atomic mass. -

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Transcript atomic mass. -

Science Vocabulary
Ch 4 Organization of
elements in the periodic
• Familiar elements fit into this
category of metals…
• Silver, Gold, Copper, Iron
• They conduct electricity well
=Transition metals
• __________ created the first
periodic table by arranging
elements in order of increasing
• = Mendeleev
• Shiny, hard, good conductors of
electricity, ductile, malleable
• Most elements fit into this
• A ________ material can be pulled
out, or drawn, into a long wire.
• Example= copper
• =ductile
• The_______ _______ is also the #
of protons in the nucleus of an
=atomic number
These are all examples of…
= Chemical Symbols (that
represent certain elements)
• An element that lacks most of
the properties of metals.
• Ex. Iodine, Sulfur, Bromine
• They are brittle, dull in color,
poor conductors of electricity
=Non - Metal
• The ability of a substance to
transfer heat is…
=thermal conductivty
• A __________ material is one that
can be hammered, molded,
rolled into flat sheets or other
• = malleable
• The smallest particle of an
element that has the properties
of that element…
• An atom with the same number
of protons and a different
number of neutrons from other
atoms of the same element.
• Carbon -12 (neutrons = 6)
• Carbon -13 (neutrons = 7)
• = isotopes
• This family is unique because
the atoms can gain, lose or
share four electrons when
reacting with other elements.
• =Carbon
• In _______ _________, unhealthy
human cells are destroyed.
• =radiation therapy
• (-) negatively charged high
energy particle, moves around
the nucleus of an atom…
• The gradual wearing away of
metal due to a chemical
reaction is called….
• =corrosion
• Elements in the same vertical
column of the periodic table
also called a family….
• What is it called when two
atoms nucleus’s (nuclei)
combine to form a larger, more
massive nucleus (creating a
larger element) and release
enormous amounts of energy…
• Answer = Nuclear Fusion
• The principle stating that
matter is not created or
destroyed during a chemical
=conservation of mass
• _______ metals are in group 1.
• Lithium to Francium.
• They are the most reactive
• Never found uncombined in
• =Alkali (metals)
• Elements in the same vertical
column of the periodic table
also called a group…
• Neutral, uncharged particles in
the nucleus of an atom
• Elements in group 18
• Helium, Neon, Krypton
• They do not ordinarily form
compounds with other elements
(not reactive) because their
valence electron shell is full
with 8 electrons
=inert gases (noble gases)
• Small, + charged particle in the
nucleus of an atom
• The number of ______ is the
same as the atomic #.
Elements in the same horizontal
row of the periodic table…
• Particles that are the farthest
away from the nucleus
• They are involved in the atoms
bonding power (which is how
well that atom can bond with
other atoms)
=Valence electron
• Scientists make __________
elements by forcing nuclear
particles to crash into one
• =Synthetic
• An element that has some of
the characteristics of metals
and some of the characteristics
of non metals…
• The average mass of one atom
of an element…
• Protons + Neutrons =
=atomic mass
• To make even heavier elements
(with atomic numbers above
95), scientists use powerful
machines called _________
• Group 2 in the periodic table
• Magnesium and Calcium are
• Are reactive
• Good conductors of electricty
• Answer: =particle accelerators
(they move the particles faster
and faster until they have
reached very high speeds)