Stem Cell - West Branch Local School District
Transcript Stem Cell - West Branch Local School District
Stem Cell
Presentation by Rachel Moore, Caitlin
England, Tyler Vlaiku, & Spencer Rohr
What is a Stem Cell
- An undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism that is
capable of giving rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type,
and from which certain other kinds of cell arise by differentiation.
This is one type of stem cell.
About Stem Cells
● Stem cells can do more than one function, they can
become different types of cells. For example blood
cells, brain cells, tissue cells, or muscle cells.
● Stems cell research is understood to be the central
topic of one of the biggest controversies in recent
● Stem cells are grown in tests and investigated to
understand the fundamental properties of the cells as
well as their capabilities.
● There are three types of stem cells.
Adult stem cells (ASC)
Embryonic stem cells (ESC)
Induced Pluripotent stem cells (iPS)
-Embryonic SC
Induced Pluripotent SC
-Adult SC
Why are stem cells so controversial?
In the mid 1800’s scientists realized that stems cells were
basically the building blocks of life and they were capable
of producing and forming other adult cells. They then
began to make attempts to mammalian fertilise eggs
outside of the human body in the 1900’s. That is when
they discovered stem cells create blood cells, which led
them to muscle cells and in 1968 the first bone marrow
was successfully performed to treat two siblings it severe
combined immunodeficiency.
Timeline of Stem Cells
● In 1978: stem cells were discovered in human cord
● In 1981: First in vitro stem cell line developed in
● In 1988: Embryonic stem cell lines created from a
● In 1995: First embryonic stem cell line derived from
a primate
● In 1997: Clined lamb from stem cells
● In 1997: Leukaemia origin found as haematopoietic
stem cell indicating possible proof of cancer stem
● no major ethical concerns
have been raised
● the cells have appeared to
be improving the vision in
more than half of the 18
patients who became legally
● stem cells can be maintained
or stored for up to a year
● hard to find stem cells in
tissues, making it difficult to
have success in purifying
● currently no technology
available to generate large
quantities in culture
● unsure of ejectment in
● abundant somatic cells of a
donor can be used
● by studying ESC’s, more can
be learned about the
developement of the human
● less likely to be rejected in
● scientists have already had
success in patients
● if used directly from ESC’s,
tumors can be caused
● therapies
Works Cited
Murnaghan, Ian. "History of Stem Cell Research." Explore Stem Cell . Explore Stem Cells, 22 Sep 2014.
Web. 20 Oct 2014.
Eckman, Dr. Jim. “Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research.” Issues in Perspective.2011.
Web. 14 Apr. 2013.
Jack."Stem Cell Research Pros and Cons ." Stem Cell Facts. Stem Cell Facts, 19 Sep 2011.
Web. 20 Oct 2014.
Park, Alice. "Stem Cell Scientists Awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine." TIME. TIME, 8 Oct 2012.
Web. 20 Oct 2014.
Park, Alice. "Stem Cell Miracle? New Therapies May Cure Chronic Conditions like Alzheimer's." TIME. TIME, 25 Jun 2011.
Web. 20 Oct 2014.
Stein, Rob. "Embryonic Stem Cells Restore Vision In Preliminary Human Test." npr. npr, 24 Oct 2014.
Web. 20 Oct 2014.