Performance and Benefit Measurement SC6 Inception Presentation

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Transcript Performance and Benefit Measurement SC6 Inception Presentation

National Performance and Benefit
Measurement Framework
Initial Thoughts on Inception
Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources
Jules Siedenburg and Gill Wilkins
27 February 2012
Structure of Presentation
√ Introduction
√ Our Understanding of SC6
√ Proposed Approach
√ International Reporting Obligations
√ Proposed Activities and Deliverables
√ Capacity Development & SC Interdependencies
√ Relevant Issues (Time Permitting)
√ Deadlines
Climate Change a Grave Danger,
but also a Real Opportunity
• Erratic rainfall, increased magnitude and frequency
of extreme weather events, rising temperatures
• E.g., small-scale farmers or nomadic pastoralists,
who call this ‘crazy climate’
• But also an opportunity due to political will + finance
to address key constraints to development / growth
Sub-Component 6 Team
Climate change and NRM, based in
Inventory & mitigation reporting experts
• Baastel
M&E and adaptation
SC6 Team
Jules Siedenburg
Lead Team
Team Leader / Climate Change Advisor
Maureen Wang’ati
Deputy Team Leader / M&E Specialist
Chris Dodwell
Mitigation Team
Lead Mitigation Specialist
Gill Wilkins
John Watterson
Energy, Transport, Low Carbon
Emissions Inventories / MRV Specialist
Okamura Shoko
Policy Reporting Mechanism Specialist
Peter Moore
Irene Karani
Forestry and Land-Use Sector
Adaptation Team
Capacity Assessment Specialist
Paddy Abbot
Performance Indicators Specialist
Lesley King
Adaptation and Mitigation Synergies
What SC6 Involves
• Outputs
as stated in the TOR for NPBMF
• MRV system for mitigation actions
• Performance indicators for adaptation actions
• Accounting framework and tools for adaptation
/ mitigation synergies
• Capacity development plan
Getting Your Input
Presenting early thoughts, but really here to get input
• Reflect priorities of GoK + other key stakeholders
• Build on your expertise and experience
• For the end product to be fully owned
• Follow today with bilateral meetings to go deeper
Building on and Complementing
Existing Work
• The other SC teams and thematic working groups
• Existing work on performance measurement / M&E
• Poverty Environment Indicators process
• National Integrated M&E System
• National Carbon Accounting System
• REDD+ initiatives
• Preparations for the 2nd National Communication
Participation and Consultation
Structures –
– national to
Civil Society
Our Understanding of SC6
Our Interpretation of SC6 Mandate
 Develop a national MRV framework that captures both
mitigation and adaptation and the synergies between
 Heeding Kenya’s ambition to be a pioneer, early mover
Uses of this Framework
• Inform NCCRS implementation, namely projects,
programmes and business ventures
• Fulfil international reporting obligations
• Demonstrate climate finance readiness
In short, operationalising the NCCRS
– Importance of this – vs simply strategising or drafting
consultancy reports – constantly reiterated by GoK officials
Proposed Approach
Develop a Framework to Institutionalise
Monitoring, Reporting & Verification (MRV)
• Institutionalised processes for conducting MRV,
building on established “Nat Comm” modalities
• Builds on overseas experience
– UK National Inventory System
– Compilation and QA/QC of mitigation policies and
measures for EU countries
Not “Nat Comm”, Rather “Nat Comm+”
• Institutionalised framework vis-a-vis mitigation aspects
• But framework must also integrate adaptation aspects
such that it...
– Provides ongoing guidance to adaptation aspects of
– Allows Kenya to elaborate an exemplary approach to
adaptation reporting
– Provides a basis for adaptation funding
• Must also capture synergies between these areas
Benefits of Fully Integrating both
Adaptation and Mitigation into Framework
• Could compellingly demonstrate adaptation benefits
and attract adaptation finance, especially if VfM is high
• Allows A and M benefits to be captured on the same
scale, and therefore either compared or aggregated
• In such comparisons, benefits could be weighted to
ensure adaptation focus
SEI: Economics of Adaptation for Kenya
Principle that adaptation finance can be
used to address development deficit
• Addressing de facto gaps
• Vs “covered by development spend” theory
SEI: Economics of Adaptation for Kenya
Indicative costs of adaptation to current and future climate in Kenya
(Economics of Climate Change – Kenya, 2009)
International Reporting
International Reporting:
National Communications
1. National circumstances
2. National GHG inventory
3. Steps taken to implement the convention
a) Mitigation measures
b) Adaptation measures
4. Other steps taken: technology transfer, research and
systematic observations, education and public
awareness, capacity building
5. Constraints, e.g., financial, technical, capacity needs
International Reporting:
Biennial Update Reports
National circumstances
National GHG inventory
Mitigation actions
Domestic MRV arrangements
Finance, technology and capacity building needs and
support received
1st report due 31 December 2014
To be reviewed by international consultation & analysis
International Reporting Summary
National circumstances
Biennial update
National GHG inventory
Adaptation measures
Mitigation actions
Domestic MRV arrangements
Other actions: tech transfer,
public awareness, research
Financial, technical and
capacity needs
Support received
Developing a GHG inventory
Emissions Inventory Data Flow
Annual Data Flow
Data Request
Data from
Web upload of
?ETS data?
Power Stations
Road Transport
( - other sectors - )
UK National Inventory System
UK NIS Detailed Information Flows
UK National Inventory System:
Roles & Responsibilities
• Single National Entity
– National Inventory System
Management & Planning
– Development of Legal &
Contractual Infrastructure
• Inventory Agency (AEA)
Inventory compilation
• Key Data Providers (UK
energy statistics, regulators,
industry, agriculture,
– Delivery of source data in
appropriate format and in time
– Management of their data
acquisition, processing &
reporting systems
– Potential for improvement
– Communications re NIS.
Kenyan GHG Inventory –
State of Play
1. 1st National Communication: published in 2002,
contains GHG inventory for 1994
2. 2nd National Communication: work due to restart shortly
3. Other initiatives
EU/UNDP - review of MRV (November 2010)
Japan - capacity building and training
Australia - Carbon Accounting System (land use only)
Kenyan CCAP - Subcomponent 4 estimates
NAMA Reporting:
International Context (Durban)
1. For NAMAs seeking international support, parties to
submit following information for inclusion in Registry:
Description and national implementing entity
Expected timeframe
Costs of preparation and implementation
Amount and type of support (financial, technological and
capacity building) required
5. Estimated emission reductions;
6. Other indicators of implementation and co-benefits for local
sustainable development
2. Information on unsupported NAMAs also requested for
separate registry
NAMA Reporting: Emerging Ideas
• German International Climate Initiative (includes
• UNEP Risoe
• T-MAPPER for Transport NAMAs
• Various REDD initiatives
• EEA Database of Policies & Measures in Europe
EU Reporting of Policies & Measures
Scope (similar to NAMAs):
objective, status, progress indicators, GHG reductions, other impacts
• Legislation: EU Monitoring
Mechanism Article 3(2)(a)
• Reporting: guidelines to improve
comparability and consistency
• Compilation: compiled and QC’d
by AEA on behalf of EEA
• Publication: searchable on-line
Adaptation Reporting:
International Context (Durban)
“Encourages countries, to the extent possible, to provide
information on their national adaptation plan process through
their national communications, as well as other channels”
Reporting, monitoring and review
Countries should undertake a regular review
To address inefficiencies, incorporating the results of new
assessments and emerging science and reflect lessons learned;
To monitor and review the efforts undertaken, and provide information
in their national communications on the progress made and the
effectiveness of the national adaptation plan process.
Proposed Activities and
Review Existing Practice
• Literature review of
MRV systems in Kenya
MRV systems in other developing countries
International inventory guidelines and lessons learned
Emerging norms of best practice on NAMA
Lessons learned on policy evaluation (e.g. EU)
Outcomes of Durban
• Literature review of adaptation performance indicators
• Recommendations tested via stakeholder interviews
• MRV Systems Review Workshop
Develop Processes for Mitigation
Reporting and Verification
• Mitigation data are used to estimate the benefits of
mitigation actions then measure these benefits
• Specifically, estimate baseline case and the tons secured
by target actions by a given date at a given price
• Build on the international reporting documents, practice
with existing carbon projects in Kenya, and AEA’s
experience with inventories and reporting in Europe
Develop Processes for Adaptation
Reporting and Verification
• Processes more developed for mitigation, so build on this and
integrate adaptation into a mitigation framework, i.e., the Nat Comm
• Define methods to assess adaptation actions
• Many benefits of adaptation actions are non-marketed, requiring a
methodology to make quantitative estimates of net benefits
• Methods must both estimate and measure the benefits of
adaptation actions relative to a control case, i.e., ‘additional’
• To ensure process is cost-effective, couple rapid assessment
methods with very conservative use of data
Develop Mechanisms for Capturing
Adaptation-Mitigation Synergies
• Establish
mechanisms to identify ‘win-win’ and ‘win-win-win’ options
• Foster compilation of case study narratives to convey the significance
of these synergies
• Examine innovative approaches to delivering field-level synergies
• Notably, making these two types of climate finance additive (AF
with either CM or NAMA)
• Could give a stable adaptation component and a market-based
mitigation component
• Could address constraints to scaling up promising local initiatives
• Kisumu agricultural soils project (Vi-Agroforestry),
• World Bank solar lanterns
• MRV/M&E systems review report
– High-level recommendations re what’s needed in Kenya based on current
practice both in Kenya and international best practice
• Roadmap of how to get there
– Guidelines, tools and templates on ...
• Conducting GHG inventory
• How to produce a “+” version MRV/M&E system for Kenya-based adaptation
and mitigation actions that fully incorporates adaptation and A/M synergies
– Guidelines on how to meet international obligations re Nat Comm and BUR
– Tools and templates for estimating and measuring
• Kenya-based adaptation actions (NAPs and non-NAP A initiatives)
• Kenya-based mitigation actions (NAMAs and carbon market initiatives)
• Capacity development plan
• Specify relevant tasks not covered by SC6
Once This Roadmap is Developed...
• Use the UNEP money allocated to support
the Nat Comm process to...
– Flesh out its details based on adaptation and
mitigation priorities
– Establish this system
– Begin implementing it
Alternative Names for This Initiative
• Goal: Catchy, self-explanatory, hopefully even
– Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation
Evaluation (FRAME)
– Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation
Reporting (FRAMiR)
– Kenya Adaptation and Mitigation Evaluation
Framework (KAMEF)
– Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Verification
Framework for Adaptation and Mitigation (MERV)
Capacity Development and SubComponent Interdependencies
Capacity Development Plan (1)
• Raising awareness re....
– Definitions of adaptation, mitigation, A-M synergies
– Significance of adaptation, mitigation, A-M synergies
– Importance of M&E and reporting
• Target audiences
– Those providing datasets
– Those implementing projects or programmes
involving A or M
– Include stakeholders at both national & county levels
Capacity Development Plan (2)
• Training in how to generate and manage
relevant data
– Ways to improve existing datasets / QAQC
– Identification of key data gaps & options to address
– Data collation, storage, analysis, updating
– Use of inventory software
• Technical support to assist stakeholder
institutions bidding for climate finance
Interdependencies (1)
• SC2 Regulatory and policies
– From: SC2 to inform us of relevant existing legislation and policies for
completing our task. Provide a quick legal brief on ways to incentivise adaptation
and mitigation actions
– To: SC6 to provide clarity on our legal needs
• SC3: Adaptation
– SC3 to provide initial ideas on performance indicators and assessment of
adaptation actions
– SC6 to build on SC3 analysis, help flesh out its performance indicators and
mitigation synergies
• SC4: Mitigation
– From: SC4 to provide GHG projections and M scenarios as well as NAMA case
studies to demonstrate the indicators suggested. Will also specify the range of
mitigation actions identified.
– To: SC6 to provide guidelines on conducting internal QC of projections and
mitigation estimates and to develop a MERV framework spanning mitigation,
adaptation and synergies between them
Interdependencies (2)
• SC5: Technology
– To be determined
• SC7: Knowledge management and capacity building
– From: SC7 to seek feedback on overall approach to capacity development;
synthesise SC6 requirements into overall CCAP capacity development plan. Assess
current capacity of relevant govt departments to fulfil requested tasks for SC6
– To: SC6 to identify capacity building needs for completing SC6 and provide ideas on
knowledge management
• SC8: Finance
– From: SC8 to develop climate finance evaluation criteria; consider what data flows
will be provided from funding institution to central reporting system
– To: SC6 to help define its climate finance evaluation criteria and incorporate SC8
approach towards M&E of climate finance into its reporting framework
Direct Dependence on SC3 and SC4
• Our work builds on that of the other Action Plan
subcomponents, most notably SC3 and SC4
• Both originally supposed to identify priority actions, yet
due to changes in their remit SC4 no longer doing this
• A problem for SC6, since it means that we can only
provide generic MRV guidance that will have to be
further elaborated at a later date
Relevant Issues (Time Permitting)
The following slides raise other relevant issues
– Options for elaborating priority actions
– Definitions of ‘adaptation’ and ‘mitigation’
– Is climate change just “old wine in new bottles”?
Options for Elaborating Priority Actions
• Government defines priority actions, then hires
consultants to elaborate framework
• Establish responsive fund that solicits project /
programme bids from diverse institutions, then provides
technical support to foster bankable proposals
– A ‘bottom up’ means to elaborate MRV modalities on a case-by-case
basis in partnership with activity champions
– Contrasts with government determining priorities then asking
stakeholders to follow these
– Benefits include empowering diverse stakeholders, building absorptive
capacity, fostering innovation
– Fits with empowering diverse institutions as a type of adaptation
Another key issue
– Definitions of ‘adaptation’ and ‘mitigation’
– [...]
Is Climate Change just ‘Old Wine
in New Bottles’?
• Don’t think so. Let’s consider the case of ‘climate smart’ agriculture
• Different actions
– Active stewardship of NRs (restoring degraded land, investing in
natural capital, sustainable harvesting)
• Harnessing synergies between different farm components
– CC-specific technologies (drip irrigation, drought-tolerant seeds)
– Diversified livelihoods (on-farm, off-farm), diversified institutions
– Building adaptive capacity (i.e., capacity to respond to change)
• Different delivery mechanisms
– Payments to farmers, e.g., PES for delivery of mitigation services
– Innovative practice risk insurance
Inception Stage
• Contract signed - 20 Feb
• Field appraisal - 20-25 Feb
• Task force meeting – 21 Feb
• COP 17 Durban download – 25 Feb
• SC consultation 27-29 Feb
• Literature review – ongoing
• Face to face meetings - ongoing
Inception Reporting
• Draft inception report to CCS 9 March
• Final inception report completed 13 March
Contact Information
• Jules Siedenburg, Team Leader
• Mobile: 0706 860 143
• Email: [email protected]
• Maureen Wang’ati, Deputy Team Leader
• Mobile: 0722714991
• Email: [email protected]