• Cretaceous
• Jurassic
• Triassic
• Tertiary
• Quaternary
• Age of the mammals
• Lived on land, in water
and in the air.
Geologic Time
99% of all living organisms have gone extinct
Fossils occur in a specific order
Early life was single cellular
Liquid water was needed for life to start
Fossil rock
Fossil Record
• Millions of fossils have been
• Fossils occur in sequences –
observations dating from the 1700’s
• Fossils prove that humans did not exist
alongside dinosaurs.
• Scientists can check accuracy of
radioactive dating by using different
Important dates/ages
(in years ago/years before present)
Earth formation – 4.6 billion
Oldest rocks – 3.8 billion
Oldest life – 3.5 billion– anaerobic bacteria
Oldest eukaryotic – 1.5 billion
Oldest multicellular – 1billion
“Explosion” of life – 544 million (shells)