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Part 6
Limestone commonly weathers to a bluishgrey color, as shown here, center-left of photo.
McCloud River arm of Lake Shasta, CA
Carbonic acid from rainwater and water
percolating through decaying forest liter
weathers feldspar and calcite
Carbonate rocks are more susceptible to solutioning
and enlargement of discontinuities, especially along
orthogonal joints and bedding planes.
In the Midwest, rainwater can dissolve 1 mm of
limestone in 25 years where there is an average
precipitation of 34 in/yr (Winkler, 1965).
Terra rossa residual soils forming over limestone,
typical of sub-humid conditions. Note how the
reddish-brown soil infills the joints and separations
between core stones. Tree roots often follow these.
Distinctly weathered surface of carbonate rock known as
"rillenkarren,“ small solution pockets a few centimeters apart
separated by sharp intergroove crests. These are formed by
solutioning of puddled rain drops, which are slightly acidic.
Osama bin Laden giving interview
aired on al Jazeera television in
November 2001; likely somewhere in
the Tora Bora Mountains of
Geoforensics involves
principles of geology to
solve various mysteries
involving earth and ocean
systems. These include
applications to engineering
failures as well as crimes
involving our criminal
justice system.
The background in this
photo of Osama bin Laden
appears to be a type of
karst feature called
rillenkarren. Not rare, but
not that common either.
Karst refers the topography typically developed on limestone,
gypsum and other soluble rocks, primarily by dissolution. Karst
regions are typified by sinkholes, cave, dry channels and
extensive underground drainage networks, most of which are
About 22% of the
continental United
States is underlain by
Sinkholes are typically
circular at the ground
surface when their
roofs collapse and
funnel shaped below
They can develop over
a wide range of
diameters, as shown
1981 Auburndale, FL depression resulted from oxidation
of peats deposited in an underlying sinkhole. The
depression was about 2 ft deep.
Engineering geologists surveying ground fissures
caused by settlement. Sinkhole features generally
express themselves in circular form.
A 1981 drought in Florida caused the collapse of this
320 ft wide by 100 ft deep sinkhole in Winter Park,
Ground view of the May 1981 sinkhole in Winter Park,
Florida. Note the funnel shape of the deep, central
Approximately 22% of the Continental United States is
underlain by karst, including most of the Ozarks. This is a
large sinkhole feature known as Slaughter Sink, near
Interstate 44 on the Phelps/Pulaski County boundary.
Most limestone caverns begin through
solution of calcite along steeply dipping rock
joints and faults
Solution chambers can lie at considerable depth
below the groundwater level for millions of years,
filled with acid-charged water.
Shifts in weather patterns or natural erosion
can serve to lower groundwater levels,
removing buoyancy and support, causing
partial collapse.
Continued solution can open up pathways to the
atmosphere, allowing calcite-bearing solutions to enter
the cavern, lose some of their dissolved CO2 and
deposit calcite as speleothems. Residual clay begins to
fill the interstices of the cavern floor.
During the wetter climes of the Pleistocene calciterich groundwater deposited speleothems and washed
out some portion of the residual clay.
Drier Holocene climates and adjacent down cutting
combined to drain many caverns, depositing more
speleothems. Most caverns are filled with undetermined
amounts of fall-in and clay.