Transcript Old Yeller

Old Yeller
By ;
Authors Biography
He was born Febuary7,1908 . He also had
a son. He died August 14,1973,he also
graduated in 1926 from Mason High
School. He worked for San Angelo
Standard-Times. He has a room dedicated
to him self in the Mason County library .
He was awarded 4 awards for his
accomplishments .
where; Texas out in the country.
When; the late 1800’s .
 Mama; she always wore her hair in a bun.
 Travis; he mostly wore boots a white shirt an
 Arliss; he went nude mostly an swam in drinking
water with that Old Yeller dog.
 Bud Searcy; he supposedly held people when
their papas where away.
 Lisbeth; she was a small tiny girl that was left to
help Mama with any work Mama needed.
 Papa; Travis an Arliss father ,an Mamas
Authors purpose
• The author wrote this book to entertain us with a sad
story ‘bout a Yeller dog that they named Old Yeller. He
probably wrote this story because this probably
happened to him in his young age.
 Papa had to leave to go Kansas to do
Travis had to milk the cows, mark the pigs,
an stuff like that.
Travis found Old Yeller after he woke up
from eating the meat Papa went an got.
Travis started throwing rocks at Old Yeller
an Arliss said “DON’T THROW ROCKS
AT MY DOG!!!!!!’’
Travis didn’t want the dog, but mama said
that wasn’t fair that you had a dog when
you were his age.
Bell died of a snake bite.
Mama told Arliss that he could keep the
dog an he named him Old Yeller.
The double meaning of Yeller is ; short
dingy hair, an He yelled instead of barking.
Compare & Contrast
The book was different from the movie
because Rose was in the movie an Spot
was in the book.
Travis didn’t shoot the Roan bull
Old Yeller had a chewed off ear but in the
movie he had a ear, he also he a stub tail,
but in the movie he had a full tail.
Only shoot a animal that is acting weird an
want to start a fight.
Don’t worry bout the bad because it will ruin
the good things.
• Just after the civil war, the men of Texas hill country around Salt
Licks are headed to the market in Abilene , Kansas , six hundred
miles to the north , to sell livestock for much-needed “cash
money.’’ The round trip will take months ; during that time , their
women and children “ will be left in a wild frontier settlement to
make out the best they can.” fourteen-year-old Travis Coates will
be’’ the man of the house’’ in his family, charged him with
responsibility of keeping up the farm and taking care of his
mother and 5 year-old brother, Arliss. Travis feels certain.