Family Nutrition

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Family Nutrition
Understanding the Basics to Good
 In
2010, the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (______) implemented the
current Food Guide Plate in order to
educate Americans about healthy eating
and incorporating _________ into daily
 USDA’s MyPlate – Home page
GettingStartedWith MyPlate.pdf
The Six Basic Nutrients
____________ are substances the body needs to
regulate bodily functions, promote growth, repair body
tissues, and obtain ___________.
There are approximately 40 necessary ____________
the body needs to be healthy.
A ______________ occurs when a person does not
have enough of a certain nutrient in their diet; they are
said to be nutrient deficient and will experience certain
negative effects, depending on the nutrient. An example
would be
On the contrary, if a person has too much of a certain
nutrient, they could ____________, which would also
have certain negative effects. An example would be if a
child overdosed on the mineral ______, the effects could
be fatal.
The amount of energy released when nutrients are
burned is measured in units called ______________.
There are two main types of carbohydrates.
__________ Carbohydrates – consists of refined
sugar. _____________ is the most important sugar
and is the major energy provider for the body cells.
Natural food sources – fruits, vegetables, __________
___________ Carbohydrates – made of sugars linked
together chemically to form long chains called
Natural food sources – grains (rice, cereal, and
breads) are all food with starch (__________ are
another example).
*The words ______________ should appear as the first
listed on the ingredient list for a true whole grain
Simple Carbs. vs. Complex Carbs.
Simple Carbohydrates
Comes from ________________
Only good for quick _____________ bursts
Foods high in sugar don’t provide many other
Food examples: candy and _________
Complex Carbohydrates
-Comes from _______________
-Better for _________-term sustained energy
-Foods high in starch provide a good variety of
-Food Examples: ___________ and pasta
Fats contain _________ as many calories as
Functions of Fats
Supply body with __________
Form part of ________ structure
Maintain body _______________
Protects __________ and tissues
Essential for ___________ and development
____________ Fats
There are two main types of fats.
Unsaturated Fats are __________ at room
Unsaturated _______ are better for your
_______, especially when consumed in its
natural state. Food examples:
__________, avocado, seeds, olives
Other food examples: ________ oil, sesame
oil, vegetable oil, canola oil
Saturated Fats
_____________ fats are solid at room
temperature. These fats are very __________
and hard for the body to break down. The over
consumption of saturated fats is what can lead
to _____________________.
Food examples: _____________, margarine, fat in
meat such as hot dogs, salami, bologna, or the fat off
of steak and the fat in dairy products such as whole
____________ and cheese
_________________ is a waxy, fat-like
substance found in the cells of all
____________. High levels of cholesterol in the
blood can clog the blood vessels and lead to
heart disease and _____________.
*Most foods contain a ________________ of
unsaturated and saturated fats.
Proteins are your body’s 3rd main source of
 They build up, maintain, and ___________ the
tissues in your body such as your muscle and
 The _____________ system is mostly proteinbased.
 Your body uses protein to make
Natural Food Sources: beef, poultry, ________,
eggs, dairy products, nuts, ___________, and
legumes like black beans.
Amino Acids
 When
you eat foods that contain
____________, the digestive juices in your
stomach and intestine ____________
down the protein in food into basic units
called amino acids.
 The amino acids can then be reused to
make the proteins your body needs to
maintain _____________, bones, blood,
and body organs.
 There are 22 amino acids that are very
important to human ______________.
Different Kinds of Protein
 _____________
proteins are from animal
sources such as meat and milk because
they contain all __________ of the
essential amino acids.
 _____________ proteins would come from
most vegetable sources. One __________
alone would not have all the
_____________ amino acids. However
eating a wide ____________ of proteinrich vegetables would give a person all of
the essential amino acids.
 Vitamins
are ____________ that come
from living ____________ are required in
only small amounts, and assist in many
_____________ reactions in the body.
Functions of Vitamins in the Body
- They help with various body
______________, including the use of
other nutrients.
- Each vitamin has their own
Examples of Vitamin ___________
in the Body
 Vitamin
A: keeps eyes, skin, hair,
__________, and gums healthy
 Vitamin D: Necessary for formation of
__________ and teeth
 Vitamin B12: Formation of red _________
 Vitamin B1(Thiamin): Function of
 Vitamin C: Helps the __________, cells,
and muscles function
Two Classes of Vitamins
______-soluble vitamins dissolve in fatty materials
and can be stored by the body.
Vitamins A,D,E, and K are all fat soluble.
Natural Food Examples: Milk, ____________, egg yolk,
green vegetables, nuts, tuna
___________-soluble vitamins __________ be
stored in the body, therefore must be supplied
daily from the foods we eat.
* All the B Vitamins and ___________ C are
___________ soluble
Natural Food Examples: ___________ fruits, tomatoes,
beef, fish, whole-grain cereals
Facts on Minerals
 Minerals
are nutrients that occur
______________in the rocks and soil.
 How minerals get in the ________ we eat:
 Plants absorb minerals form rocks and
soil through their ___________
 Animals obtain these minerals by either
eating the plants or eating
_______________ that have eaten the
Some Minerals and Functions in
the Body
mineral is a nutrient that regulates many
chemical reactions in the body.
Calcium – builds up _______ and teeth
Sodium – aids in _____________ balance in
cells and tissues and for nerve cell conduction
Copper – production of _____________ in red
blood cells
_________ – production of the ________
gland hormone
Iron – aids red _______ cells
 Water
is a ______________ that:
Is involved with all body processes, including
energy ______________
makes up the basic part of the blood and
____________ fluids
helps with _______________ of food and
______________ removal
regulates body _______________
____________ the spinal cord and body
mass and lubricates your ___________
Makes up more than 60% of body _________
A condition in which the __________ content of the body
has fallen to an extremely ________ level.
• Lack of water __________
• A ________ environment
• Fever
• __________
• Diarrhea
You need to drink at least ____ cups (64oz.) of
water every ______!
Good water sources: Pure water, 100% fruit _________,
milk, and food sources such as fruits and
Signs of Dehydration
Dry mouth
Flushed skin
_____________ vision
Difficulty swallowing
Dry, hot skin
Rapid pulse
Frequent need to ____________
The Nutrition Facts Label
 The
Nutrition Facts Label is ________on
all food packaging.
 It _______ to make smart food choices to
maintain a __________diet.
 It helps people who are on ________ diets
due to medical conditions or food allergies.
How to Understand and Use the Nutrition
Facts Label
Common Causes of Obesity
Burning too few ________ through lack of
physical exercise.
Taking in more __________ then are burned.
Changes in __________ rates with _________.
Unhealthy eating ___________.
_________________ factors.
Social factors.
Benefits of Regular Exercise
 Burns
 Helps to ________ stress.
 ____________ self-esteem.
 Tones and builds __________.
 Promotes ____________ appetite.
 Promotes loss of body __________.
 ____________ metabolism.
 Gives _______ a firm, lean shape.
Bottom Line
Pick a variety of ____________ foods from all
___________ of the food groups on a daily
Incorporate _____________into your daily
Keep on eye on _____________ size when
eating a meal
Eat ______________ meals throughout the day,
it is easier for your body to digest and takes less
energy, leaving more ___________ for you and
your day!
Drink plenty of ___________ and/or water-rich
foods and drinks