Transcript Document

Structures & Functions
By: Sergio Villarreal,Felice
Colin Novath, Mystical Johnson,
James Casillo,& Brittany Ward.
Plant Cell Organelles
• Nucleus- stores the genetic component of a particular cell.
• Plastids- are collective terms for organelles that carry
• Ribosomes- are plant cell organelles that comprise of
• Mitochondria- indirectly supply energy for the plant cell.
• Golgi Body- transports chemical substances in and out of
the cell.
• Endoplasmic Reticulum- is the connecting link between
the nucleus and cytoplasm of a plant cell
• Vacuoles- help in regulating turgor pressure of the plant
• Peroxisomes- are cytoplasmic organelles of a plant cell.
Animal Cell Organelles
Cell Membrane
Golgi Reticulum
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Animal-The cell is the basic
unit of life. All organisms are
made up of cells (or in some
cases, a single cell). Most cells
are very small; most are invisible
without using a microscope.
Cells are covered by a cell
membrane and come in many
different shapes. The contents of
a cell are called the protoplasm.
Plant-The nucleus is the
most obvious organelle in
any eukaryotic cell. It is a
organelle and is
surrounded by a double
membrane. It
communicates with the
surrounding cytosol via
numerous nuclear pores.
Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells
Things in Common
• Are covered by a cell membrane.
• Regulate the flow of the nutrients and wastes that
enter and leave them.
• Both require a supply of energy.
• Eukaryotic DNA is linear, prokaryotic DNA is circular.
• Eukaryotic cells have a true nucleus.
• Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus.
The cell is compared to a city.
Analogies to a City
Plant Cell
• Mitochondria- Power Plant, where all the energy is stored.
• Golgi Body- manufacturing plant,They take "raw materials" like
proteins and lipids and modify them and send them out as a
final product.
• Ribosomes- construction workers, There are many ribosomes
some are free floating and others are attached to the
endoplasmic reticulum, so those ribosomes are working on the
"roads" of the cell.
• Nucleus- City Hall, it is the main building.
• Vacuoles- Water Tower, holds water and liquids.
• Endoplasmic Reticulum- Highway, it is the path along which
molecules from part of the cell to another.
• Plastids- Grocery Store, carries products.
Analogies to a City
Animal Cell
• Mitochondria- Power Plant, where all the energy is
• Golgi Body- manufacturing plant,They take "raw
materials" like proteins and lipids and modify them and
send them out as a final product.
• Ribosomes- construction workers, There are many
ribosomes some are free floating and others are attached
to the endoplasmic reticulum, so those ribosomes are
working on the "roads" of the cell.
• Nucleus- City Hall, it is the main building.
• Vacuoles- Water Tower, holds water and liquids.
• Endoplasmic Reticulum- Highway, it is the path along
which molecules from part of the cell to another.
• Plastids- Grocery Store, carries products.
• Nucleolus- A Shipping Factory, a nucleolus makes
ribosomes and sends them out.
A mitochondria is
like a power plant,
it stores energy.
Vacuoles are like water
towers, they store
water and other
Nucleus, is like a
shipping factory by
preparing ribosomes and
shipping them out.
Ribosomes are like construction
workers, they work on cell roads,
which benefits everyone.
Plastids, are like grocery stores,
they carry and hold products.
Endoplasmic Reticulum,
are like highways, it is the
path along which
molecules travel.
The Nucleus, is like the Town
Hall, it is the main "building".
Golgi Bodies, are like manufacturing
factories, takes raw materials, modify
them and ship them out.