Transcript Document

• Granite is formed when magma cools
slowly deep underground.
Major Rock Group: Igneous
Sub Rock Group: Intrusive
• Basalt forms on the surface after
erupting from a volcano.
Major Rock Group: Igneous
Sub Rock Group: Extrusive
• Gneiss forms when granite
underground undergoes extreme
heat and pressure squeezing the
minerals into parallel bands.
Major Rock Group: Metamorphic
Sub Rock Group: Foliated
• Limestone formed from skeletons
and shells of organisms that lived in
the ocean.
Major Rock Group: Sedimentary
Sub Rock Group: Organic
Observation or Inference?
• All middle school students are
bringing lunch from home.
• Observation
Observation or Inference?
• All middle school students are
bringing lunch from home
because lunch is not good.
• Inference
Observation or Inference?
• You observe the sky at noon is
• Observation
Observation or Inference?
• You observe the sky at noon is
darkening, because it is about
to rain.
• Inference
What type of igneous rocks
form from volcanic eruptions
onto earth’s surface?
Extrusive Igneous Rock
What type of igneous rocks
form underneath the Earth’s
surface by the cooling of
Intrusive Igneous Rock
• At a mineral and fossil show,
Elizabeth bought two quartz crystals
that cost $3.00 each and four
trilobite fossils that cost $5.00 each.
Come up with an equation to show
the total cost of her purchase.
• (2 x 3.00) + (4 x 5.00) = purchase cost
• What is the repeating pattern of
atoms, ions, or molecules in a
mineral called?
• Crystal
•What process forms
•Weathering and Erosion
• Which mineral is the most
resistant to scratching?
• Diamond