EIONET air data centre
Transcript EIONET air data centre
SEIS and Data Centres
8th Joint UNECE TFEIP & EIONET Meeting
25 October 2007, Dublin
Definition Data Centre
“an institutionally supported facility
providing convenient access to,
manipulation of, and/or distribution of
data sets pertaining to a specific thematic
area (including supporting information and
expertise) for a community of users.”
(Go4, 2006)
The “Group of 4”
Data and Information
Natrual resources
Land use
Climate Change
data centres
Data centres within SEIS
Operational Data Centres
long-term lifetime not tied to a
specific project
provides information in a supervised
and proofed quality
storing, maintaining, and making
available data for users
adapted for current and expected
user needs
Shared Environmental Information
System (SEIS)
• EEA will be responsible for the
data centre on air
• This data centre must provide
quality assured data at
European level for:
emissions of air pollutants
air quality
….. the data centre on air will have a
wide scope in making data available
A great deal of data also needs to be made available to
users in an integrated way:
National Emission Ceilings (NEC) inventories
CLRTAP inventories Zones in relation to air quality
Summer ozone reporting
Near real time data
AQ Plans and programmes
EPER reporting
IPPC reporting
Spatial modelling of air quality
Spatial modelling of air emissions
EEA work programme
• Design and implement the data centre
on air
• This task will need:
the expertise of ETC Air and Climate
the support of National Reference Centres
on air quality and air emissions
the cooperation of DG Environment,
Eurostat and JRC
What has been done in the last
• New air emissions data-viewer in final
testing stage
• Now Airbase data available to public in
EEA Data Service
• New Airviewer now being tested – will
be available to public with results of
EoI 2007 data collection (2006 data)
maps generated from the stations and
URLs for you to visit
Air Emissions Dataviewer not yet in Demo
EEA Dataservice Airbase tabular data
Draft AQ viewer (new Airview) “look at the
Draft AQ viewer (new Airview) “look at the
And EEA Information Centre …..
• http://eea.europa.eu/enquiries
Emission datasets for potential
inclusion in the air data centre
To each of the identified relevant datasets, a DRAFT priority is
attributed for (potential) inclusion into the data centre.
DRAFT priorities are assigned as follows:
High: Necessary to include the dataset in the data centre
Medium: Valuable to include the dataset in the data centre
Low: Limited value to include the dataset in the data centre
A data set is “included” into the Air Data Centre if:
collection, QA/QC and dissemination of the data set is under
the (joint) responsibility of the Data Centre. The data set
will be disseminated through the common architecture to be
decided on by the Go4. In the mean time, the data set is
disseminated to Go4 and the larger public through the EEA
data service.
Emission datasets for potential
inclusion in the air data centre
NEC Directive – 2001/81/EC (High)
LRTAP Convention & Protocols - EC LRTAP Inventory
EU Monitoring Mechanism/UNFCCC for GHGs - indirect
pollutants (High)
EPER decision - 2000/479/EC (High)
E-PRTR Regulation –2006/166/EC (High/Medium)
IPPC Directive – 96/61/EC Emission limit values (Low)
LCP Directive – 2001/80/EC (Low)
EC Regulation on Persistent Organic Pollutants (Low)
Stockholm Convention on POPs (2001) (Low)
The Eionet PDFs will have the same priority as the
corresponding dataset of the official reporting obligation
assigned earlier
The definition and functions of data
centres is an on-going activity
• A number of definitions are still being
developed and refined across the GO4
e.g. the detailed content scope (for
example should ‘assessment-related’
products such as indicators be
included, the data used in indicators,
or neither if the basic data is already
available within the data centre)?
It’s very much on-going work…!
Thank you