Ronan Dantec - Renewable Cities: Global Learning Forum 2015

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Transcript Ronan Dantec - Renewable Cities: Global Learning Forum 2015

1 - Enhance vertical integration – Effective multilevel governance
• We urge national governments to mandate their agencies responsible for climate
policies to;
• Engage local and regional governments in the preparation and implementation of
Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), Nationally Appropriate
Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDS) and
National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), amongst others.
• Upon submission of INDCs, continue to explore innovative formulations to raise
and complement pre-2020 ambitions at the national and global level, through
ambitious voluntary commitments of local and regional governments, taking into
account the progress achieved by the Compact of Mayors and the Compact of
States and Regions, as well as the information contained at the carbonn Climate
2 - Advance global negotiations – An ambitious and inclusive Paris2015 Outcome
We urge national governments to mandate their UNFCCC Negotiators to;
Include of the below specific paragraph in the negotiation text :
“Enhance action through the cooperative implementation of the policy options and further incentivize climate actions by subnational authorities, including local
governments, such as establishing effective regulatory and institutional frameworks and financing mechanisms needed to address barriers and leverage investment, in
accordance with their national circumstances.”
Adopt a 10-Year Work Programme for local and subnational governments, as an outcome of Technical Examination Process and Meetings (TEP/TEM)
on Urban Environment, that will set a framework for the UNFCCC community to enhance local and subnational climate action.
Strengthen dialogue and collaboration with national governments that involve in the Friends of Cities dialogues.
Ensure synergies with other Post2015 development agenda negotiations, in particular on the Sustainable Development Goals, Financing for
Development, Disaster Risk Reduction and HABITATIII Conference.
A version of this text was contained in para 37a and 37b of a draft negotiation text of ADP Co-Chairs ahead of COP20/CMP10. Similar text was adopted
by national governments in para19(f) of the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 as a result of the 3rd World Conference on
Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) held in March 2015: “While the enabling, guiding and coordinating role of national and federal State Governments
remain essential, it is necessary to empower local authorities and local communities to reduce disaster risk, including through resources, incentives and
decision, making responsibilities, as appropriate; “
This Action Plan will primarily aim to implement policy options presented at the ADP 2014 Technical Paper para.156-164, by strengthening the good
practices and removing the barriers as summarized in the Technical Paper Addendum. A 10-Year “Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities
and Local Authorities for Biodiversity “ was already adopted by the national governments at the 10th Conference of Parties of the Convention on
Biological Diversity as Dec.X/22 in Nagoya in 2010 and contained in para. 10 of the 2013 Nantes Declaration of Mayors and Subnational Leaders on
Climate Change, adopted in September 2013.
3 - Accelerate local and subnational climate action – Strengthened partnerships
• We invite local and regional governments, together with their networks and their
• Increase the number of cities expressing their intent and ensuring their compliance with
the Compact of Mayors; and similarly in the Compact of States and Regions.
• Actively engage in the consultations on Lima-Paris-Action-Agenda (LPAA).
• Increase the number of entries and diversify the information visible at the Non-State
Actors Zone for Climate Action Platform (NAZCA), through the carbonn Climate Registry,
and others as appropriate.
• Actively contribute in the Transformative Actions Program (TAP) and Transformative
Actions Pavilion at COP21/CMP11.
Local Government Pavilion 2015 @ COP21
• 30 November - 11 December 2015 I Le Bourget (Paris), France
• Hosted by the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA)
Constituency to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
• Facilitated by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, Focal Point of the
LGMA, in collaboration with supporting partners
• Located at Le Bourget, both at the Climate Village and within the exclusive
UNFCCC Delegation Area
• Space for dialogue between local and subnational governments and national
delegations on enhanced climate action throughout the UN Paris Climate
• Venue for programming, debates, and exhibitions
• We invite all cities and subnational authorities, their networks, their private
sector partners and all other institutional organizations working with cities and
subnational authorities, to support the Local Government Pavilion
The Venue
Internal exhibition wall
TAP and venue stand
staff room
AFD stand
e Stand
flexible seating area (120
seats capacity)
meeting Room/small sessions room
Internal exhibition wall
external exhibition wall
Green Capital exhibition wall
Entrance and glass front
external exhibition wall