The Effects of Global Warming on the Developing World

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Transcript The Effects of Global Warming on the Developing World

By Kelsey Regan
People in coastal areas
 Sea levels could rise one meter by 2100
 Could cause migration
Developing nations
 Shift in precipitation patterns could increase
malnourished children by 21% by 2050, 10
million of those in sub Saharan Africa.
½ world’s population could face severe food
shortages by the end of the century
 20-40% reduction in yields caused by increased
 Could cause conflicts over distribution of fresh water,
food, arable land, and forests.
 1/3 world’s population lives in water scarce areas
Land grabbing by wealthy by food insecure
nations could jeopardize food security in
developing nations
Globalization from developed countries has caused
issues with food security in the developing world
 Resulted in global warming, less biodiversity, international
food crisis, high energy prices
 Misguided policy choices by one country can affect people
all over the world.
Rich countries could do more to counteract global
warming without spending too much
 US government spends 65 times more on the military than
on climate change
 Nuclear weapons budget is 3 times more than renewable
energy budget
Better seed and sustainability practices to
help resist climate change, increase yields
and reduce emissions
 Expand irrigation and infrastructure
 Drought resistant crops
More aid from rich nations
Aid from rich nations to help developing nations
 European Union agreed to pay $10.5 billion over the next three
years to help poor countries combat global warming
 Developing world needs $100 billion/year
 Industrialized countries pledged to work towards an emissions
limit less than 2o C above temperatures in the 1800’s
Copenhagen conference on climate change
 Rich countries required to meet reduction goals
 Developing countries required to audit and report activities they
do to reduce emissions
 $30 bil will go to developing countries to deal with global
warming and sustainable development
 Developed countries will spend $100 billion a year on climate
Renner, Michael. “Climate Warming Demands Fresh Thinking About Security Policy.” World Watch. Jan/Feb
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Severino, Jena-Michel and Oliver Ray. “Taking the Measure of Global Aid.” Current History. January 2010. Vol
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Tollefson, Jeff. “World Looks Ahead Post-Copenhagen.” Nature. 24 December 2009. Vol 462. Issue 7276. P
Tollefson, Jeff. “Growing agricultural Benefits for Climate Change.” Nature. 22 December 2009. Vol 462. p
Kanter, James. “Europe Pledges Billions in Climate Change Funding.” New York Times. 12 December 2009.