Qu`est ce qu`un projet Socrates?

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What is Socrates
Socrates is a collaborative program which is devised
by the European Union in the field of education since
January 1st, 2000.
Participating Countries
 25 Member States of EU
 AELE Countries : Iceland, Liechtenstein,
 PAECO countries : Bulgaria and
 Turkey
 Strengthening European identity in all levels ; facilitating easy access
to the educational resources in Europe on the basis of principle of
equal opportunity.
 Furthering the education of the languages that are spoken in the EU;
especially the least taught and least available ones.
 Encouraging collaboration and circulation. Exchange programs
between the institutions. Synchronising the training periods and
facilitating recognition of the diplomas.
 Developing and implementing innovative technologies in the
development of pedagogic materials.
 COMENIUS, covers primary and secondary education
 ERASMUS, covers tertiary education
 GRUNTVIG, covers adult education
 LINGUA, deals with language education
 MINERVA, distant education -
For Students
 Working together with students from other European Countries.
Being a part of multidisciplinary project team.
 Contributing to development of personal characteristics such as communication
skills, creativity, adaptation skills.
Improving their foreign language learning capacity through the communication
 Cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Increased motivation.
 Being a part of project from the very beginning till the end.
Increasing the ability to master the mother tongue through creating documents and
For Educators and Formatters
 Working in a multidisciplinary team
Connecting with other educators from other European countries.
 Establishing lasting relationships and enabling cultural awareness.
 Sharing information, experience, best practice examples and resources.
 Developing capacity in learning foreign language and information
Strengthening the innovations in the field of education.
 Developing actions to support the struggling students.
For Schools
Innovation in education
 Action plans for those students who struggle
Supporting education in social legal and citizenship issues
Increased orientation trainings
Supporting the image of the school in the process of relating to
Dealing with the school related problems in a European scale
Improving the team dynamics of the teaching staff.
 Increased information exchange.
 Developing innovative solutions to the problems.
Our high school is a partner of
Socrates project:
 Minerva Project : Climate Change “clim@tic”
Climate Change Project
 A 2-year project that ends in December 2007
 Project goals: engaging students in scientific research, and increasing
awareness in continuos development as well as climate change.
 For the purposes of the project,students, teachers, investigators and
researcher interact over a “Virtual Climate Laboratory” which enables them to
establish a real collaboration in learning and research
Project Partners
INFOREF (Belgique: Liège) Initiatives pour une formation efficace
Fondation Polaire Internationale (Suisse:Genève)
Station Scientifique des Hautes Fagnes (Belgique: Université de Liège)
Les établissements scolaires:
En France: le Centre National de Formation de l’Enseignement Technique Privé
CNFETP à Lille
En Italie: PIXEL Associazione Agence d'Enseignement et de Formation basée à
En Belgique: le Centre Scolaire Sainte-Véronique et Marie-José à Liège Enseignement
primaire et secondaire en immersion anglophone (certains cours de sciences et de
mathématiques en anglais)
En Grèce: le Lycée Léonin Franco-Hellénique à Athènes
Enseignement primaire
et secondaire où le français est enseigné comme langue vivante LV1
En Pologne: le lycée ZESPÓŁ SZKÓŁ à Szczecin
En Roumanie: le lycée Liceul Teoretic «Nichita Stanescu» de PLOIESTI
En Turquie: Le Lycée Notre Dame de Sion et Le lycée Galatasaray
Les partenaires externes
Passerelle Science – Cité de l'Université de Genève
CIFEN: Centre Interfacultaire de Formation des Enseignants,ULg
Phase 1: Establishing the
research question
What is climate change ?
What is the role of research in understanding climate change?
What is my role in this issue both regionally and globally?
Phase 2: «Virtual Laboratory»
«Virtual Climate Laboratory» aims to provide students with answers to their
questions. Students can approach to this problem effectively through the help of
resources, researchers and trained professionals.
This laboratory is equipped with excellent material that are prepared by experts that
would provide the students with variety of situational examples related to climate
For example: students may choose to approach to the topic as a journalist or a
researcher. This laboratory provides them with tools to interview related
professionals or enables them to conduct scientific research by giving them tools to
experiment, develop hypotheses and test these.
If they wish, they may act as politicians and observe the results of their policies in
this virtual laboratory .
Proposed activities
 A cartoon that would help to understand
the climate change,
 A meteorology station,
 A virtual application that would enable to
identify the pollens and their relationship
with the climate.
Cartoon: « Migration of the
 Written by the International Foundation for the Poles
 Enables to understand the climatic change better.
 Demonstrates the impact of human activity on the environment and
 It is available only in French, German and English at the moment.)
 It will be active on the net from May 2006
 Aims to establish an identical meteorology station in each participating
 This stations will record the temperature, the density of sun rays, rain,
velocity of the wind etc.
 These data from all schools will be recorded on the virtual laboratory and
be available to all.
 These station will operate manually so that students can measure the
parameters physically .
Project URL:
Virtual Climate Laboratory
Meteorology Station
Scientific research
Activity Scenerios
Work Plan
The project has been developed by a pilot commitee that
consits of mebers from the participating countries.
Meets three times a year.
October 2005
January 2006
May 2006
October 2006
January 2007
May 2007
Project Completion Deadline:October 2007 – December 2007
October 2005 – December 2005
First meeting of the pilot committee on 7-8 October
 Development of the internet site
 Assessment of the situation in each participating country
Thing we had to do till the end of November:
 Identifying the scientists and the research centres which are working on
climate change,
 Deciding on the topics that we want to work with students,
 Deciding on the necessary trainings for the next meeting,
 Purchasing a meteorology station.
27 - 28 January 2006
Second committee meeting with the participation of approximately 40 teachers
 Scientific and technologic preparation of the teachers in order to achieve the
 Training and teaching technologies on climate change
 How to set up a meteorology station and how to measure the parameters.
 How to make a pollen diagram.
 Alain Hubert’s conference on climate change.
 Training will be given by the International Foundation for Poles in association
with University of Liège and University of Geneva.
Our task:
We have to share the skills and the knowledge that we gained from the training
with other teachers in our school.
November 2005- May 2007
Deciding on the materials needed throughout the project duration.
 Design process for the interactive cartoon which will be used in the educational
activities of the International Foundation for Poles.
 Preparation of the interactive virtual tools by Inforef.
Our tasks:
 Translating these tools into the languages of the participating countries.
 Setting up the stations.
 Developing educational multimedia material that are targeting primary and
secondary school students.
Our Tasks Throughout the Project Duration.
 Testing the activity scenarios at every stage of the development.
 Evaluating the materials.
 Publishing articles in the journals or websites of the participating
 Organising events such as conferences, seminars, exhibitions in order
to promote the project.