Slide title, Arial Bold * 42pt. White text. Keep titles to maximum 2
Transcript Slide title, Arial Bold * 42pt. White text. Keep titles to maximum 2
Climate Change and Climate
Justice 2
Together we are the solution to climate injustice
A History of Climate Change
Scientists have been studying changes in the earth’s atmosphere for centuries.
French physicist Joseph Fourier first described greenhouses gases in the 1880s.
This is a timeline of some key events related to global climate change from
the 1960s to the present day, the rise in average global temperatures, and the
rise in parts per million (ppm) of C02 in the atmosphere.
326 ppm / 0.04 C
1979 first World
Climate Conference
Kyoto Protocol
354 ppm / 0.44 C
361 ppm / 0.46 C
1992 Earth Summit
Rio de Janeiro
Meetings Berlin
(Conference of Parties
– COP1)
390 ppm / 0.70 C
399 ppm / 0.74 C
2010 – agreement that
emissions need to be
reduced to keep global
warming below 2C.
2015 COP21
in Paris
Weather and climate – Human Influence
Human influence on the climate system is clear.
Emissions of
greenhouse gases
are the highest in
It is clear that human
activity has caused most
of the increase in global
temp since the mid 20th C
(IPCC report 2014).
Legally binding
needed at COP21
in Paris to avoid
climate change.
Weather and climate
The effects of climate change in ROI and NI include:
Rise in air temperature of approx. 0.8C in the last 100 years.
Reduced number of days with frost per year.
Increased annual rainfall and warm days.
Flooding Clontarf Dublin 2014
What is the main source of emissions in ROI and NI?
Why have emissions decreased in ROI by 17% in recent years?
Climate Injustice: Displacement
Risks associated with Climate Change are greater for disadvantaged
people and communities in countries at all levels of development.
change could
become the
largest driver
of refugees
in the future
– Why?
A man stands
atop debris after
Typhoon Haiyan
Tacloban city in
Philippines, 10
November 2013,
de Castro
Climate Injustice: Displacement
Displacement & Migration
Internally Displaced Persons
within a country (IDPs)
Extreme Weather
Longer-term changes
in climate
Coping mechanism for
people in disaster-vulnerable areas.
People are forced to move from danger zones and
from rural to urban areas due to climate change.
Rural to
Case Study: Displacement & Kenya
What are C02
Population: 44.4 Million
per capita in
Capital: Nairobi
Major languages: Swahili,
President: Uhuru Kenyatta (2013
to present)
Main exports: Tea, coffee,
horticultural products, petroleum
C02 emissions: 0.3 tons per
Case Study: Displacement & Kenya
Tharaka Nithi County is located in central Kenya in the Diocese of
Meru, in the lowlands of Mount Kenya, an important region for tea and
coffee production. It is a semi-arid area with temperatures from 11 C to
25.9 C and has cold and hot seasons.
Teresina Karimi and her
sons Antony (16) and Amos
(11) live in Tharaka Nithi
and rely on farming and the
local Naka river for drinking
water and water for their
crops. The river is an
hour’s walk away.
What similarities and differences are there
between your life and Anthony’s life?
Anthony Mawiirra, (16) lives in Tharaka Nithi, Kenya.
Case Study: Displacement & Kenya
Rains are no longer
reliable for growing food
in Tharaka Nithi. Three
rivers have recently dried
up. Teresina’s husband
Julius had to migrate to
work on a large farm with
an irrigation scheme,
while their own soil
becomes lifeless and
their crops die.
Trócaire supports many
communities in Embu
diocese with their partner
Ishiara Parish, who have
developed an irrigation
system called Sky Limit for
growing crops. However
there is still no support for
many people and when
crops fail they have to sell
everything until eventually
the head of the family is
forced to migrate.
What Kenyan
products can you
buy in your local
Find out what
other activities
have a negative
impact on the
environment in
Climate Injustice
Using your new knowledge on climate change in general,
and migration and displacement due to climate change in
particular, can you suggest reasons why Antony’s
community can be considered an example of climate
injustice? Complete this exercise in small groups and then
report back to the rest of the class.
Think about the causes and effects of climate change
when coming up with your reasons!
Elizabeth Mbura (40), a female head of household who is part of
the Sky Limit irrigation system supported by Trócaire.
Displacement – A Global Issue?
What other
examples can you
find of displacement
due to Climate
The Philippines
Receives intense tropical
storms, sea level rise,
increasing temperatures,
flooding & landslides.
One of the world’s most disasterprone countries: an estimated 2.78%
of the population is affected by natural
disasters annually.
Typhoon Haiyan 2013:
6000 people died and 4
million left homeless.
Trócaire emergency
response: food, water
shelter and longer term
Trócaire responded to the severe
floods in 2010/2011 caused by
increasing temperatures.
A risk reduction programme
started in 2013 to help
communities to be
better prepared.
Population approx.100 million
Population approx. 200 million
Can you find Pakistan, the Philippines and Kenya on the map?
Sub-Saharan Africa is an area at very high risk from climate change
2015: A Vital Year in the fight against catastrophic climate change
and climate injustice?
Keep it in the Ground
campaign for divestment
(moving money out of)
fossil fuels, watch a video
here. 220 institutions
have committed to divest
from fossil fuels. Keep
the coal in the hole and
the oil in the soil!
Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) 2015-2030
replace the Millennium
Development Goals
(MDGs). Goal 13: Take
urgent action to combat
climate change and its
impacts. Many of the other
goals are linked to climate
Pope Francis released
an Encyclical (letter to the
Church) where he calls
for action and change at
local, national and
international levels to
combat climate change
and the threat to our
Trócaire’s Action on Climate Change in 2015
Climate Change Conference
This international conference
brought together some of the
world’s leading voices on climate
science, climate justice and
climate activism. Watch Amy
Colgan a young Trócaire climate
change activist speak at the
conference here.
Climate Challenge Weekend & Climate March
30 young people came to stay in Maynooth for 4
days to learn about climate change, climate
injustices and actions they can take. The group
participated in the Climate March in Dublin (along
with people in over 70 countries) to demand
action by politicians attending the climate summit
in Paris. Watch a video of the march here.
Climate Challenge Weekend and Climate March 29th March
Simulation: Climate
Refugee Exercise
Young Trócaire activists
at the Climate March
Create a visual
display of
events in the
fight against
climate change
in Ireland and
globally in
2015. How
successful were
these events?
Research and
present to your
class using ICT:
how has
contributed to
the fight for
climate justice?
Group Research
Actions: Group Research and Presentations
Deliver the
presentation of
the research
project and the
timeline to
students in your
school or a
primary school.
A Call to Action: Lent 2016 Poetry Competition!
Theme: Displacement/Migration Due to Climate Change
Category 1: 11-15 years. Category 2: 16-18 years. Prizes for winners!
Feeling the Heat
While you feel the heat of your fresh roast coffee
I feel the heat of the burning sun,
While you feel the heat of your radiators and fires
I feel the heat of the burning sun,
While you feel the heat of your car’s engine
I feel the heat of the burning sun,
While you feel the heat of your laptops and smartphones
I feel the heat of the burning sun.
I feel the heat of the burning sun,
While you add to this with the injustice of climate change.
I feel the heat of the burning sun,
While you sit back and feel nothing.
Owen O’Sullivan
Senior Poet
Thank You!
Thank you very much for using our resources.
We hope you have learned a lot about climate change and
climate justice.
Please check out our education website for more exciting
resources on this subject.
Trócaire is the official overseas development
agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland.