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Getting Started on the
Genesis Covenant
Genesis Covenant
Mike Schut
Economic and Environmental
Affairs Officer
[email protected]
- What is the Genesis Covenant (GC)?
- Highlighting the New Resource Guide
- Diocesan Initiatives
- Further Steps: GreenFaith Certification Program
- Importance of the Faith Community
Genesis Covenant
What is the Genesis Covenant?
The covenant challenges faith institutions to reduce the greenhouse gas
emissions of each facility they maintain by 50% in ten years.
Right Rev. Steven Charleston, an Episcopal bishop, initiated the GC in June
2007 at an interfaith conference.
“Covenant” signifies a religious pledge made between God and humanity.
The GC is a pledge made by religious communities to take action to protect
God’s holy creation.
Episcopal Church Adopted the GC at General Convention, 2009
Genesis Covenant
Cool Quotes
“The crisis of climate change presents to us unprecedented challenge to the
goodness, interconnectedness, and sanctity of the world God created and
loves…The church’s commitment to ameliorating it is a part of the ongoing
discovery of God’s revelation to humanity and a call to the fuller understanding
of the scriptural imperative of loving our neighbor.”
- Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori; Speech to the United States
Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, June 2007
“In order to honor the goodness and sacredness of God’s creation, we…
commit ourselves and urge every Episcopalian…to work toward climate justice
through reducing our own carbon footprint and advocating for those most
negatively affected by climate change.”
- The Episcopal Church House of Bishops’ Pastoral Teaching on the
Environment, September 2011
Genesis Covenant
Highlighting the New
Resource Guide
- Just released a new resource, downloadable at:
Or find a link to it here:
Getting Started on the Genesis Covenant:
Reduce Energy Use, Save Money, and Care for God’s Creation
Genesis Covenant
The New Resource Guide
Theological Foundation Undergirds the “Nuts and Bolts”: Gratitude, a Call to
Serve and a Call to Justice
“Nuts and Bolts” include:
- Your Community
- Your Team (technical and inspirational)
- Establishing a Baseline
- Carbon Footprints (EPA’s Portfolio Manager and Interfaith Power
and Light)
- Energy Audits
- Financing Tips
- List of Resources and Tools (in all those areas)
Genesis Covenant
Diocesan Initiatives
- Diocese of Chicago: In 2010 the
diocese passed an energy audit initiative…
- Diocese of Olympia: offers workshops to benchmark energy usage, using
EPA’s Portfolio Manager, and green grants
Genesis Covenant
Further Steps
Taking the GC home: Reducing your Household’s Footprint
Sharing your Story: Communications
Beyond Energy Use: Holistic Greening Programs
The GreenFaith Certification Program
Genesis Covenant
Importance of the Faith
I used to think the top environmental problems facing the world were global
warming, environmental degradation, and eco-system collapse, and that we
scientists could fix those problems with enough science. But I was wrong. The
real problem is not those three items, but greed, selfishness, and apathy. And
for that we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. And we scientists don’t
know how to do that. We need your help. Gus Speth
Mike Schut
[email protected]