Basic Chemistry /Chapter 2 - Wilkes

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Transcript Basic Chemistry /Chapter 2 - Wilkes

Joe Pistack MS/ED
 Matter-anything that occupies space and has weight.
 Ex. Chairs, desks, books.
 Matter exists in three states:
 Solid
 Liquid
 Gas
Solid-has a definite shape and
• Skin
• Bones
• teeth
 Liquid-matter takes on
the shape of the
container that it is in.
 Blood
 Saliva
 Digestive juices
 Gas-has no definite
shape or volume. It too
like a liquid, takes the
shape of it container
 the air we breath.
Changes in Matter
 Matter can undergo two types of changes:
 (1) physical
 (2)chemical
 Physical change-the matter does not chemically
change, only the physical appearance changes.
 Ex. When wood is chopped from a log into smaller
Changes in Matter
• Chemical change-occurs when the chemical
composition of the matter is changed.
• Ex. When wood is burned, wood changes to ashes.
• The human body undergoes many physical and
chemical changes.
• Ex. Chewing is a physical change, breaks food into
smaller pieces and digestion is a chemical change, it
changes the food into simpler substances.
• Element-fundamental substance that cannot be broken
down into a simpler form by ordinary chemical reactions.
• All matter living or dead is composed of elements.
• Four elements make up 96% of the body:
• Carbon
• Hydrogen
• Oxygen
• Nitrogen
• Trace elements-present in small amounts, but are
essential for life.
• Atom-smallest unit of an element with that element’s
chemical characteristics. All elements are composed
of atoms.
• Atoms are composed of:
Trace Elements
 Elements that are present in tiny amounts.
 Essential for life.
 Ex. Iodine , Chromium
Cobalt , Copper
Florine, Zinc
Atomic Structure
 Atom-smallest unit of an element with that element’s
chemical characteristic
 Composed of three subatomic particles:
 Protons
 Neutrons
 electrons
Atomic Structure
 Protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus.
 Protons carry a (+) electrical charge.
 Electrons carry a (-) electrical charge.
 Neutrons carry no electrical charge.
Atomic Structure
 Atom that have an equal number of protons and
electrons are electrically neutral, and carry no
electrical charge.
 The number of protons and electrons in an atom is
what makes atoms different.
Atomic Structure
 Two important characteristics of atoms:
 (1) Atomic number-the number of protons in the
 (2) Atomic weight-determined by adding the number
of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
Atomic Structure
 Isotope-different form of the same atom.
 Isotopes are unstable, nuclei break down or decay
which gives off particles as energy waves.
 Unstable nuclei become more stable. Unstable
isotopes are called radioisotopes.
 Radioactivity-the process of spontaneous breakdown.
 Radioisotopes are damaging to tissue and are used
clinically to destroy cells.
 Ex. Radioactive iodine is used to destroy excess thyroid
tissue. Certain radioisotopes are used to destroy
cancer cells.
Chemical Bonds
 Chemical bond-the attraction between the atoms.
 Three types of chemical bonds:
 (1) ionic bonds
 (2) covalent bonds
 (3) hydrogen bonds
Chemical Bonds
 Ionic bonds-caused by a transfer of electrons between
 Covalent bonds-involves the sharing of electrons by
the outer shells of the atoms.
 Hydrogen bonds- is not caused by either the transfer
or the sharing of electrons of the outer shells of atoms.
 Ions-elements that carry an electrical charge.
 Cation-positively charged ion.
 Anion-negatively charged ion.
 Ions are formed when electrons in the outer shell are
either gained or lost.
 Electrolyte- substance that forms ions when it is
dissolved in water.
 Ionization-the process where an electrolyte splits, or
breaks apart in solution. (dissociates)
 One of the most important clinical tools in assessing a
 Help the physician to make a diagnosis.
 May be life threatening if too high or too low.
 Also called “lytes”.
Common Cations
Fluid balance, nerve-muscle
Bones, teeth, blood clotting,
muscle contraction.
Oxygen transport, component of
Acid-base balance.
Nerve and muscle function, chief
Intracellular cation.
Acid-base regulation.
Common Anions
Primary extracellular anion.
Acid-base regulation.
Bones and teeth, component
ATP, (energy).
 Molecule-formed when two or more atoms bond
 Two identical atoms may bond, or atoms from two
different elements may combine.
 Ex. When one atom of oxygen bonds with another
atom of oxygen to form a molecule of oxygen, this is
designated O2.
 Ex. of atoms of two different elements combining:
 Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of
oxygen to form a molecule of water (H2O).
 Compound-a substance that contains molecules
formed by two or more different atoms.
 Ex. If two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom
of oxygen, water is formed, (H2O).
 Water is considered both a molecule and a compound.
 The most abundant compound in the body.
 Constitutes approximately 2/3 of an adults body
 Essential for life.
 Can only survive a few days without water.
 Carbon Dioxide-compound consisting of one carbon
atom and two oxygen atoms (C02).
 CO2 is made when food is chemically broken down for
 CO2 is a waste product so it must be eliminated from
the body.
 Important facts about water:
 Universal solvent-most substances dissolve in water.
 Temperature regulator-has the ability to absorb
large amounts of heat. Plays a role in temperature
 Lubricant-major component of mucous and
lubricating fluids.
 Cushion- helps absorbs impacts throughout the body
and within joints
 Oxygen-(O2)
 A molecule composed of two
oxygen atoms.
 Exists as a gas.
 Air we breath contains 21%
 Oxygen is essential for life.
 Oxygen gives us energy.
Chemical Reactions
 Chemical reaction-process whereby atoms of
molecules or compounds interact to form new
chemical combinations.
 The rate of the chemical reaction or how fast they
occur is important.
 If the rate of the reaction needs to be increased, a
chemical substance called a catalyst is used.
Acids And Bases
 A normally functioning body requires a balance
between acids and bases.
 Acid-base balance is important because the chemical
reactions in the body occur when these substances are
in balance.
 Imbalances of acids and bases cause life-threatening
clinical problems.
 Acidic foods that we eat
generally have a sour taste.
 Grapefruit juice, orange
juice, lemons, and vinegar
are examples of acids.
 Very strong acids, such as
hydrochloric acid (HCl)
can cause burns and
damage tissue.
 Acid-an electrolyte that dissociates into a hydrogen
ion (H+) and an ion.
 Strong acid-dissociates completely into H+ and an
 Weak acid-does not dissociate completely.
 Base-has a bitter taste and is slippery like soap.
 Bases usually contain the hydroxyl ion (OH-).
 When an acid mixes with a base, the H+ of the acid
combines with the OH- of the base to form water.
This neutralizes the acid.
The pH Scale
 pH-unit of measurement that indicates how many H+
are in a solution.
 The pH Scale ranges from 0 to 14.
 Midpoint of the scale is 7, this is the point where the
number of hydrogen ions (H+) in pure water is equal
to the number of hydroxyl ions (OH-).
The pH Scale
 A pH that measures less
than 7 on the scale
indicates that the solution
has more hydrogen ions
(H+) than hydroxyl
ions(OH-). The solution is
said to be acidic.
 A solution that measures
more than 7 indicates
fewer hydrogen ions (H+)
than hydroxyl ions (OH-)
is said to be basic or
The pH scale
The pH Scale
 The pH scale measures the degree of acidity (acid) or
alkalinity (base).
 Normal pH of blood is 7.35 to 7.45 and is slightly
 When pH falls below 7.35 the patient is said to be
acidotic. When pH rises above 7.45, the patient is said
to be alkalotic.
The pH Scale
 The body needs to remain in a normal alkaline state to
function normally, during periods of illness the
patient’s blood pH will be monitored.
 Blood pH is regulated by three mechanisms:
(1) buffers
(2) lungs
(3) kidneys
The pH Scale
 Patient’s with ulcers often have excess stomach acid.
 Stomach acid can be neutralized with a drug that
contains a base.
 These types of drugs counteract acids so they are
called antacids.
 Energy-the ability of the body to perform work.
The body depends on a continuous supply of energy.
 Mechanical energy-energy that causes movement.
Ex. Running, walking, contractions of the heart.
 Chemical energy-energy that is stored, gives us the
fuel to do work.
 Energy can be converted from one form to another.
 Thermal energy-energy transferred because of a
temperature difference, responsible for body
 Radiant energy-energy that travels in waves,
stimulates the eyes for vision.
 Energy that is used to power the body comes from the
food that we eat.
 As food is broken down, energy is released.
 The energy is not used directly by the cells of the body,
must be transferred to a substance called adenosine
triphosphate (ATP)
 The energy released from the ATP is the energy that
can be used directly by the cells to perform tasks.
 ATP is a high energy chemical bond that is composed
of three phosphate groups, a sugar and a base.
 Mixture-combination of
two or more substances
that can be separated by
ordinary physical means.
 When separated, the
substances retain their
original properties.
 Solutions-mixtures, the
particles that are mixed
together remain evenly
distributed .
 A solution has two parts:
the solute, the substance
that is present in the
smaller amount and the
solvent, the part of the
solution that is present in
greater amounts. The
solvent is usually liquid.
 Aqueous solution-when water is used as the solvent.
 Tincture-when alcohol is used as the solvent.
 A solution is always clear and the solute does not settle
to the bottom .
 Suspensions-mixtures,
particles are relatively large
and tend to settle to the
bottom unless the mixture is
shaken continuously.
 Ex. Sand and water .
 Colloidal suspension-
particles do not dissolve, very
small and remain suspended
within the liquid. Colloid is
a gel-like substance that
resembles egg whites.