Transcript Jeopardy

With Your
Column B
Types of
Column C
Parts of
Column D
Parts of
the Cell 2
Column E
Column F
Ch 2 Mix
Column A
The building block of all
living things
A 100
What is a Cell?
A 100
A group of similar cells
working together to complete
a job
A 200
What is Tissue?
A 200
Several groups of organ
systems working together
make up an …
A 300
What is an Organism?
A 300
Three things that cells need to
survive are:
A 400
What is food, water, and
waste removal?
A 400
Describe how organisms are
made from the most basic of
cells to the whole of systems
A 500
The cell is the smallest living thing. A
group of cells working together makes up
tissue. Tissue working together makes up
organs. A group of organs working
together to carry out a life function is
called an organ systems. Organ systems
interacting with one another make up an
A 500
What is the type of cell that is
shaped so that the length
helps the signals from the
brain reach other parts of the
body quickly? Examples of
this type of cell would be
nerve cells.
B 100
What are Branching Cells?
B 100
Which type of cell is shaped
like a discs with two big
dimples on each side? An
example of this type of cell
would be red blood cells.
B 200
What are Round cells?
B 200
Which type of cell joins or
overlaps to cover and protect
an area? Examples of these
cells would be skin cells,
cells that make up the surface
of the mouth and the
B 300
What are Flat Cells?
B 300
What is the process of taking
oxygen, food in order to get
energy and water? This
process happens in the
mitochondira of the cell.
B 400
What is Cellular Respiration?
B 400
Tell all three types of cells
and why they are shaped a
specific way
B 500
Branching cells are shaped with hair-like
appendages on them. These structures
connect all the cells so that the signals from
the brain are sent quickly from one place to
another. Flat cells are a flat, flaky shape
and this is because they are used to overlap
or cover surfaces. Round cells are shaped
so that they are able to move the blood
vessels quickly and they have the dimple in
each side so that they can pick up and carry
oxygen more easily.
B 500
The “skin” of the cell. It is
the outer surface of the cell
C 100
What is the Cell Membrane?
C 100
The “boss” of the cell. It
sends messages to the other
parts of the cell and controls
cell activity.
C 200
What is the nucleus?
C 200
The area of the cell from the
cell membrane to the nucleus;
It contains all cell material.
C 300
What is the cytoplasm?
C 300
Place A Wager
C 400
Only animal cells have
__________. Their job is
C 400
What is Lysosomes…They
work as the recyclers and
recycle worn out cell material
C 400
Two organelles that only
plant cells have are
___________ and
_____________. Their jobs
are to…
C 500
Cell Wall- serves as “extra
armor” and provides extra
support and shape for the
plant cell; Chloroplast- use
sunlight to make food for the
plant. They are where
photosynthesis occurs in the
plant and make the plant
C 500
The “powerhouse” of the cell;
They are rod shaped
organelles that produce or
make energy for the rest of
the cell.
D 100
What is the Mitochondria?
D 100
Organelles that store or
release chemicals; “packers”
and “carriers” of protein in a
D 200
What are the Golgi bodies?
D 200
What is a vacuole and is it
located in the plant or the
animal cell?
D 300
The vacuole acts as a
“stomach” for the PLANT
cell. It stores food and water
until the rest of the cell needs
D 300
Inside every nucleus are 46
chromosomes. Every
chromosome has a chemical
that carries instructions for
the cell. What is this
chemical called AND what is
it shaped like?
D 400
What is DNA? It is shaped
like a twisted ladder.
D 400
The part of the cell that is
responsible for cell reactions
is called ___________.
There are organelles located
on these, which are called
_______________. These
organelles are the protein
makers of the cell.
D 500
What are the Endoplasmic
Reticulum and Ribosomes?
D 500
Muscles only
__________...They never
E 100
What is Pull! They never
E 100
The ___________ system
works to move your body.
They work in bundles for
strength and it is made up of
640 that you control.
E 200
What is the Muscular
E 200
Organs of the plant include
_________________ and
E 300
What are flower, stems, roots
and leaves?
E 300
The __________ system’s
main job is to provide support
AND protect major organs.
Give two examples of parts of
this system and which organs
they protect.
E 400
What is the Skeletal System?
2 examples would be: Skull,
which protects the brain and
the Rib cage which protects
the heart and lungs.
E 400
Explain the functions of the
parts of our skin (nervous,
blood vessels, outer layer, oil
glands, muscle, sweat pores
and hair)
E 500
The nerves of the skin control the sense of touch,
pressure and temperature. The blood vessels carry
oxygen and energy to the skin and all its living cells.
The outer layer of skin is made up of dead skin cells.
The oil glands make the skin soft by releasing oil to
the surface of the skin. The muscles cause the hairs
to rise and trap air around the skin keeping it warm.
This is what causes goose bumps. The sweat pores
release sweat to cool off the body. The sweat then
evaporates taking heat away from the body with it.
The hair on the skin acts as a cushion and also keeps
the body warm.
E 500
The largest
human organ
F 100
What is the skin?
F 100
The number of
bones your
skeletal system has
F 200
What is 206, or about 200?
F 200
The major organ in which you would
find hair-like structures,
which are responsible for keeping dirt
and dust out of your body.
F 300
What are the lungs?
F 300
How are plants, animals and other
living things different from nonliving
F 400
Living things are made up of cells.
F 400
Bones store this substance
until the levels in the blood
becomes too low. This
material makes bones too
F 500
What is calcium?
F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is:
Interaction of Systems
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Three systems that work together
to make the body move
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What are nervous, skeletal and
muscular systems?
The nervous system sends signals
from the brain to the muscular
system which pulls on the bones
to make them move.
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