Transcript unit 2 pp5

Starter question
How many particles are there in 10g of CaCO3?
How many moles are there in 25g HNO3
Copy and Complete
There are ___ subatomic particles inside an atom. The protons
and _________ are found in the ______ of an atom. They both
have a mass of ___ however the _________ has ____ charge and
the proton has a charge of _____.
The ____________ are found _________ the nucleus. They are
extremely light and therefore we treat them as having ____
_____. They have a charge of _____.
The majority of an atom is made up of __________ _________
Add to foldable
Particles to moles
Calculate the number of moles of zinc that contain 4.50x1024
1 mole = 6.02x1023 atoms.
4.50x1024 moles
= 7.48moles
If we want to convert this to g, then we simply now use our
method for going from moles to g.
1 mole Zn= 65.38g
7.48 moles = 65.38 x 7.48= 489g
Complete the following questions.
p316- 12
p318- 13, 14
p323- 27- 29
p324- 30
p326- 32-35
Now use your reference tables and calculators to complete the
quiz on socrative.
•Atomic structure Poster
•Structure of the Atom Notes
•Relative Formula Mass Notes
•Isotopic Notation
•Atomic Number vs. atomic Mass Graph
•Calculating average Atomic mass notes
•The mole concept Foldable
•Beanium Lab
•Cl-Ev-R statement